By Danni Boatwright
icon_chaos FINAL. 6. We're solidly in the endgame and it's time to play for the win! icon_chaos

1-Rank the remaining players from most likely to win to least likely to win. Where do you see yourself on that list?

2-How important are immunity wins down the final stretch? do you think you'll stand a chance at winning any of them?

3-The jury was out in full force tonight. Did any of their reactions surprise you? do you think it's their true feelings or are they just messing with you?

As always, feel free to leave any other thoughts or comments here as well. Finish strong!

Danni Boatwright

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By Michelle
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I'm going to make this ranking assuming each player makes it to the final three. Here is what I think:
1. Chris
2. Me
3. Ron
4. Charlie
5. Gillian
6. Randy
Obviously my biggest threats right now are Chris and Ron, so those are the people who I am gunning for tonight.

I'm trying to convince myself that winning immunity isn't that important any more, because I suck at challenges. lol. I'm going to have to rely on my social game from here on out for sure.

I think the jury is being a little but stupid about how they are using emojis. Putting poop emojis after Ron and Randy's comments give the impression that they are disliked by the jury, making people want to keep them in the game more. If they really wanted to help me and Gillian out, they'd put poop emojis under our comments, so that we could be more convincing when we tell people still left in the game that we wouldn't have the jury votes.

I'm pretty scared for FTC to be honest, but it would feel so horrible to lose now, when I'm so close to the end. At this point I am sticking with a Gillian/Charlie final three, but I need to make nice with Randy too since he stands a very good chance of winning the last competition.


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