5th Place - Voted Out 3-2 - 9th Juror
By Danni Boatwright

And another one gone! A few questions for you as we head into an easy day "off" and the third round of the game!

1-So far you've won two immunity challenges and are up in the numbers! Has this lead to a sense of tribe unity? or are you sensing cracks in ranks?
2-Who are you currently feeling closest to on the tribe?
3-Are you planning on being Taraku strong for as long as you can? Or do you have bigger plans for your game?
4-Who are you rooting for in Winners at War?

Danni Boatwright

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By Nate
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Hello Chris!

Lurker here and I would like to congratulate you for being the tenth annual Nate winner pick of the season (TM) and here's the lowdown on the high ground that you need to succeed after you've already earned the most honourable honour:

1. Nate winner picks need to be able to CUT IT UP and BRING THE HEAT - what do you think differentiates you from the pack of indiscriminate avatars this season? In twenty-seven words or less - What do you think is your DIFFERENTIATING FEATURE that will give you this W?

2. Nate winner picks, like a good college essay or a bad job interview, all bring their own UNIQUE PERSONALITY and OFF-THE WALL charisma, but are still quite easy to simplify their essence into a single sentence. They call it a catchphrase because people get CATCHED by your PHRASE. How would you describe your gameplay in a single catchphrase?

3. Nate winner picks, much like Academy Award winning film "Citizen Kane" have a BITCHIN' SOUNDTRACK. For example, the songs "Wu-Tang Clan Ain't Nuthing Ta Fuck Wit" by the Wu-Tang Clan and the opera "Der Ring Des Nibelungen" by WAGNER were inspired by my winner picks of the past. If you had a single song that would play as you win the final immunity challenge cementing yourself as the winner of the season, what would that song be?

Thank You and You Better Not Fuck It Up for All My Winner Picks of Seasons Past!


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By Chris
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Danni Boatwright wrote: Tue Feb 11, 2020 8:56:26 pm1-So far you've won two immunity challenges and are up in the numbers! Has this lead to a sense of tribe unity? or are you sensing cracks in ranks?
I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’m always down for a sausage party. I think I’ve made really great bonds and connections on this tribe that would keep me safe if we were to go to Tribal Council in the upcoming rounds. I can sense some kind of unity, but I also can feel that some of the boys are getting antsy. Ron getting the idol and being ranked at the bottom is somewhat of a problem because that leaves me to think that he’ll flip in a swap situation. I definitely know that we’re all super psyched that we won the first immunities so I think in that regard we like each other a lot. There’s still the fact that, if 5Kings even still exists, that myself and Charlie are teetering between Matty/Marcus/Randy and Eric/Wardog/Devens.

We’re doing everything in our power to make sure the two groups don’t compare notes and I feel like everything is good so far? Eric and me spoke a little game yesterday and I don’t think he’d want to develop a plan with me if he didn’t have intentions of working with me. Matty went to him and myself proclaiming feeling on the outs, luckily Eric and I think similar and we’d much rather take out Ron if we were to ever lose. Getting out Ron eliminates the least connected player, the person with idol information and cancels out the possible threat of a flipper.
Danni Boatwright wrote: Tue Feb 11, 2020 8:56:26 pm2-Who are you currently feeling closest to on the tribe?
Charlie, all day every day. He’s so much fun to talk to, I trust him implicitly and he’s really good to strategize with. On Day 2 was when I struck him with my vampire bite and made sure we were bound for the rest of the game. I think he has great potential to become a really solid ally. I even think our situation also help us become really close. We both enjoy the same people, we have the same tastes in Survivor and he hasn’t given me bad vibes at once. He’s either misting me hella good or we’re just a symbiotic creature ready to annihilate the competition.

A close second is Eric. I’ll pretty much work with anyone to keep myself in the game, but for me to actually go out of my way to care about you I need to like you. Eric definitely doesn’t have the social charisma that Charlie may have, but the guy can keep the conversation going and that’s all I can ask. He also broached the subject of the vote out with me which ensures that he wants to work with me. Making sure others come to you with game talk, to me, is a good sign of your placement amongst the tribe dynamic. They’re my top two favorites in the game and as long as they stick around then I’m chilled. I just hope they think the same about me!
Danni Boatwright wrote: Tue Feb 11, 2020 8:56:26 pm3-Are you planning on being Taraku strong for as long as you can? Or do you have bigger plans for your game?
The thing with Survivor, unless there’s cross tribal communication, people always tend to stick with their OG tribemates. I feel that it is SUPER rare that people develop bonds past the first few rounds that can potentially last until the end. Don’t get me wrong, it’s happened before and I’ve done it, but 9/10 times my game plan is working with my original members of my tribe as long as possible and hoping for a pagonging of the other tribe. I know, boring game, but those girls are going to have to better than me at the social game to win me over.
Danni Boatwright wrote: Tue Feb 11, 2020 8:56:26 pm4-Who are you rooting for in Winners at War?
Parvati? lol


