18th place | 4-3-1 vote
By Danni Boatwright

Welcome to the all women's Atlasova tribe! Hopefully you're hitting it off with the rest of your tribe because for the next 30 some days these people will determine your fate in the game. Just a few questions to ponder as we head into the weekend.

1-How do you feel about the tribe split? do you think there are any advantages to being on an all female tribe? any disadvantages?
2-Who on the tribe are you meshing with? who could you do without?
3-what is your general strategy for the tribal portion of the game? are you looking for a tight alliance, or just going with the flow?
4-Jeff announced that the tribe will be rating each other from most important to least important. Where do you think you'll fall on the spectrum? Do you think there is a benefit to being near the top? near the bottom?

Best of luck! We're so excited to watch you play!

Danni Boatwright

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By Jacquie
I like the tribe split rather a lot—gender gives people something pretty quick and easy to bond over—and honestly it’s especially easy to root against guys. Not to sound super Ami Cusack or anything but also, she’s amazing and beautiful why would I not want to sound like her.

People I’ve been meshing with—several actually, the main ones being Crystal and Reem, but I’ve also got a nice alliance with them along with Susie, Gillian, and Julie. They’re all absolutely lovely. I wouldn’t say I’m particularly not meshing with anyone right now, but who knows.

I genuinely have no idea where I’m going to fall on that spectrum, but I’ll have an idea tomorrow when my alliance and I determine where we’re putting all our rankings.


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By Jacquie
Images are not working, but I have officially created a snake and a bird, which is nice.

The monkey however is...troubling.


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By Danni Boatwright
Jacquie wrote: Fri Feb 07, 2020 8:40:06 am Image
The problem with your image tag is that you sumbitted the link to a website, not an image!! You will need to take a screenshot of the finished puzzle and then create a web link to that image. I suggest using the imgur uploader


they give you an easy option by going to copy, get share links, and then selecting the BBCode (Forums) option. you can paste that exact link and it should show up in here. you can always use the preview tool to help :)

Danni Boatwright

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By Jacquie
According to Reem, Lauren and Michelle are power-coupling it up a bit. If I believe her, which I do, that means between those two and Aurora, they seem to be casting a bit of a net hoping to reel someone into an alliance. Hilariously enough, the person they seemed to have picked is Reem.

So, that should be fun.


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By Jacquie
Potential Idol Hints: Lots of animals: a bear and a fox represending each tribe. Snakes, birds, and monkeys, from the puzzle. The translation ofthe background words according to Reem--island, dog, owl.

Our luck, the weird Russian background words mean nothing and I am overthinking the situation. Geez.


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By Jacquie
Oh random, unknown watchers of my confessionals. Am I overthinking things? Humor a gal even if the answer is clearly yes.


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By Jacquie
It occurs to me that I have made an alliance with nine out of ten people currently on my tribe with various levels of loyalty and openness to each alliance I have formed, which seems to be a highly precarious situation to be in. So! Let’s see how that goes.


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