8th Place - Voted Out 5-3 - 6th Juror
By Danni Boatwright
:fire: Congrats on making the merge AND surviving your first tribal council on Matua! :fire:

Making the merge is a big deal in stranded. This is where you'll cement yourself as an all time great, or an all time goat. The choice is yours :) Enjoy your weekend and getting to know the rest of your cast that made this milestone with you! We'll be checking in periodically to ask you more questions as we think of them

1-Now that you're reunited with tribe mates who swapped onto the other tribe, what is your plan? Are you more loyal to OG tribal alliances, or have you made better connections post swap?

2-What kind of game are you looking to play here at merge? the social butterfly? the cool headed strategist? challenge beast? what do you think best suits your personality to make the end?

3- Merge councils are known for their unpredictability, huge moves and dramas, do you anticipate having to confront fellow tribe mates if your neck is on the line?

4-Are you having fun?

Danni Boatwright

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By Eric
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I feel great, talking to our boys, sad marcus was voted out before we could reunite but it happens. I am 100% loyal to OG but i think we need to get some extra numbers from the girls and i think confidentialy that some of girls show will help me in doing that. I mean there is already michelle talking to me about flipping on girls. I must say i felt down after Ace was voted out but now i feel like on top of the world agian.

Strategist. It will always be strategist. I mean what fun are you having being just another number. Sure social game is important but it is strategy when most of the game happens and if you don't do it, you are just a vote nothing more, no matter how good of a social player you are. Yeah winning couple of challenges would be nice but i wont tryhard in those.

As i said once, i would rather die standing than live begging on my knees. If my neck is on the line i will fight and if i have to i will confront anyone at tribal

Well, yeah. It is once in a lifetime experience to play this game ( unless i will be asked back). Time gap is sometimes irritating but i am having so much fun . The strategy, emiotions, blindsides it is dream comming true.
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