8th Place - Voted Out 5-3 - 6th Juror
By Danni Boatwright
Final 10 baby! You've successfully outlasted half of the cast and are well on your way to the end!

1-another split vote! Who do you think voted with you? who voted against you? anyone surprise you with their decision?

2-The votes have seemed chaotic from an outsider's perspective. Are there clear lines on who is working with who? or are the lines constantly shifitng?

3-Did you learn anything about your standing in the tribe during tonight's challenge?

4-who is your biggest competition in the game?

Any other thoughts? comments? insults? please share them with us :)


Danni Boatwright

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By Eric
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Well, it was supposed to be Ron going home yesterday but Matty decided he wants to play bot sides of the tribe and flipped his vote but now everybody knows about his lies and we all want him out so there s that.

I think there are clear lines but you can never be 100 % sure if noone will flip. One small thing can chnage someones mind and they might want to change their alliance.

Well, i dont know if i learnt something. I thought i would be targeted to be honest because i heard my name being thrown before challenge but in the end basiclly noone was gunning for me and i claimed victory. I dont know what to think about it.

I think it is Ron, Reem, Matty and Lauren right now. If i get those out, i have pretty good chances to win this game

Final 10, it is pretty good for someone who was expected to be the first boot. Well i have a lot of fun here and i hope i will have much more in upcoming days.


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