10th Place - Voted Out 9-1 - 4th Juror
By Danni Boatwright
One down, many more to go! Congrats on surviving your first weekend in the Kuril islands. It looks like the game is ramping up, and we have a couple questions for you about tonight's events.

1-Walk us through the immunity challenge. What was your team's approach, and do you think you worked well together?
2-The tribe rankings afforded the lowest ranking tribe member the opportunity to jump ship and neither person took the offer. do you think this was the right choice?
3-Any fun drama related to the tribe rankings? Spill for us. We're thirsty for some drama.
4-With Victoria gone, it appears we have 19 active players in this game. how does this effect your strategy moving forward?
5-If you could vote one person out right now for an extremely petty reason, who would it be and why?

Danni Boatwright

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By Matty
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So I peep the little tribe ranking.. and its just shock of terror. Idk if people had certain strategies going into their decision, but being second last is not a good sign. Especially when i THOUGHT i was making a good impression with everyone. This is definitely a wake up call. The alliance I'm in is definitely not the only one. Everyone is playing harder that it seems and if i don't get on their level i could be going home.. right now im gonna take it as a good thing and hope no one sees me as any sort of social threat but ya that wasnt cute.


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By Matty
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So.. i try to branch out a little more and talk some game with Eric. I don't know if he's against me or just a full on dumbass. We've been here for almost a week and you think there's no alliances? Stop the fucking bullshit. What that's telling me is I am not apart of Eric's plans moving forward. I have my group of five, but I'm feeling a little insecure about it. You can never let your guard down on survivor. There could be and probably are multiple other opposing groups. I need some real bases before we hit tribal or I might be fucked.


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By Matty
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1- nibbled a whole in the box
2 by his pillow case
3 little boy
4 tiny silver model of a ship
5 the dog
6 his own place
7 top of the mountain that stands at the end of the world
8 he did not follow creatures


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