7th Place - Voted Out 4-2-1 - 7th Juror
By Danni Boatwright

Welcome to the all women's Atlasova tribe! Hopefully you're hitting it off with the rest of your tribe because for the next 30 some days these people will determine your fate in the game. Just a few questions to ponder as we head into the weekend.

1-How do you feel about the tribe split? do you think there are any advantages to being on an all female tribe? any disadvantages?
2-Who on the tribe are you meshing with? who could you do without?
3-what is your general strategy for the tribal portion of the game? are you looking for a tight alliance, or just going with the flow?
4-Jeff announced that the tribe will be rating each other from most important to least important. Where do you think you'll fall on the spectrum? Do you think there is a benefit to being near the top? near the bottom?

Best of luck! We're so excited to watch you play!

Danni Boatwright

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By Lauren
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So far I'm liking the tribe split. I think it'll make for some great rivalry between the tribes and eliminates the risk of alliances made just by gender which helps keep my options more open. So far I have talked to Michelle and Crystal. Michelle is very eager to work together it seems which is good for now, but I'll have to keep my eye on her. Supposedly she has a relationship with Aurora and wanted an alliance with the three of us so I'm at the very least going to use her to buddy up to Aurora, then decide whether I want to stay with that. Crystal is pretty nice as well and I feel I have more of a connection with her. We've just been talking about our pets and spirit animals so far, but we don't really need to be discussing game yet. I'd rather get a feel for everyone. I'm interested in talking to Jacquie and Gillian.

For the ranking I'm aiming for middle of the road which should be obtainable if I solidify a good relationship with a few core people who'll rank me high. I'm thinking being at the top is a disadvantage as it'll put a bit of a target on you. Being on the bottom is a pretty bad spot to be in as it shows that your tribemates don't think too highly of you. It could also make others more likely to reach out to you though as they'll want numbers and it'll look like you don't really have relationships already.

As of tonight I'm thinking I'll be in an OK position but we will see after the rankings come in. No set alliances yet, but if someone approaches me I'm not going to say no. But also can't wait for everyone to stop being fake. We're being too nice to each other lol


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By Lauren
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Update: Gillian, Aurora and Julie have reached out at around the same time. Michelle said they talked to her too so I think they're talking to everyone. They are sketchy. I will try to get in with them to see if something's up. It's just very coincidental.


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By Lauren
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I am leaving for the night after this and wasn't going to make another post but I feel like I need to. Aurora just told me (after like THREE BACK AND FORTHS) that if the top ranked person is some sort of captain she hopes its me. THAT'S WEIRD! We haven't even talked for like 5 minutes, am I supposed to be flattered? She's trying to tell me the leadership position is underrated. Like if you want it that much I'll rank you first and be done with it. I dislike her and I think Michelle makes horrible choice in allies (except for me, I am an A1 choice). Like Aurora is either 1. weird 2. sneaky or 3. both. Ok, that's all. It's day one and people are already annoying me. This is going to be fun.


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By Lauren
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New day! I'm working on reaching out to the people I haven't talked to so far just to get to know everyone. I made it through the practice puzzles though! The bird and snake were pretty simple and then the monkey almost made me rage quit so we'll see how actual challenges go lol



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Lauren wrote: Fri Feb 07, 2020 11:53:28 am New day! I'm working on reaching out to the people I haven't talked to so far just to get to know everyone. I made it through the practice puzzles though! The bird and snake were pretty simple and then the monkey almost made me rage quit so we'll see how actual challenges go lol



Glad you’re getting the hang of it! A couple questions for you. Have you discussed the puzzles with anyone else on the tribe? Do you think anyone on your tribe is well suited for challenges? Do you believe anyone on your tribe is going to be bad at challenges? How do you think you will match up physically, and do you think you’re prepared for the game competitions and vote outs on Monday?

Ziggy Lichman

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By Lauren
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Ziggy Lichman wrote: Fri Feb 07, 2020 12:33:06 pm
Glad you’re getting the hang of it! A couple questions for you. Have you discussed the puzzles with anyone else on the tribe? Do you think anyone on your tribe is well suited for challenges? Do you believe anyone on your tribe is going to be bad at challenges? How do you think you will match up physically, and do you think you’re prepared for the game competitions and vote outs on Monday?
I've talked puzzles with Michelle, Susie and Jacquie and I think that's it but I could be forgetting someone. Everyone seems wary to really talk about how they felt on the puzzles. Jacquie said it took her half an hour for the monkey which is a little long but she was also on her phone at work apparently so I don't want to judge her based on that. Susie straight up said she gave up on the monkey which is kind of worrying, especially if we have something similar in a challenge. This was when you could take time and really figure things out but if she can't do it now we may be in big trouble if she needs to during a challenge. Honestly, out of the people I've talked to I think I might be the best suited for puzzles, though I still have people to discuss with so we'll see.

