8th Place - Voted Out 5-3 - 6th Juror
By Danni Boatwright
Another day, another blindside! And would you believe me if I told you that they only get more intense from here? As we get further into the merge, its time to start thinking about your long term plans and making those plans a reality. let's hash them out here:

1-Do you think you're in a good position to make the end? If you made it there do you think you could argue your case for a win?

2-At this time, who do you think you could beat in a vote? who do you think could beat you?

3-What is your opinion on goats in the game? do you plan on herding them to the end? or do you want to knock them out to make as much room for yourself in the endgame as possible?

Danni Boatwright

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By Eric
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Hello, sorry for not anserwing for yesterdays questions. I had rough day.

So yesterday's vote surely was a nice suprise. To be honest i wasn't 100% sure it would work but it did and now we have majority ( i hope so ).

Am i in good position right now? I don't know it is too early to tell but if i can vote out Ron, Reem, Devens and Lauren then i will have pretty good chances to getting to the end . Well if think i played pretty good game for now, i did blindside, i wanted to throw challanges, i got lauren to our alliances giving us numbers and i just playing the game. I made enemies, my name was almost on every Tribal council i attended and i am still here. If i can survive this week, i think i can get to the end.

Well obviously Gillian. I mean everybody will beat here, she has no chances at winning this game. Well, there is couple of people i think could beat me. I think it is Lauren, Reem, Matty, maybe even Chris but i dont know about that last one.

They are in every game and they are a part of the game. They are made to take to the end. Of course i plan to take goats to the end. Well, at least one so i would have to struggle with one person in the FTC. You can't take all the goats because then you will be the target you need to keep that ideal proportion you know. Some players who play the game and some players that are just extra vote.

What i think i need to do now is to lay low for some time. I know i am a threat and people want me out, so i want to let other people play the game for now. At the right time i will strike and guarantee myslef spot in the end


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