By Danni Boatwright
Hey all! Hopefully you had a chance to practice the image tag puzzles in your preseason threads. We also wanted to give you a chance to practice some more mobile friendly puzzles used in other seasons. Feel free to give these a go and post them in your confessionals!

24 piece puzzle with no rotation:

42 piece puzzle with no rotation:

48 piece puzzle with rotated pieces:

Note: in these challenges we normally ask for an imgur link, but PLEASE be careful that your posted images outside of your confessionals do not include any sort of username or other information that could break alias!

Danni Boatwright

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By Reem
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I struggled with the rotations! My pieces kept rotating all randomly when I was trying to move the pieces. Going forward I'll probably do the puzzles on a computer. The monkey one was definitely the most difficult!


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