I'm really excited to get down to the challenges and vote outs! I have no idea how its going to go but it'll spice things up a bit for sure. I don't want to start talking about potential vote-offs too early so haven't started that quite yet but I'm curious if other people are going to start bringing it up or if I'll have to initiate some of that.
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By Lauren
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Alright, I've had some conversations so I have stuff to work with now. I feel closest with Crystal and I'm thinking its mutual. Otherwise she's a good actress so kudos to her. Talking to Michelle earlier she encouraged me to talk to Reem who mentioned being close with Michelle and Aurora and hearing good things about me. She started talking about "another alliance" forming too, which is kind of odd but I think they may think I'm working with them. Which is fine, I'll take what I can get, but they may be jumping the gun just a tad. I do like Reem though so I'm going to play nice as if it is us 4 then technically we only need one more for a majority. I still don't trust Aurora though but keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

Crystal seems to have clicked a bit more with Julie and Susie though which is also worth exploring. I'm trying to nudge her a little bit into talking a bit of game with them and figuring out what's going on with that. In terms of who's on the bottom I'm getting that (besides Victoria) it's likely Gillian. That at least makes me feel better about what happens if we lose immunity challenges, so I'm just working on building up a rapport with everyone at the moment.


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By Lauren
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I am prefacing this by stating I had a long-ass confessional typed out and then I accidentally touched my screen which happens to be a touch screen and left the page and the whole thing got erased so I am very upset. Anyways, Michelle straight-up asked if I want to be in an alliance with her, so now I guess I am in an alliance. Except I think she may be saying that to a bunch of people so I'm taking it with a grain of salt. We'll see who seems aligned when the ranking results come out.

Reem is trying to put something together too and it seems like she's looking at her, Michelle, Aurora, and me. So we shall see.

Mid-confessional typing there was a development!! So, Reem has asked me to clarify that in terms of game there is an alliance between me, her, Jacquie, Aurora and Michelle. So apparently I am in a full-blown alliance despite discussing that with only two people, only one of which is in it too. Supposedly I am working with that group but Crystal also told me she wants to work with me and everyone's just telling everyone that they want to work with them while I'm over here like "Cool, works for me". So long as I don't go home I don't really care who I work with so that makes me just as fake. I've decided to just embrace the hypocrite in me and go with it and wait for everything to blow up.


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By Lauren
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Alright so first confessional for today. I've just been chatting with everyone to try and build relationships. Things seem to be going well with Michelle and Aurora which is good and I found out Aurora's in law school so there's a student connection there. But I'm SO YOUNG. Everyone seems to be married with children and working on their careers while I'm over here like "yeah, I live on campus with my roommates". Even Aurora had a career before going to law school. I'm a little nervous that this might end up causing some issues with building relationships with others. I've been trying to lean more into what they do, but they definitely have more in common with each other. I'm hoping my charming sense of humor helps bridge that gap.

Talking to Michelle I'm getting the vibe that Reem is emerging as the sort of strategic leader which is perfect for me. If something were to happen and we end up targeting each other I feel like she's got more of a target than I do. She is who I'd be most worried about trying to switch things up though. The goal is to try and get in tight with her so 1. she may be less likely to try and flip on me and 2. if I know what she's up to it'll be easier to flip on her. If necessary. I don't want to get too ahead of myself and start overplaying just yet.


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By Lauren
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I feel pretty validated with the ranking panning out pretty much how I figured they would. The one thing that surprised me was Aurora being so low. Just based on what everyone had said about her it seemed like she was in good with a bunch of people but I guess not. Besides that nothing terribly shocking at all. I ended up where I wanted to be so I'm good with that.

Gillian gave me a bit of attitude this morning though. SHE messaged ME this morning so I gave the normal pleasantries, she asked how I felt about the challenge later and I said I was excited and her answer is "Mhm". Like, she's the one that initiated the conversation to begin with so I feel like she could have at least maybe tried a little bit? And THEN because I was willing to give it another try because I'm bored and wanted to procrastinate I asked how she felt about the rankings and if anything surprised her and her answer is "Yes. But I'm sure you weren't surprised". What is that supposed to mean? And here it gets better! I was answered and said top and bottom didn't surprise me but the middle did a little and she goes (and this is copy and paste quote from the chat) "Well I'm not after learning info. About other alliances". So now I'm frustrated because 1. I wasn't in an alliance with her at all 2. I feel like she's just assuming that the top x people were working together and 3. don't give me attitude when you're the one that reached out to me. For all she knows I could have rated her near the top. So I'm done playing nice with her and claws are coming out.


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By Lauren
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That immunity challenge was real scary, we may be in a bit of trouble. Tonight's a pretty unanimous vote though so at least we got that. Everyone is freaking out and turning on each other though as a result of last night. Everyone knows someone told Gillian about the alliance and now Michelle is upset because she thinks Reem was trying to target her, Reem is telling me she feels on the outs and is no longer with anyone and everyone's targeting each other. So that's a whole fiasco but I have come up with three possible options as to what's going on:
1. Michelle is right that Reem wanted to target the rest of the alliance because she felt on the outs. So she ratted us out to Gillian
2. Aurora did it because she was the only one ranked super low and felt she needed to find other options
3. Michelle is the one that said something because she felt slighted by comments Reem apparently made and she's a tad paranoid.

Any of those options really are fine with me though because all three are still talking to me and seem like they want to work with me going forward. So I'm just going to be their little agreeable angel and be in everyone's back pockets until I figure out what's going on and who's working with who. I did however feel a little like playing into things and annoyed from earlier with Gillian so I'm working on solidifying with everyone that she's got to go.


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