19th place | 8-0 vote
By Danni Boatwright

Welcome to the all women's Atlasova tribe! Hopefully you're hitting it off with the rest of your tribe because for the next 30 some days these people will determine your fate in the game. Just a few questions to ponder as we head into the weekend.

1-How do you feel about the tribe split? do you think there are any advantages to being on an all female tribe? any disadvantages?
2-Who on the tribe are you meshing with? who could you do without?
3-what is your general strategy for the tribal portion of the game? are you looking for a tight alliance, or just going with the flow?
4-Jeff announced that the tribe will be rating each other from most important to least important. Where do you think you'll fall on the spectrum? Do you think there is a benefit to being near the top? near the bottom?

Best of luck! We're so excited to watch you play!

Danni Boatwright

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By Julie
I made it through the first night! What a night, I think there were some stumbles, but I'm really happy with where I am after the first day.

I feel like I keep making the same joke, but I feel like the opposite of Natalie Anderson, who thought it was MenvWomen due to how they were sequestered, and here I am thinking that maybe we aren't really an all woman tribe? But we are! And it seems like we actually are all women from what I gather, even though I remember that our characters might not be the same gender as us, so I'm still slightly skeptical.

I believe I have landed myself in a majority alliance! Reem, Gillian, Jacquie, Crystal and I formed a little group, and after some discussion, we added Susie. It was fascinating to see how strongly Jacquie and Crystal felt about Susie over Michelle. At fist I was leaning towards Michelle because I though Susie hadn't replied to me, but she had and I just missed it. I will keep in mind that it seems like Jacquie and Crystal are especially close to Susie.

Reem formed a little chat room for us, and it did take me awhile to get the hang of it, especially going back and forth on different private chat rooms, and I AM PRETTY SURE I am the one who fucked it up and accidentally created a room named after our password on accident, which lead to the creation of the room labeled "mess." I was about to admit to it, but thought better of it, hopefully they can't tell it was me!

I really like Reem and Crystal, trying to form close bonds with them as they seem to be really into the game and friendly. I am a bit wary of them, especially Reem, because of how good they are so far! Reem has already been feeding me a little intel about who's with who as well as who has been lurking on pages, possibly looking for an idol. I'm trying not to show my cards.

Those lurkers were Aurora and Gillian....and I have thoughts. I thought I might get along with Aurora because of their joke in the signing of the rules, but they just kinda let the convo die....and Gillian is super weird. Like going into empty rooms just to say hi, messaging with just hi. You have to give me more than that! I think they might be socially awkward, but I also just don't trust them, if they reached out to me right away they reached out to everyone! And not with enough to make me really want to work with them. I think Reem is also skeptical. I am staying strong with my alliance now, but I know who I would turn on first if need be.

I do still want to build relationships with others outside of my alliance, particularity Michelle, so I have options and can get intel. I need to get closer to Jacquie...not sure I trust her, and if she doesn't get to know me I can see her cutting me. She seems like a real gamer.



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By Julie
As far as the rankings go... I think it's going to be interesting. It will be a real test to see who is being honest about our alliance, and what tricks the Stranded Gods have in store for us....

Reem read my mind, she was unsure if our alliance of 6 was being truthful....but maybe she is just trying to test me...


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