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Episode 10: You Suze, You Lose!

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2020 9:53:08 pm
by Danni Boatwright
Another day, another blindside! And would you believe me if I told you that they only get more intense from here? As we get further into the merge, its time to start thinking about your long term plans and making those plans a reality. let's hash them out here:

1-Do you think you're in a good position to make the end? If you made it there do you think you could argue your case for a win?

2-At this time, who do you think you could beat in a vote? who do you think could beat you?

3-What is your opinion on goats in the game? do you plan on herding them to the end? or do you want to knock them out to make as much room for yourself in the endgame as possible?

Re: Episode 10: You Suze, You Lose!

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2020 8:51:10 am
by Chris

WHY did this make me laugh so hard

Re: Episode 10: You Suze, You Lose!

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2020 10:42:17 am
by Chris
Danni Boatwright wrote: Mon Feb 24, 2020 9:53:08 pm Another day, another blindside! And would you believe me if I told you that they only get more intense from here? As we get further into the merge, its time to start thinking about your long term plans and making those plans a reality. let's hash them out here:
I’m so happy Susie went home! I don’t even really know whose plan it was tbh but it just kind of came together. It was like Matty, Lauren and I were all down to vote out Susie and just needed a plan of action to make it come to life.

Matty did such a fan-fucking-tastic job at manipulating the entire cast into splitting their votes on Eric/Devens while we created a counter group to snipe Susie.

I’ve now worked in tandem with Lauren and Matty for two rounds and I feel pretty good about them. They’ve both been nothing but honest and loyal to me so I’ve been giving that right back to them.

My only problem was doing damage control with Charlie and Ron. I know I’ve been singing praises about Charlie, but I can’t shake the fact that I’m not as important to him as he was to me. I didn’t tell him or Ron about me voting Susie because none of them seemed keen on voting anyone from that side. I even pitched a Susie vote to Ron and he was like “hard pass.”

I basically stayed up until 1am making sure Charlie and Ron felt good with me. I don’t know if it worked, but it ended with them both saying they didn’t care and Ron was PISSED at Matty. I want to continue working with them so I don’t want to burn those bridges. Despite the Aurora and Susie vote, I’m still hoping us three can work together.

The entire cast seems to be somewhat OK with me getting out Susie. I guess it’s no secret that Eric’s my bae and I’d do whatever I can to keep him around. I openly tell people he’s my friend and I’m not voting him out and so far it’s been fine? Maybe people perceive us as being on the bottom so they’re fine with the association. Either way, Eric’s my true ride or die and I just am ashamed of myself for only figuring it out at Final 11.
Danni Boatwright wrote: Mon Feb 24, 2020 9:53:08 pm 1-Do you think you're in a good position to make the end? If you made it there do you think you could argue your case for a win?
I think it’s far too early to tell if I’m in a good spot. It’s only Final 11 and there’s a lot more fluidity to be had. I do think I’m in a good spot, so long as people don’t compare notes about me. I do, however, feel like I’ve done a decent job at giving up tid-bits or information to others to make them believe I’m with them above everyone.

1. Eric
2. Matty / Lauren
3. Charlie / Ron
4. Randy

I think that’s the order of who I trust and want to work with. With Ron pissed at Matty, I’m hoping that’ll be the narrative for this round and (possibly?) Eric and I’s name won’t come up.
Danni Boatwright wrote: Mon Feb 24, 2020 9:53:08 pm 2-At this time, who do you think you could beat in a vote? who do you think could beat you?
I still think it’s too early to tell! No one cares about anyone’s pre-merge game and only two full merge rounds have occurred. I love the guy to absolute death, but I do think I could beat Eric at FTC.

I’m not one to play a villainous or sneaky game so if I could just make FTC with my best friend and have a good chance to win? I’m totally down for that.

I think he’s the only one and, maybe Charlie, I’d have a decent shot against. Both top allies of mine that I just hope want to play with me that far.
Danni Boatwright wrote: Mon Feb 24, 2020 9:53:08 pm 3-What is your opinion on goats in the game? do you plan on herding them to the end? or do you want to knock them out to make as much room for yourself in the endgame as possible?
I like to send them to the slaughter house. I don’t play an OTT compbeast or strategic mastermind game, but I think my social game is pretty good. I have a habit in these games of getting killed at merge for a likability status (which is ironic because if I’m so likable why do they want to kill me lol) so I plan to use that in my favor if that happens. I think there’s a few goats in this game already that people wouldn’t vote for, Devens, Eric, Gillian, Charlie, but I’d only target Gilly and Devens from that group.

If you’re a goat or not, that’s not how I plan. I guess I should be more hardcore, but whatever. I just like playing with the people I enjoy and like and making it as far as we can together. :smile: If I consider you an ally then I’ll do any and everything to try and make sure you stay.

Re: Episode 10: You Suze, You Lose!

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2020 3:01:52 pm
by Chris
Tonight's going to be another messy vote I feel. Sigh.

Matty's pushing Ron?
The girls want Eric for a third time in a row?

I don't want to vote either of them out, smh. I'd rather keep Eric over Ron, but if they both can survive that'd be sweet.

Re: Episode 10: You Suze, You Lose!

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2020 4:25:49 pm
by Chris
I feel like all my votes go:

Is the other option Eric? Well, going the other way then, gl!