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By Chris
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Nate wrote: Tue Feb 11, 2020 10:43:23 pmHello Chris!

Lurker here and I would like to congratulate you for being the tenth annual Nate winner pick of the season (TM) and here's the lowdown on the high ground that you need to succeed after you've already earned the most honourable honour:
I don’t know what I did, but I’m flattered! This is how I feel right now –

Nate wrote: Tue Feb 11, 2020 10:43:23 pm1. Nate winner picks need to be able to CUT IT UP and BRING THE HEAT - what do you think differentiates you from the pack of indiscriminate avatars this season? In twenty-seven words or less - What do you think is your DIFFERENTIATING FEATURE that will give you this W?
Having the gift of gab and maintaining 99% of my normal relationships through text will get me that social W from all my friends on the jury.
Nate wrote: Tue Feb 11, 2020 10:43:23 pm2. Nate winner picks, like a good college essay or a bad job interview, all bring their own UNIQUE PERSONALITY and OFF-THE WALL charisma, but are still quite easy to simplify their essence into a single sentence. They call it a catchphrase because people get CATCHED by your PHRASE. How would you describe your gameplay in a single catchphrase?
Time to nut up or shut up.
Nate wrote: Tue Feb 11, 2020 10:43:23 pm3. Nate winner picks, much like Academy Award winning film "Citizen Kane" have a BITCHIN' SOUNDTRACK. For example, the songs "Wu-Tang Clan Ain't Nuthing Ta Fuck Wit" by the Wu-Tang Clan and the opera "Der Ring Des Nibelungen" by WAGNER were inspired by my winner picks of the past. If you had a single song that would play as you win the final immunity challenge cementing yourself as the winner of the season, what would that song be?
Hollaback Girl
Nate wrote: Tue Feb 11, 2020 10:43:23 pmThank You and You Better Not Fuck It Up for All My Winner Picks of Seasons Past!
Don’t worry, now I’ll win to save you from embarrassment.

posts answer to immunity challenge publicly


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By Chris
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IC #3 Answers

1. Nibbling a hole in the box
2. his pillow
3. little boy
4. tiny silver ship
5. dog
6. to his own place
7. top of the mountain/end of the world
8. having been taken by a fox, he deemed it hopeless and gave up


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By Chris
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As we win the third immunity challenge in a row, I think to myself, 'is this going to be a good thing or a bad thing?' Normally, players who don't go to tribal council to me haven't established any trust or commitment and it's really scary when that hasn't been put into effect before a swap or a merge. My gut is honestly saying that a swap is coming up tonight.

Only because, why would we have a challenge and then a two day break and then tribal council? It just doesn't make sense to me, but what do I know!!!!! I've never played this before. I feel like he'd mention if there'd be another tribal council tonight if we had one. He also made us rapid publish our rankings again, so I have no idea.

I have Charlie, still my right hand guy. He likes Survivor and Rupaul so at least we have solid conversation for the length of this game. I'll be devastated if I'm not on a tribe with him, but I'll still try to work the boys agenda. I definitely let most of them know I thought a swap could be coming and the boys need to stick together. I don't care, I'll push a boring pagonging if I'm able to. =)

Told Charlie my plan and he's totally in. If me and him are on the same tribe, despite us being each other's F2, we'll definitely push our loyalty and trust to the other guys so they know they can stick with us. Don't want any of the dudes feeling on the bottom in my alliance with them.

I hope we don't swap! I'm fine with how things are going, but eeeek I want to know what's happening after tribal.


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By Chris
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lmao Okay, nevermind. Ron not being here kinda worked out great for me. Thank God Ace and I had that brodown right before swaps. So glad I DM'd all the boys and said let's stick together. <3 I feel good about my guys on my tribe, bar Randy/Devens.

Praying Eric has a hold on Devens because I'm hoping Ace chose my group because of me. More to come!


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