8th Place - Voted Out 5-3 - 6th Juror
By Ziggy Lichman
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A close vote, an idol play, and a girl out the door!

1. Were you shocked by the way the vote went? Or was it just another day in the office
2. What did you make of the answers at today's challenge? Do you think any of sins given to you tribe mates were inaccurate?
3. As the numbers get smaller, the merge becomes focused on people's minds. Do you believe the merge dynamics will be defined by the original men vs women tribes, the swap tribes, or something else entirely?
4. Who do you think is the person you can trust the most on this tribe? Is that person also who you trust the most in the entire game? Do you see yourself in the end with this person?

Ziggy Lichman

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By Eric
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I would lied if i said that this was another day in the office but it was not all luck either. We can call it calculated risk.. I think.

That challenge certainly make me paranoid a little no doubt that. Randy putting me as greed was the reason, i thought that he was the one who sold us out and that is why he wasn't told new plan but it emerged that Randy was definetly more random with this challange than his honest because he sticked to the original plan when we hit tribal, so now i feel like an idiot for leaving him behind and i can only hope he is not mad and he is still willing to work with us. I must say it is almost end of second week and i still can't read his intensions.

Well, i know that when it comes to me it certainly will not be swap tribe vs swipe tribe. Before merge i want to vote out susie and aurora so that girls can't get any info what was happening here and i want to get togheter old Taraku ( not everyone tho ) so we can have majority and get them to throught that merge untill we vote off all the women. I know it all sounds sexist but they cannot be trusted, they are devious, manipulative and are all liers. One of them was cheating, come on how can you be such a bit.. ahh nevermnid.

I 100% trust Chris, he is my number one ally on atlasova and in the entire game but i am not sure i want to sit next to him in the end. I play to win and he is very charismatic guy and i am affraid that his social game can beat my stratigic game in the end.


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By Loveita
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Hello! Lurker here with a couple of mid episode questions for you!

1. What was your reaction when you read the challenge rules? Did you have a plan going into it? What did you hope would happen?
2. How did you feel about the outcome of the challenge? What do you think of your tribemates’ decisions?
3. You’ve got tribal in less than 24 hours. Is it scramble time? What’s your dream plan? What are your chances of pulling it off?

As always, feel free to share any thoughts you have as they spontaneously fill your head!


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By Eric
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To be honest, when i read the challenge rules i felt like it was fiath, like i needed to do this. Before the challenge we discussed throwing todays challenge to vote out susie but the boys were still hasitating, so we couldn't get to an agreement. I hoped that one of us would take it leaving girls without immunity.

I felt really good, it was something i wanted to happen. I think they might have been angry at me at the beginning but now i feel that they understood how dangerous oponnents we are facing and that we need to make some moves right now to stay in game.

Well that 24 hours can mess thinks up because girls won't stop fighting for her lifes. The dream plan is to vote out susie and to keep boys strong and i think we have pretty good chances of pulling off our plan.


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By Eric
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I would lie if i told you that i am not nervous. Even with immunity i am worried about my boys and i still have those thought that maybe something will go wrong.

I want it wo be an easy vote, no hasitation simple plan we either vote all on the same person or split it 3-2 just in case of another idol which i don't know if was re-hidden but there should be a clue if that was the case.

It's Susie, she is just to cocky and she said things i got it as threat

1. assuming we glide through the next few challenges and make the merge, the remaining Taraku tribe is goign to look very different

2.i know i'm not the most strategic player, but you've been really nice to me and I want to let you know that when we get to the merge, I can sway the women and whatever guys theyve got at that point, away from voting for you.

Those two messeges i got on day 2 of our new started relation


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