By Joaquin Souberbielle
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Another day another dollar! Only 13 more people stand between you and that sweet prize money. Hopefully you're ready to race the end of this marathon like your life depends on it.

1-Another man out the door. How does Ace's departure impact your game?
2-Break down the trust you have with each member of this tribe. Where do you think your strongest loyalties lie?
3-What alliances are you a part of? do you think these will hold long term? or are they just a mechanism to make the next phase of the game?
4-Merge must be on the horizon at this point. Have you and your allies discussed your plans?
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Joaquin Souberbielle

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By Gillian
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Joaquin Souberbielle wrote: Wed Feb 19, 2020 9:20:07 pm Another day another dollar! Only 13 more people stand between you and that sweet prize money. Hopefully you're ready to race the end of this marathon like your life depends on it.
Thank u Joaquin
1-Another man out the door. How does Ace's departure impact your game?
Well that's a possible ally of Matty's and or Marcus so that could hurt us come merge but it could be beneficial as that's one less guy! However I need Aurora out!!
2-Break down the trust you have with each member of this tribe. Where do you think your strongest loyalties lie?
1.Reem she has my back all the way and has told me the truth about everything,she told me she had an advantage as well!!
2. Marcus he seems to have my back since I had his!! And hopefully that continues!
3.matty I love Matty might be a little untrustworthy but he's been pretty good to me I think!
4. Michelle she's sweet and I think she's sticking to the girls but she could flip!!
5. Lauren she is sweet but something seems off with her! Just can't fully trust her
6 ron- well he wanted Marcus out and then he said me so he's not to be trusted!! We did take out wardog over him and I kinda regret that but wardog was a big threat! I really think he would of had reems and my back for a while then cut us later.

3-What alliances are you a part of? do you think these will hold long term? or are they just a mechanism to make the next phase of the game?
I'm part of the Brady bunch!! That's the all girls alliance but not many alliances have been formed since merge! I see a new one I'm watching as it could be an alliance from our tribe!! This is a means to an end I'm trying to be sweet granny and then strike when I have too!!
4-Merge must be on the horizon at this point. Have you and your allies discussed your plans?
We have been talking about merge and some possible targets!! We know there's some guys we gotta break up but Ron seems to not have anyone left! But that could be a farce!!
:fire: :bomb: :fire: :bomb:


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By Gillian
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Ok so I think Susie has herself in a good spot on the other side! So I'm hoping we both survive till merge and we can reunite cause I miss her! Hoping merge comes soon!!! I still have a penelty vote and a no vote which sucks and still have no clue who these people are I was trying to get info from as I was not doing that! It's so aggravating!


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