8th Place - Voted Out 5-3 - 6th Juror
By Danni Boatwright
One down, many more to go! Congrats on surviving your first weekend in the Kuril islands. It looks like the game is ramping up, and we have a couple questions for you about tonight's events.

1-Walk us through the immunity challenge. What was your team's approach, and do you think you worked well together?
2-The tribe rankings afforded the lowest ranking tribe member the opportunity to jump ship and neither person took the offer. do you think this was the right choice?
3-Any fun drama related to the tribe rankings? Spill for us. We're thirsty for some drama.
4-With Victoria gone, it appears we have 19 active players in this game. how does this effect your strategy moving forward?
5-If you could vote one person out right now for an extremely petty reason, who would it be and why?

Danni Boatwright

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By Eric
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So the challenge was though, everybody gave 100%, we divided puzzle piece by hteir colors and then we... i am just kidding, Devens went fcking Albert Einstein mode and did the puzzle in 2 minutes i think and we won.

Well, i don't know about Aurora but In my opinion Devens made good choice. After the challenege I, chris, wardog and charlie talked with him and he joined ours alliance so he don't have to woory about his future in tribe despite Being last in ranking.

I don't think so, sorry no drama that i know about so i won't give you anyhing, sorry

Well, it's still early in the game, i don't think people think about strategy yet but having this numbers advantage is sweet when we hit the merge or swap so i think it will be good to winning challenges for now despite me wanting to go to tribal and see dynamics in our group and to get to know if rest of our tribe made an alliance or they will just try to make some thight connections.

To be honest, it would be Randy. He seems like he is here as a punishment and he seems harsh but maybe it's just my view because i didn't talked with him much.


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By Danni Boatwright
Eric wrote: Mon Feb 10, 2020 1:18:01 pm After the challenege I, chris, wardog and charlie talked with him and he joined ours alliance so he don't have to woory about his future in tribe despite Being last in ranking.
Can you tell us how this alliance came together? Do you think you'll be able to hold this group together and form a majority if you wind up at tribal?

Danni Boatwright

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By Eric
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So i talked with wardog about some plan in case we hit tribal, i proposed to form a group of me, wardog, chris and charlie then i talked with them and they agreeded. After the tribal i talked with everybody about getting Devens in after his performance in challenege and charlie talked with him and he was in. I think we are pretty solid right now we will see if this last when we hit tribal. AS to forming majority it is already 5 of us so i thnk we can do it after first vote,


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