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Episode 10: You Suze, You Lose!

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2020 9:55:04 pm
by Danni Boatwright
Another day, another blindside! And would you believe me if I told you that they only get more intense from here? As we get further into the merge, its time to start thinking about your long term plans and making those plans a reality. let's hash them out here:

1-Do you think you're in a good position to make the end? If you made it there do you think you could argue your case for a win?

2-At this time, who do you think you could beat in a vote? who do you think could beat you?

3-What is your opinion on goats in the game? do you plan on herding them to the end? or do you want to knock them out to make as much room for yourself in the endgame as possible?

Re: Episode 10: You Suze, You Lose!

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2020 10:44:17 pm
by Lauren
Alright I will be back to answer the questions tomorrow morning but I just need to let off some steam and say thank god something actually worked out. I've got a bunch of people mad at me now but idk what they expected me to do. They blindsided me last vote and I wasn't about to just blindly vote with them out of fear of the guys voting all the women out. I'd rather work with the guys and risk going out that way than work my way through only to be way at the bottom of my own alliance. Which already turned on me. I mean maybe I'll end sitting on the jury anyway but I'd rather go out due to my own actions than just wait to be a victim like what would have happened if I stuck to the women. Plus the guys are way more fun to talk to.

Re: Episode 10: You Suze, You Lose!

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2020 10:05:09 am
by Lauren
Right now I'm not positive on my chances to make it to the end but I do think that if I manage that I do have a way stronger case than I did yesterday. Right now there's a giant target on my back from the girls because I flipped even though they did first but whatever. I have to keep an eye on the guys too because I know some are saying they want to work with me going forward but if they think I'm too much of a threat and I might beat them then I wouldn't doubt they'd try to get me out. As of right now I think I'll be OK for a vote or two but once another woman or two goes then I might need to get concerned. Right now I'm less of a threat to them than Reem because I've shown that I will work with them. I've also been playing up the feeling iced out by the girls' alliance so hopefully that helps.

At this point in a vote I think I could beat Eric, Ron, Devens and Gillian pretty easily. The others would be able to have some decently strong cases so I'll have to see how those shake up. Right now my case would be that I flipped when it benefited me and took a few risks but there's still 11 people left so everything can change really easily.

As much as I'd like to bring the goats to the end I don't think that's something that'd be smart for me. If there's an opportunity to take out a goat or two then I'd much rather do that now than get voted out down the line because whoever decided they wanted to go to the end with some of the goats so that they have a better chance at winning. I feel like I might be able to squeak by however, if I point out how everyone has one or two people that they've been close with the entire game and made almost every move with. If they end up in the end with that other person it could end up in votes being split between the two of them and lessons both of their chances of winning. Hopefully that'd be enough to swing them but I suppose we'll have to see as things progress.