10th Place - Voted Out 9-1 - 4th Juror
By Joaquin Souberbielle
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Another day another dollar! Only 13 more people stand between you and that sweet prize money. Hopefully you're ready to race the end of this marathon like your life depends on it.

1-Another man out the door. How does Ace's departure impact your game?
2-Break down the trust you have with each member of this tribe. Where do you think your strongest loyalties lie?
3-What alliances are you a part of? do you think these will hold long term? or are they just a mechanism to make the next phase of the game?
4-Merge must be on the horizon at this point. Have you and your allies discussed your plans?

Joaquin Souberbielle

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By Matty
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1: its a step in the right direction. i didnt have much of a connection with him. he probably wouldnt have worked with me. yay for his departure.
2: i think i have options. i feel closest with reem, lauren, michelle and to a lesser extent charlie and gillian. marcus and ron are on the bottom as far as im concerned. i think everything is smooth right now, one of them should be the next to go.
3: quite a few.. i have a trio with reem and gillian, a trio with michelle and lauren, and an alliance with chris randy charlie. also close with susie. im gonna take things one day at a time and just see where the cards fall.


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By Matty
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so the other night im minding my business and come on to see michelle frantically begging for her life in the game.. what the fuck? apparently marcus of all people created a plan to go after her and REEM relayed it back and included my name in it. i was a little worried that it could ruin my relationship with mich/lauren, so i felt the need to reinforce that relationship with a three person alliance. im still not sure how much they trust me, but they seem thankful to have me and thats all that matters. i do plan on putting my trust into them and going for with them, i havent lied at all to them. im just not sure they believe me when different stories are coming their way from a bunch of different people. marcus is being really messy, and it could be the reason he leaves before ron. we'll just have to see how the next few hours go down.


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By Matty
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after the really high high of being able to talk to everyone, things have mellowed out a lot and im starting to reflect on how ive been playing. am i acting too cocky? am i really in a power position? will i end up looking like an idiot? i think my best course of action is to move a little slower, and really dissect everything thats going on. im not the only one playing this game, there are more than likely plans going on behind my back and i need to start thinking about who each individual trusts and what their plans are moving forward, as well as if im actually in them. its easy to take everything at face value and believe you have multiple ins, but for all i know im being lied to. you can not get comfortable in survivor, and i think i need to make some changes quick or else i could be one of the next to go.


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By Matty
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so right before the challenge i approach both reem and micheel about throwing the challenge. its the plan that makes the most sense. marcus is someone none of us trust, other than gill and he also has ties to the other side. if we vote him out, we have gillian all to herself and gillian will get a vote at the following tribal which might be in the merge! i dont know whats happening on yellow, and i dont want to risk someone i can work with going home. it just makes sense. which is why im confused why more people aren't biting.. especially reem. i dont think theres other plans going around, so this is the perfect time to take out someone not in our group. only thing i can think of is they might want to actually use marcus moving forward. i told them i was going to try tonight... yes im gonna try, ill be trying to lose to the best of my ability.


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