By Danni Boatwright

And another one gone! A few questions for you as we head into an easy day "off" and the third round of the game!

1-So far you've lost two immunity challenges in a row and you're down in the numbers. How does this affect your strategy moving forward?
2-Who are you currently feeling closest to on the tribe?
3-Are you planning on being Atlasova strong for as long as you can? Or do you have bigger plans for your game?
4-Who are you rooting for in Winners at War?

Danni Boatwright

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By Nate
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Hello Michelle!

Lurker here and I would like to congratulate you for being the tenth annual Nate winner pick of the season (TM) and here's the lowdown on the high ground that you need to succeed after you've already earned the most honourable honour:

1. Nate winner picks need to be able to CUT IT UP and BRING THE HEAT - what do you think differentiates you from the pack of indiscriminate avatars this season? In twenty-seven words or less - What do you think is your DIFFERENTIATING FEATURE that will give you this W?

2. Nate winner picks, like a good college essay or a bad job interview, all bring their own UNIQUE PERSONALITY and OFF-THE WALL charisma, but are still quite easy to simplify their essence into a single sentence. They call it a catchphrase because people get CATCHED by your PHRASE. How would you describe your gameplay in a single catchphrase?

3. Nate winner picks, much like Academy Award winning film "Citizen Kane" have a BITCHIN' SOUNDTRACK. For example, the songs "Wu-Tang Clan Ain't Nuthing Ta Fuck Wit" by the Wu-Tang Clan and the opera "Der Ring Des Nibelungen" by WAGNER were inspired by my winner picks of the past. If you had a single song that would play as you win the final immunity challenge cementing yourself as the winner of the season, what would that song be?

Thank You and You Better Not Fuck It Up for All My Winner Picks of Seasons Past!


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By Michelle
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I don't see losing Julie and Victoria as a real loss, since they weren't contributing anyway. The next vote, however, will definitely have a strong impact on our tribe. Unfortunately the weakest person on my tribe is also someone who I'm aligned with, so we will be losing someone who was actually contributing during challenges if the vote goes my way. I'm not going to pretend to be confident in our ability to win a competition at this point--not after two losses in a row.

Normally I would say I feel closest to Aurora, but she has been giving off some sketchy vibes lately. She expect us to have this open communication, and yet she never gives me any helpful information. She's super paranoid and keeps *casually* reminding me that she has Susie and Gillian "in her pocket," meaning that if I go against her she thinks she can easily have the numbers to take me out. I am trying to get closer to Lauren, because Aurora is getting way too cocky and I think I'll have to cut her at some point. Also, Lauren is just nicer. I'm not going to plan ahead too far, but I think a big move might have to be made pre-merge, if things keep going the way they are going now.

I don't care about being Atlasova strong. Whatever gets me further.



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By Michelle
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Nate wrote: Tue Feb 11, 2020 10:39:24 pm Hello Michelle!

Lurker here and I would like to congratulate you for being the tenth annual Nate winner pick of the season (TM) and here's the lowdown on the high ground that you need to succeed after you've already earned the most honourable honour:

1. Nate winner picks need to be able to CUT IT UP and BRING THE HEAT - what do you think differentiates you from the pack of indiscriminate avatars this season? In twenty-seven words or less - What do you think is your DIFFERENTIATING FEATURE that will give you this W?

2. Nate winner picks, like a good college essay or a bad job interview, all bring their own UNIQUE PERSONALITY and OFF-THE WALL charisma, but are still quite easy to simplify their essence into a single sentence. They call it a catchphrase because people get CATCHED by your PHRASE. How would you describe your gameplay in a single catchphrase?

3. Nate winner picks, much like Academy Award winning film "Citizen Kane" have a BITCHIN' SOUNDTRACK. For example, the songs "Wu-Tang Clan Ain't Nuthing Ta Fuck Wit" by the Wu-Tang Clan and the opera "Der Ring Des Nibelungen" by WAGNER were inspired by my winner picks of the past. If you had a single song that would play as you win the final immunity challenge cementing yourself as the winner of the season, what would that song be?

Thank You and You Better Not Fuck It Up for All My Winner Picks of Seasons Past!
This is such an honor, Nate! I'll do my best to make you proud!

1) I come across as very nice and sweet and thoughtful, but unfortunately for the other players, what they see is not what they're going to get. I'm a Slytherin in Hufflepuff clothing. I will be loyal to those who are loyal to me, but if I sense bullshit I'm not afraid to switch things up. This game has brought out a competitive side to me that I didn't even know I had!

2) Outbitch. Outclass. Outslay.

3) I would choose the chorus of Stockholm Syndrome by Greydon Square and dedicate it to all the people I got voted out :heart:

I might come back to these questions again at some point, but these are my feelings at the moment!
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