9th Place - Voted Out 5-4 - 5th Juror
By Joaquin Souberbielle
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One down, many more to go! Congrats on surviving your first weekend in the Kuril islands. It looks like the game is ramping up, and we have a couple questions for you about tonight's events.

1-Walk us through the immunity challenge. what was your team's approach, and do you think you worked well together?
2-The tribe rankings afforded the lowest ranking tribe member the opportunity to jump ship and neither person took the offer. do you think this was the right choice?
3-Any fun drama related to the tribe rankings? Spill for us. We're thirsty for some drama.
4-With Victoria gone, it appears we have 19 active players in this game. how does this effect your strategy moving forward?
5-If you could vote one person out right now for an extremely petty reason, who would it be and why

Joaquin Souberbielle

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By Reem
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1-Walk us through the immunity challenge. what was your team's approach, and do you think you worked well together?

Well, we used those of us who were more tech savvy to post the individual images, and the rest of the tribe was to put the pieces together. I think we floundered, and we were slow. I regret not taking the lead more to be honest with you. No, I'm not great with puzzles, but split screening a computer is not difficult.

2-The tribe rankings afforded the lowest ranking tribe member the opportunity to jump ship and neither person took the offer. do you think this was the right choice?

I do. I think it's too risky to jump ship this early. They would be an easy vote on the other tribe.

3-Any fun drama related to the tribe rankings? Spill for us. We're thirsty for some drama.

LOL yes. So the majority alliance of 6 I was in had a plan where we'd all in the middle with crystal at the top. I obviously was number 1 implying some ranked me higher than suggested. I have completely cut ties to that alliance and have made another alliance of 3, possibly 4. Also, the 6 majority chat was found out somehow so info has to be getting fed in some way. It's fun. I did rat out the final 4 I was in to Gillian, and that got spread...from her. She was SUPER butt hurt over her ranking, as well as Aurora.

4-With Victoria gone, it appears we have 19 active players in this game. how does this effect your strategy moving forward?

It didn't affect mine. The rankings affected mine more. Victoria needed to go.

5-If you could vote one person out right now for an extremely petty reason, who would it be and why
It would be Jac. She was my number 1 for awhile and I hate that she's grown closer to Crystal, so I can't trust them whatsoever now


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By Reem
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So the immunity challenge...Aurora and myself carried the damn tribe. Seriously, Gillian is useless. She's gonna be my goat though. I need to see a chiropractor because my back hurts from carrying all this dead weight.


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By Reem
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Danni Boatwright wrote: Tue Feb 11, 2020 7:32:34 pm
Reem wrote: Tue Feb 11, 2020 6:36:08 pm So the immunity challenge...Aurora and myself carried the damn tribe. Seriously, Gillian is useless. She's gonna be my goat though. I need to see a chiropractor because my back hurts from carrying all this dead weight.


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By Reem
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Nice shot there by Danni at Tribal. If there's one thing I'm good at is faking it, I have to pretend to care about people's issues on a regular basis at work.

Lying through my teeth is my middle name.
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By Reem
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Danni Boatwright wrote: Tue Feb 11, 2020 8:28:04 pm
Reem wrote: Tue Feb 11, 2020 8:14:50 pm Nice shot there by Danni at Tribal. If there's one thing I'm good at is faking it, I have to pretend to care about people's issues on a regular basis at work.

Lying through my teeth is my middle name.
you're a fucking queen
Nah, Imma give that to you. :crown: That facelift comment was pure gold. I was dying here in the 'Sip lol

But man that "is everyone pulling their weight" question got me good. Those bitches know who they are. aurora and I got 8/10 , 4 each, of those questions. There was no reason for us to lose except stupidity.


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