5th Place - Voted Out 3-2 - 9th Juror
By Sarah Jones
Welcome to the all men's Taraku tribe! Hopefully you're hitting it off with the rest of your tribe because for the next 30 some days these people will determine your fate in the game. Just a few questions to ponder as we head into the weekend.

1-How do you feel about the tribe split? do you think there are any advantages to being on an all male tribe? any disadvantages?
2-Who on the tribe are you meshing with? who could you do without?
3-what is your general strategy for the tribal portion of the game? are you looking for a tight alliance, or just going with the flow?
4-Jeff announced that the tribe will be rating each other from most important to least important. Where do you think you'll fall on the spectrum? Do you think there is a benefit to being near the top? near the bottom?

Best of luck! We're so excited to watch you play!

Sarah Jones

By Chris
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Sarah Jones wrote: Thu Feb 06, 2020 8:18:03 pm1-How do you feel about the tribe split? do you think there are any advantages to being on an all male tribe? any disadvantages?
I don't know if there's advantages to being on a gender divided tribe, because I would feel like most of the chicks over there are probably men just like us, lmao. Personally, I do usually rep as males and I always wind up being an alliance with them for most of the game. I mean, the game hasn't even been going on for a day yet and I'm already pulled together in an alliance with Matty, Randy, Charlie and Marcus, lol. I guess I'm doing something right!

Matty just pinged me and said they all wanted me with them and I was like yes 100%, whatever you all want.
Sarah Jones wrote: Thu Feb 06, 2020 8:18:03 pm2-Who on the tribe are you meshing with? who could you do without?
The people who pulled me into that 1Team chat room are the ones I was vibing with the most. It seems like the first five people that were active on this tribe just got together to get majority. They weren't kidding at all about how fast this game would be going. Matty, Randy and Marcus are all cool guys, but Charlie is my favorite of the bunch. I think he's going to be well liked by a lot of people on this tribe and I'm just one more really good conversation away with him before making him my ride-or-die. If someone doesn't have a personality then I can't play the game with them and it makes it difficult to be excited about it. He showed the most excitement in our chat and we have identical taste when it comes to the actual show Survivor, so that's a good start. Thank god he's not some obnoxious Parvati hater-contrarian.
Sarah Jones wrote: Thu Feb 06, 2020 8:18:03 pm3-what is your general strategy for the tribal portion of the game? are you looking for a tight alliance, or just going with the flow?
Like in every game I play, I need to play with 1 person who I can give my all to and do whatever it takes to get us to the end. I need someone to reciprocate that as well. Going with the flow did help me tonight by getting into an alliance asap, but I still need to find my partner in my crime if I intend on getting anywhere in this game. The fact that Matty made an alliance and said he wasn't gonna be back until Monday is so wild to me, lol. Like dude, I could get over you and move on to the next guy. I need attention.

Like I mentioned earlier, I had a nice engaging chat with Charlie and right now he's my person of interest.
Sarah Jones wrote: Thu Feb 06, 2020 8:18:03 pm4-Jeff announced that the tribe will be rating each other from most important to least important. Where do you think you'll fall on the spectrum? Do you think there is a benefit to being near the top? near the bottom?
Let's hope I just wind up somewhere in the C level tier. I don't want to come off as utterly useless, but I don't need to be rated really high either. My entire game is being friendly and social and hopefully being in people's good graces wouldn't give me a high rating.
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By Chris
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Danni Boatwright wrote: Fri Feb 07, 2020 8:54:37 am
Gary Hogeboom wrote: Thu Feb 06, 2020 11:19:05 pm I'm impressed by your formatting. Like a duck to water, touche.
Chris is really an old hag. he's been around the block a time or two. Don't feed the ego for something as simple as quoting icon_punish
Actual footage of Danni saying some bullshit and then peacin out:


The resemblance is uncanny.


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By Chris
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Chris wrote: Fri Feb 07, 2020 12:17:57 pm Typical, the girls have been online all day and there hasn’t been one single dude to come on. :crine: Randy and Ron said hi but


Maybe the boys just come alive at night. :dunno:
My sorry attempt at editing my post, lol


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By Chris
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Alright, blessed be I found my blood brother. :inlove:

I came home from work and just kind of unwound for a bit. I watched this movie called The Lighthouse and, I have questions. :oop:

Anyways, the only person who was on was Randy, but thankfully Charlie appeared and we picked up our conversation from the night before. He is, by far, the person I connect with the most and who can actually carry out a conversation. He's funny, we have the exact same taste and he's saying all the right things to me. He brought how he loves being in a dynamic duo, having a partner and just that person you can 100% trust.


Then and there, I told him he's got me and I intend on taking this to Final 2. I think we feel really good about each other and I'm REALLY happy this felt super natural. After that, we kind of talked about how the 5Kings (lmao modest much) alliance was made. I said how Matty kind of just pinged me with "Charlie, Marcus and I all like you, wanna be with us?" and Charlie told me that's rich considering he told Marcus that. It's fine, it's the start of the game, but knowing or having an idea that Marcus and Matty are close is a definitely a good edge to have.

