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Episode 08: Matua Begins

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2020 10:21:58 pm
by Danni Boatwright
:fire: Congrats on making the merge AND surviving your first tribal council on Matua! :fire:

Making the merge is a big deal in stranded. This is where you'll cement yourself as an all time great, or an all time goat. The choice is yours :) Enjoy your weekend and getting to know the rest of your cast that made this milestone with you! We'll be checking in periodically to ask you more questions as we think of them

1-Now that you're reunited with tribe mates who swapped onto the other tribe, what is your plan? Are you more loyal to OG tribal alliances, or have you made better connections post swap?

2-What kind of game are you looking to play here at merge? the social butterfly? the cool headed strategist? challenge beast? what do you think best suits your personality to make the end?

3- Merge councils are known for their unpredictability, huge moves and dramas, do you anticipate having to confront fellow tribe mates if your neck is on the line?

4-Are you having fun?

Re: Episode 08: Matua Begins

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2020 8:31:34 am
by Ron
Danni Boatwright wrote: Thu Feb 20, 2020 10:21:58 pm :fire: Congrats on making the merge AND surviving your first tribal council on Matua! :fire:

Making the merge is a big deal in stranded. This is where you'll cement yourself as an all time great, or an all time goat. The choice is yours :) Enjoy your weekend and getting to know the rest of your cast that made this milestone with you! We'll be checking in periodically to ask you more questions as we think of them

1-Now that you're reunited with tribe mates who swapped onto the other tribe, what is your plan? Are you more loyal to OG tribal alliances, or have you made better connections post swap?

2-What kind of game are you looking to play here at merge? the social butterfly? the cool headed strategist? challenge beast? what do you think best suits your personality to make the end?

3- Merge councils are known for their unpredictability, huge moves and dramas, do you anticipate having to confront fellow tribe mates if your neck is on the line?

4-Are you having fun?
Me when Marcus got the boot:

1 - What's funny Is I thought Chris would be a bigger target, but now I am working with him. I didn't know he was so close to Ace, so he's on the outs. Between my trust in him and Michelle, I feel on the right side of the numbers. I have no loyalty to sticking to either of the tribes. I am thinking 2-4 votes out at any given time. I am trying to get to know Susie and Aurora to see if I can work with them. Big targets right now I think are Devens, Eric, Aurora.

2 - Cool headed strategist? I haven't been very good at the challenges so far lol.. But I think my ability to think ahead is what will differentiate me. So far everyone has been panicking and freaking out at the vote which causes a lot of chaos but ultimately works in my favor since I am one making decisions.

3 - Let's just say I have no problem calling people out on lies and bullshit :) And if you cross me, any loyalty goes out the window.

4- Maybe too much! This is beginning to take over my life a bit :rofl: :cool:

Re: Episode 08: Matua Begins

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2020 7:26:27 pm
by Danni Boatwright

Re: Episode 08: Matua Begins

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2020 7:42:37 pm
by Ron
:loveeyes: Thanks Danni <3