7th Place - Voted Out 4-2-1 - 7th Juror
By Joaquin Souberbielle
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One down, many more to go! Congrats on surviving your first weekend in the Kuril islands. It looks like the game is ramping up, and we have a couple questions for you about tonight's events.

1-Walk us through the immunity challenge. what was your team's approach, and do you think you worked well together?
2-The tribe rankings afforded the lowest ranking tribe member the opportunity to jump ship and neither person took the offer. do you think this was the right choice?
3-Any fun drama related to the tribe rankings? Spill for us. We're thirsty for some drama.
4-With Victoria gone, it appears we have 19 active players in this game. how does this effect your strategy moving forward?
5-If you could vote one person out right now for an extremely petty reason, who would it be and why

Joaquin Souberbielle

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By Lauren
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Going into the immunity challenge tonight we were honestly pretty disorganized. We had a decent plan but also figured out pretty quickly when it was over what we COULD have done that would probably have ended better. I think everyone's pretty receptive to working better in the future just because no one wants an actual vote out. I can't speak for the guys team but I think Aurora did better to stay than leave. She's not really on anyone's radar and if anything it's made people more willing to work with her. If she left she'd have to forge all new relationships and risk being an easy boot as soon as she wasn't immune. And she'd lose a lot of the relationships she made on this tribe.

I dished on ranking drama earlier but I'm still heated. Gillian was so aggressive about it. So I gave her sass back and as soon as my attitude started coming out she backed right off and was like "how about we just drop this and start over". So I agreed because there was no point in arguing all day, but I want her gone. It's a game and she's mad at me for talking to people and joining an "alliance" (that doesn't even really exist anymore but)! It's a little ridiculous and I'm so tired of being all cheerful and happy with her when she doesn't even bother to keep up a conversation. Like if I'm trying to be fake and just get along with you, you got to at least meet me in the middle somewhere.

Victoria being gone doesn't change too much for my strategy as we were already counting her out when calculating the numbers. It does mean though that I have to double down on who I'm working with and get that straightened out. I mean it'd be lovely if Reem and Michelle could kiss and make up but in case they don't I am still focusing on being in everyone's back pocket. As of right now I don't think anyone's really targeting me so hopefully I'll be able to get solidified with people while keeping the target on them.
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By Lauren
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Well, I was not expecting to be the most liked that's for sure. And it would make me happy that my plan is working and I'm in everyone's good graces but now people are going to catch on! That was the most non-under the radar move I could have made and ugh. And we lost immunity again which is incredibly not ideal. I'm thinking we can get everyone to vote the same direction for the next tribal council with Julie but now I'm worried, especially since me, Michelle and Aurora were ranked top three likable and we're the three that are pretty much sticking together. Which goes to kind of make that obvious. Also apparently I'm a lot better at being fake than I thought because I've been in the confessionals pretty much just trashing these people. Only good thing is Susie seems to be trying to buddy up with me so we may be gaining a number at least. Or I'm gaining a number who knows. Gillian seemed to open up with me today too so I'm starting to think playing the middle and letting the others go and target each other and try and sway people is just working in my favor. Which is fine if I can arrange a little entourage. I just have to make sure no one catches me plotting with everyone. And I need to find time to talk to Jacquie before she and Reem get up to something tricky. Michelle and Aurora are willing to make moves so I'm thinking if I could manage to work Susie and Gillian over (as apparently she talks the most to me even though I got a LITTLE tempermental) then we could take out more of a threat. But that's something to worry about if it's not looking like we can get Julie out as a tribe.

Also I know I said I want Gillian gone but I kind of want her to stay now because she really doesn't hit it off with people and I feel like she'd be a nice little goat to use as a vote. This is going to either go well or end very badly with people thinking I shouldn't make a tribe swap because I could get in good with the guys. The lets be honest, no way I win if I just stick to the girls, I need at least a few little friends on the other side to give me that bump.

I think that's all for tonight. I'm sure someone'll make me mad tomorrow when they're all panicking before tribal though so I'll be back lol


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By Lauren
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ALSO Reem just gave me tea on the advantage she got. Supposedly she has a vote nullifier good for only 3 tribal councils which could be true or could not be but either way if she though I wasn't going to keep this in my back pocket just in case she is sadly mistaken. Doesn't seem like she told Michelle or Aurora since they're trying to get something else together so that could definitely tip the scales in my favor should it come to trying to get Reem out. Which honestly should be sooner rather than later because she 110% is going to work on alliances with the men if she thinks it'll get her ahead. Which is totally what I would do, I just think I'm more sneaky about it. But yeah, she's probably the most likely to figure out my shenanigans so when I get the chance she is going adios.


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By Lauren
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So we had another unanimous tribal and I get that I should probably be happy because that means no one was scheming behind anyone's back but also I've been ready for fireworks when there start to be lines drawn! Just based on how the tribe is going now it seems like Gillian is going to be up for the next boot but she's been nice to me ever since she attacked me and I'd LOVE to have a little goat to work with. To be honest, just based on who I've been talking to I'd be perfectly fine with either Susie or Jac going next instead. I feel like I have a better shot solidifying Gillian than one of them. They're also more likely to try and work with the other team should there be a swap. I guess we shall see how things start shaping up for these coming votes.

Also like no one was on all day so I was just some no-life loser waiting for people to pop on so I could talk to them for like two seconds before they had to go. It was more fun when everyone was paranoid but it's looking like that's going to come back so I'm looking forward to a few drama filled days. It's been a while since anyone's really pissed me off.


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