Charlie seems to like Wardog a lot so I'm going to focus my energy there and get him on my good side. Speaking to Eric was cool for, like, five seconds, but I have seen much of him since.

I brought up the idea how I don't think gender wars will last very long, maybe two immunity challenges. That's fine though, the girls look way more active from seeing just their online activity. I feel good though, I'm in an alliance and I have my right hand man within 24 hours of this starting. Just gonna keep being annoying, chatty and lovable and hopefully these next few rounds will be straightforward.


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By Chris
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Been talking to Eric more and more and he's beginning to grow on me. He's not the most exciting person to talk to here, but that's not much of a competition. However, if we're being honest, I've spoken to him more and bonded with over people like Matty and Marcus who I just so happen to be in an alliance with. I feel like if we lost the first immunity challenge that Eric's name would come up as a potential boot, but I think I'd much rather it be someone else.

Honestly, the person I've spoken to the least and haven't made much of an impact with has been Devens. Low key hoping he kind of remains that way just so we'll have any easy boot if we lose immunity. Ace is also someone that I've been talking with too and we have pretty good, flowing conversations. He's another person I don't want to see go, but he's also not in this ~5Kings~ alliance so it leaves him out to dry a bit.

I'm loyal to that alliance for now, but mainly because it's the start of the season with 20 people and I ain't tryna be some crazy Tony player. However, if things keep going in this direction and we don't have some sort of tribe swap, I'd probably rather work with people like Eric and Ace over Matty/Marcus/Randy. This could change, my feelings about people shift so much. Just give me attention and I'm all yours.

Charlie is still the supreme and the only person I have any sort of allegiance too. I know he likes Wardog, who's not in our alliance as well, so perhaps there's some moving parts we can do if things are set this way for awhile. If I have more talks with Eric and he wins me over, then I'll have no problem bringing that up to Charlie and letting him know. For now, I'm just trying to be the most likable guy on the tribe and praying it doesn't catch up with me! It's not like I'm going around making alliances, either. Currently, I just have my Final 2 with Charlie and that random 5person boy alliance.

Eric told me he feels a little meh because he hasn't been able to speak to everyone, but I did drop that he's one of the people I've spoken to the most despite this. I just want him on my side.


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By Chris
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Big oof on those rankings, I dunno if it's good or bad that I ranked so high on that. In reality, I'm #3 which I'm totally fine with and I don't think that's too bad. It's funny that Marcus, myself and Randy ranked really high on the list vs. Charlie and Matty who fell towards the middle-bottom tier. Nice red herring for no one to think there's a group together?

Devens fell towards the bottom which is kind of refreshing since I was saying I've connected with him the least. With his lack of activity or if he even shows up for the challenge, he'll probably be the first to go. No one really has any idea what being at the top and bottom means, so hopefully it's nothing weird and complicated. I don't want to trade these two people for new ones and have to start again. :steamy:

I guess I like my position on the tribe coming to a close for this first round. Let's hope I've did what I could to not be an embarrassing first boot and I can survive. I'm just under the assumption we're going to lose the immunity already, lmaooo. Still tight with Charlie and he told me being ranked at 2 is fine and nothing to worry about. I also told him that I liked Eric to see how he feels about him and to also to establish more. It's always good to have your ally drop some game politics to you unprompted.

Randy seems happy with getting #1 and I haven't spoken to Ace yet. I wonder if Ace getting 1 has a lot to do with me throwing him up there since he was the person I spoke to the most outside of our alliance. I couldn't remember if they said that the rankings were going to be public or not so I didn't want to rank my boys as high, hahah. I've been talking to Eric for most of the day and he's growing on me hugely as well. He diiiid rank higher than Matty so I'd say he's probably positioned fine. I'd say him and Charlie are my two favorites on the tribe right now? I mean I'll talk to anyone if I can catch them.

Alright, leggo I want the break to be over.


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By Chris
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Thirty minutes until the kickoff challenge and I can't wait. Today's been a good day and Charlie has finally signed on so I can discuss the predicament we have seemingly gotten ourselves into. Both Eric and Wardog want to work with us and get an alliance going. They even dropped bringing in Devens as a fifth member which would include nobody from that 5Kings alliance that was originally started.

Charlie's on the same page as me that he prefers Eric and Wardog to Marcus and Matty, but we also don't want to make waves in the game this early if we don't have to. We mentioned pushing for an Ace or Ron boot just because I can't imagine anyone going out on a lamb to save them. I don't know how we're going to work this without everyone finding out, but I'm happy I'm straddling two alliance with the one person I trust.

Ideally, we win the challenge and we rest assured that we'll be fine. I'm just going to try my hardest in the challenge and try to get the target shifted on someone I can get away with voting that wouldn't have bounce back.


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