By Jeff Probst
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Hey Guys,

I will be starting your individual jury threads on Friday night after the Opening Statements are due. Feel free to begin drafting up your speeches now so you are ready to post.

There are a couple of ground rules here.

#1. You cannot ask for really long lists of answers, ie: Give us an example of why you love each juror, Go through every player in the game and write a paragraph on their games, etc... Keep in mind there are ten jurors and these guys have to answer each of them in-depth.

#2. Once you post your statements/questions you cannot ask further questions or statements. If at all possible, try to keep it to your opening speech and questions and then a "thank you" after they have answered. You will have the 90 minute live tribal on Sunday to cross-examine and ask further questions.

#3. Your deadline to submit your jury questions/statements is Saturday at 8c/9e pm. Once you post in your thread, I'll ask that you just make one post with your questions/statements to each of the final three if you have any, so please edit that post to exactly how you want it ahead of time. You have 24 hours to do that now so I recommend starting now :)

#4. You are allowed to tell the other jurors what questions you have just incase someone asks the same thing you want to.

#5. Please do not actively try to influence the other jurors here at ponderosa. You can argue the pros and cons of each point or critique their responses, but remember this is an individual vote and you should vote based on YOUR experience, not groupthink.

#6. You should leave a prevote in your confessionals, you can always change it up until the day it is due, but we like to have it just incase someone ghosts on the last day as has happened in the past. So please do that now.
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Jeff Probst

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By Devens
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Where is the best place to give our fellow jurors a heads up about the questions we are asking? Here?
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By Ron
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Jeff - I assume we are putting our pre-votes in same thread as our other votes?


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By Jeff Probst
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Ron wrote: Fri Mar 06, 2020 9:18:06 am Jeff - I assume we are putting our pre-votes in same thread as our other votes?
That is correct, also where you will put your final votes or just confirm your prevotes if it is the same and you're keeping the same comment.
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Jeff Probst

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By Ron
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Hey guys, still working on my statements but here are my questions for the jury:

Charlie - It could be argued that you were more of a goat than Gillian. You always went for the numbers and from my experience, never initiated a plan. How does your strategic game stack compare to Gillian and Michelle, or was your game purely social?

Gillian - You had a chaotic social game that rubbed a lot of people the wrong way, but was mostly harmless. It felt like performance art and not sincere to who you are. With a F3 made up of such a tight alliance based on loyalty and trust, do you think you played an honest game and what other traits makes you a deserving winner?

Michelle - If there was a Final 2 instead of a Final 3, and it was between Charlie and Gillian: who would you vote for as sole survivor and why?
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By Reem
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I'm working on my other questions, but here are mine for Michelle:

1) I would love more elaboration behind some of the strategical moves we made together, especially post merge as that's when all the players reunited, as well as the ones you made after I departed. How did you manipulate other players to get your goal met?

2) Was this your ideal final 3? Please explain why or why not.

3) You talked about your strategy going into the game in your opening comments. Do you feel you were successful in that, or did you have to change your strategy?

4) What would you consider to be your biggest move in the game?

5) What would you consider to be your biggest regret in the game?

6) Another perception since coming to ponderosa is that I ran the game and our alliance of MILFs. Explain why this is/is not the case from your angle and your reasoning to work with me after knowing I was a threat.


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By Reem
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Ron wrote: Fri Mar 06, 2020 3:10:39 pm Hey guys, still working on my statements but here are my questions for the jury:

Charlie - It could be argued that you were more of a goat than Gillian. You always went for the numbers and from my experience, never initiated a plan. How does your strategic game stack compare to Gillian and Michelle, or was your game purely social?

Gillian - You had a chaotic social game that rubbed a lot of people the wrong way, but was mostly harmless. It felt like performance art and not sincere to who you are. With a F3 made up of such a tight alliance based on loyalty and trust, do you think you played an honest game and what other traits makes you a deserving winner?

Michelle - If there was a Final 2 instead of a Final 3, and it was between Charlie and Gillian: who would you vote for as sole survivor and why?
I like these a lot, ron!


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We've been together since day 2 or so, and you've come a LONG way. I am so proud of you! I had no doubt you'd be at the final tribal council. My questions to you are similar to what I asked Michelle, with changes being made on what affect your game play has had on the jury. The perception was that you were a goat, and the comment you made to me the night of Matty's dragging comment was (and I'm paraphrasing, as I didn't keep the chat log), "I don't mind being dragged to the finals if it gets me there." Or something similar to that effect. The jurors felt I was the one you were attached to.

1) Why do you think the perception of you as a goat came to be?

2) What was your biggest move in the game?

3) What was your biggest regret in the game?

4) You made the comment that you hated you missed the idol play time when I was booted. I told you on Matua that you were going to need to make a move to rid the notion of being my goat, whether that was to vote me out or save me. I personally feel that not playing your idol on me was one of the biggest moves you could do. Why would you want to save such a perceived threat in the game, especially after being linked to said threat?

5) What was your game play strategy coming into this game? Was it successful, why or why not?

6) What was your ideal final 3? Explain your reasoning, and how you would have won/lost.

