- Tue Feb 11, 2020 8:58:11 pm
And another one gone! A few questions for you as we head into an easy day "off" and the third round of the game!
1-So far you've won two immunity challenges and are up in the numbers! Has this lead to a sense of tribe unity? or are you sensing cracks in ranks?
2-Who are you currently feeling closest to on the tribe?
3-Are you planning on being Taraku strong for as long as you can? Or do you have bigger plans for your game?
4-Who are you rooting for in Winners at War?
And another one gone! A few questions for you as we head into an easy day "off" and the third round of the game!
1-So far you've won two immunity challenges and are up in the numbers! Has this lead to a sense of tribe unity? or are you sensing cracks in ranks?
2-Who are you currently feeling closest to on the tribe?
3-Are you planning on being Taraku strong for as long as you can? Or do you have bigger plans for your game?
4-Who are you rooting for in Winners at War?