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Episode 15: Blindsides GaLauren

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2020 10:02:11 pm
by Danni Boatwright
icon_chaos FINAL. 6. We're solidly in the endgame and it's time to play for the win! icon_chaos

1-Rank the remaining players from most likely to win to least likely to win. Where do you see yourself on that list?

2-How important are immunity wins down the final stretch? do you think you'll stand a chance at winning any of them?

3-The jury was out in full force tonight. Did any of their reactions surprise you? do you think it's their true feelings or are they just messing with you?

As always, feel free to leave any other thoughts or comments here as well. Finish strong!

Re: Episode 15: Blindsides GaLauren

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2020 2:19:34 pm
by Ron
1-Rank the remaining players from most likely to win to least likely to win. Where do you see yourself on that list?

If FTC was tomorrow, I would say
1 (most likely) - Chris
2 - Gillian
3 - Michelle
4 - Ron
5 - Charlie
6 - Randy

2-How important are immunity wins down the final stretch? do you think you'll stand a chance at winning any of them?

I hope so! I have sucked so hard so far. I sorta need to pull one out tonight. I think Michelle is up to something shady, and it could be an opportunity to blindside her and eliminate that threat. Or I can eliminate Chris and his mind games.

3-The jury was out in full force tonight. Did any of their reactions surprise you? do you think it's their true feelings or are they just messing with you?

No, but I do wonder how much they are trolling us. Reem is annoying AF with her emojis LOL. I am glad I voted her off. I have no idea what they are thinking, and honestly I don't care. I am worried about how I get to the final, then how I make me case. The jury can't actually influence that, they just decide on the end. All I can do is get myself to the end by any means necessary.

I am gonna have to throw a hail mary tonight. I might have to do some heavy metal deception with my friend Charlie. Let's hope he buys it.