I wish you only the best in life, and I am glad to have gotten to know you! I shared many laughs with you, and some long days and nights. I will always have those memories. Good luck, G!


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By Aurora
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Wow, based on those opening statements, Michelle does not want my vote. She should be a politician the way she spun her relationship with me.
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By Matty
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Aurora wrote: Fri Mar 06, 2020 8:12:29 pm Wow, based on those opening statements, Michelle does not want my vote. She should be a politician the way she spun her relationship with me.
same lmao and i was all in on voting her. ill see how she answers my questions
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By Aurora
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Matty wrote: Fri Mar 06, 2020 8:22:59 pm
Aurora wrote: Fri Mar 06, 2020 8:12:29 pm Wow, based on those opening statements, Michelle does not want my vote. She should be a politician the way she spun her relationship with me.
same lmao and i was all in on voting her. ill see how she answers my questions
Eh she knows she doesn't need it. Just like she didn't need me in the game.. :crine: :crine: ..... :sob: :sob:
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By Reem
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Aurora wrote: Fri Mar 06, 2020 8:12:29 pm Wow, based on those opening statements, Michelle does not want my vote. She should be a politician the way she spun her relationship with me.
That's how I viewed Charlie's. I literally remember very few of our chats, but apparently he and I 'shared power?' Like perception is so weird, or maybe I'm just shit of the earth LOL It's probably the latter.
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By Matty
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Aurora wrote: Fri Mar 06, 2020 8:26:21 pm
Matty wrote: Fri Mar 06, 2020 8:22:59 pm
Aurora wrote: Fri Mar 06, 2020 8:12:29 pm Wow, based on those opening statements, Michelle does not want my vote. She should be a politician the way she spun her relationship with me.
same lmao and i was all in on voting her. ill see how she answers my questions
Eh she knows she doesn't need it. Just like she didn't need me in the game.. :crine: :crine: ..... :sob: :sob:
ehh idk if she has the votes on lock. charlie has a few good supporters
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By Aurora
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Matty wrote: Fri Mar 06, 2020 8:27:39 pm
Aurora wrote: Fri Mar 06, 2020 8:26:21 pm
Matty wrote: Fri Mar 06, 2020 8:22:59 pm

same lmao and i was all in on voting her. ill see how she answers my questions
Eh she knows she doesn't need it. Just like she didn't need me in the game.. :crine: :crine: ..... :sob: :sob:
ehh idk if she has the votes on lock. charlie has a few good supporters
Oh I thought Gillian was going to run away with it............................ :speakno:
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By Matty
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Aurora wrote: Fri Mar 06, 2020 8:28:47 pm
Matty wrote: Fri Mar 06, 2020 8:27:39 pm
Aurora wrote: Fri Mar 06, 2020 8:26:21 pm

Eh she knows she doesn't need it. Just like she didn't need me in the game.. :crine: :crine: ..... :sob: :sob:
ehh idk if she has the votes on lock. charlie has a few good supporters
Oh I thought Gillian was going to run away with it............................ :speakno:
lmaoo we should really all vote gillian just for the shock value


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By Reem
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Aurora wrote: Fri Mar 06, 2020 8:28:47 pm
Matty wrote: Fri Mar 06, 2020 8:27:39 pm
Aurora wrote: Fri Mar 06, 2020 8:26:21 pm

Eh she knows she doesn't need it. Just like she didn't need me in the game.. :crine: :crine: ..... :sob: :sob:
ehh idk if she has the votes on lock. charlie has a few good supporters
Oh I thought Gillian was going to run away with it............................ :speakno:
I know I said this before, but please keep in touch with me lol I have so much tea to spill to you :tea:
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By Aurora
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Matty wrote: Fri Mar 06, 2020 8:29:27 pm
Aurora wrote: Fri Mar 06, 2020 8:28:47 pm
Matty wrote: Fri Mar 06, 2020 8:27:39 pm

ehh idk if she has the votes on lock. charlie has a few good supporters
Oh I thought Gillian was going to run away with it............................ :speakno:
lmaoo we should really all vote gillian just for the shock value
In my exit interview they asked who I wanted to win. I literally said. "For fun? Gillian."
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By Reem
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Matty wrote: Fri Mar 06, 2020 8:29:27 pm
Aurora wrote: Fri Mar 06, 2020 8:28:47 pm
Matty wrote: Fri Mar 06, 2020 8:27:39 pm

ehh idk if she has the votes on lock. charlie has a few good supporters
Oh I thought Gillian was going to run away with it............................ :speakno:
lmaoo we should really all vote gillian just for the shock value
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By Aurora
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Reem wrote: Fri Mar 06, 2020 8:30:13 pm
Aurora wrote: Fri Mar 06, 2020 8:28:47 pm
Matty wrote: Fri Mar 06, 2020 8:27:39 pm

ehh idk if she has the votes on lock. charlie has a few good supporters
Oh I thought Gillian was going to run away with it............................ :speakno:
I know I said this before, but please keep in touch with me lol I have so much tea to spill to you :tea:
:tea: :100: :100:
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