By Gary Hogeboom
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Whew, you can smell that finish line now. You have a 1 in 5 chance at joining the list of legendary Stranded winners.

1. It's not jynxing it now to start counting jury votes. Give us a breakdown of your jury votes against various competitors or combinations of competitors at final tribal council.
2. What's your priority right now during this critical endgame? Is there someone you need gone RIGHT NOW? Can you make that happen?
3. At this stage it's difficult to navigate votes with honesty. Who do you trust to tell you if you're in trouble? Who do you suspect has been lying to you and can you possibly believe them this round if they make a pitch?
4. At tribal, Jeff discussed what is known in Stranded as "scooby dooing." We didn't get many responses, but perhaps you'll feel comfortable discussing that here rather than public tribal council Are you planning to scooby doo at FTC? If not, who do you think will try this?

Gary Hogeboom

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By Gillian
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Gary Hogeboom wrote: Tue Mar 03, 2020 10:08:41 pm Whew, you can smell that finish line now. You have a 1 in 5 chance at joining the list of legendary Stranded winners.

1. It's not jynxing it now to start counting jury votes. Give us a breakdown of your jury votes against various competitors or combinations of competitors at final tribal council.
ok this is tough
so i think i get reems vote hands down against everyone!!! michelle even and i think i can get mattys vote against charlie and ron and chris michelle is a toss up aurora hates me and michelle so she will vote anyone whos not us im sure devens i may get against all but chris susie i get against charlie and chris and ronim pretty sure hopefully michelle too eric may give me his vote knowing i was the reason he went out and he may respect that buthe may throw it at chris and lauren well i dont really knowwho she will vote for. Randy might see how hard i played and award me his vote against the others!!! and he knows i am sorry, so

2. What's your priority right now during this critical endgame? Is there someone you need gone RIGHT NOW? Can you make that happen?
so i think i beat chris but who knows i really think i can beat charlie whom i love and well ron is hated by everyone it seems but jurys are uggg u never know if they vote based on game play or bitterness but ron sure was trying to butter me up tonight!!!! i really need to think if michelle is the proper choice for f3 but ive stuck by her, and maybe ron or chris is a better option but fuck i have my F# and we have been together for a long time!!!
3. At this stage it's difficult to navigate votes with honesty. Who do you trust to tell you if you're in trouble? Who do you suspect has been lying to you and can you possibly believe them this round if they make a pitch?
i trust charlie with all my info and michelle ron will blab and chris does what he wants even though i been trying to work with him now that hes alone!!! plus i think i can beat him

4. At tribal, Jeff discussed what is known in Stranded as "scooby dooing." We didn't get many responses, but perhaps you'll feel comfortable discussing that here rather than public tribal council Are you planning to scooby doo at FTC? If not, who do you think will try this?

i have to rearead this or if u can resend this term ill answer this in a seperate post

heres looking to F3 :heart: :heart: :heart:


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By Gillian
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so scooby doo
i mean i kinda feel like charlie would be the scooby doo!!!! he hasnt done much except vote how we want him and be the best damn charlie ever!!!! i mean hes going to the end noone will not take him!!!!! and he will have a solid case of no votes and never being in trouble and he is loved by the jury!!!!
ron may try to pull this out as well!!! because the jury doesn't really like him but hes funny!!! fuck he married me last night!! :crine: :crine: :crine:. i know these people think im a threat now and that worries me but im hoping my connections will get me to the end!!!! so heres hoping that my final 3 poster will be accurate!!!! i would hate to be so close and lose now!!!! and i think i have played a pretty damn good game here!!!!! but i really think i have played a better game than most of these folks left!!!! so i pray i make f3 i need hat immunity now


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By Gillian
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if i am not blindsided and i live im gonna need a good divorce lawyer as i think ron is gonna divorce my ass!!!!! cause i lied to him and i lied to chris so i could be the swing vote and i feel aweful heres hoping i live another day


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