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Episode 16: The Randyman Can(not)

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2020 10:10:08 pm
by Gary Hogeboom
Whew, you can smell that finish line now. You have a 1 in 5 chance at joining the list of legendary Stranded winners.

1. It's not jynxing it now to start counting jury votes. Give us a breakdown of your jury votes against various competitors or combinations of competitors at final tribal council.
2. What's your priority right now during this critical endgame? Is there someone you need gone RIGHT NOW? Can you make that happen?
3. At this stage it's difficult to navigate votes with honesty. Who do you trust to tell you if you're in trouble? Who do you suspect has been lying to you and can you possibly believe them this round if they make a pitch?
4. At tribal, Jeff discussed what is known in Stranded as "scooby dooing." We didn't get many responses, but perhaps you'll feel comfortable discussing that here rather than public tribal council Are you planning to scooby doo at FTC? If not, who do you think will try this?

Re: Episode 16: The Randyman Can(not)

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2020 8:27:18 pm
by Ron
1. It's not jynxing it now to start counting jury votes. Give us a breakdown of your jury votes against various competitors or combinations of competitors at final tribal council.

I am hoping for one of two scenarios:

Me vs Michelle vs Charlies

Votes for me: Chris, Eric, Aurora, Randy
Michelle: Gillian, Reem, Susie, Lauren, Devens, Matty, Gillian

Me Vs Chris vs Charlie
Me: Gillian, Michelle, Reem, Susie, Randy
Chris: Eric, Aurora, Lauren, Devens, Maty

I literally have NO IDEA if this is accurate. Charlie probably sweeps it in both scenarios lol.

2. What's your priority right now during this critical endgame? Is there someone you need gone RIGHT NOW? Can you make that happen?

Getting out Michelle. I need to convince G or Charlie that she is the bigger jury threat, which I still believe she is.

3. At this stage it's difficult to navigate votes with honesty. Who do you trust to tell you if you're in trouble? Who do you suspect has been lying to you and can you possibly believe them this round if they make a pitch?

Chris, since he is not on my side and it benefits him to have me on his side. Everyone else has been honest with me.

4. At tribal, Jeff discussed what is known in Stranded as "scooby dooing." We didn't get many responses, but perhaps you'll feel comfortable discussing that here rather than public tribal council Are you planning to scooby doo at FTC? If not, who do you think will try this?

No, But I am a big target so I have to keep my cards close to my chest. I am being very careful with what I reveal, especially to such a bitter jury. Now that there are no idols. I can be a bit more bold. Let's see how this plays out!