5th Place - Voted Out 3-2 - 9th Juror
By Danni Boatwright
Another wild night of Stranded! Another player out the door, new tribes, and 3 full days to get to know each other before your next move. As we head into the weekend, here are a few questions for you to think about:

1-Who are you most excited to see on your tribe? Who are you least excited to see?
2-Were you surprised by Michelle and Ace's tribe choices?
3-Whats your plan to survive on this tribe?

Danni Boatwright

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Danni Boatwright wrote: Thu Feb 13, 2020 9:20:13 pm Another wild night of Stranded! Another player out the door, new tribes, and 3 full days to get to know each other before your next move. As we head into the weekend, here are a few questions for you to think about:
Can I just say I'm digging this tribe color and mascot sfm? Getting serious yellow ranger vibes from all of this

Danni Boatwright wrote: Thu Feb 13, 2020 9:20:13 pm1-Who are you most excited to see on your tribe? Who are you least excited to see?
The absolute best thing occurred when Ron failed to show up to choose which tribe he wanted to be on. After seeing that cunt Michelle separate myself and Charlie from each other I was just PRAYING I didn't wind up on a tribe with Ron. Ya' know, salt in the wound type situation. Then, luck struck and Ron was swapped for Ace to do the tribe choosing. Before that, after I shouted on the rooftops to my tribe about a swap and how we need to stay men strong, Ace basically told me he wants to work with me long term. When he got swapped for Ron, I just knew he was going to come floating to my siren song.

I'll miss Charlie and I will link back up with him if we can make it, but I need to find a new first mate and it looks like there's a running battle between Ace and Eric. I need to orchestrate a way so that one of them knows I'm telling the other I'm with them 100%, etc, etc. Just need to neutralize any sort of double dipping people may think I might be doing.

Getting Randy and Devens was the worst of a good situation. I feel the least connected with them, but I'll take them over Ron. I already had two separate alliances with both Randy and Devens and I think I'll be able to get away with it. That shake up I was asking for I think came true. Matty/Marcus aren't here, so Randy should feel good with me because of our 5Kings alliance. Then there's Devens, who I'm trying to make be Eric's problem, but I was connected to him in that ! alliance with Wardog and Charlie. Despite this, I'd take the both of them over wild card Ron.
Danni Boatwright wrote: Thu Feb 13, 2020 9:20:13 pm2-Were you surprised by Michelle and Ace's tribe choices?
Not at all, I had a gut feeling that Charlie would get split up from me because we ranked 1 and 2 and she probably used her pea-sized brain to figure it out. I also knew that Ace was going to choose Group A because we had that super good talk before all of this happened. Damn, I am so happy I foresaw this swap coming.

I'm trying to figure out why Aurora, Crystal and Susie were split up from their tribe. Mine conversation with Susie died, like, instantly so whatever. Crystal and Aurora aren't on, but we do have a couple of days to hear them out. It'll make it way easier if they stay like this, but Aurora seems like she has some fight in her. Upset I can't be won over by that Lauren rep though :sob:
Danni Boatwright wrote: Thu Feb 13, 2020 9:20:13 pm3-Whats your plan to survive on this tribe?

Taraku strong!

Eric, Ace and myself were immediately down to stay all men united and got the ball rolling on that. I took it upon myself to make the Butterfly alliance and we worked on recruiting Randy and Devens to the crew. Randy told me he wasn't going to disagree if that's what everyone wanted and he seems pretty down in the chat. He also doesn't seem like the kind of player who would yank your dick, just ghost you if he wasn't going to take you out. Eric's trying to get Devens, but hopefully he'll want to work with us. I doubt anyone would go to rocks THIS early in the event we lose.

I don't care if it's boring and I don't care if it's uneventful, if I can lead my group of lost boys together all the way to merge than that's a huge victory. I trust and want to work with them already and I'll continuously show them my unwavering loyalty to that goal. I really need Charlie/Wardog to pull through on this, too. Eric mentioned throwing, but I really hate doing that. It's so tasteless and I'm not really for it. I told him he'd need to run it by all the boys if that's something he wanted to cook up, but I don't know I may be a douche, but I'm an empathetic one.


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My alliance with Ace is proving fruitful. :heart: He was just tipping me off how him and Randy are kind of a pair and they both received idol clues since they were ranked first in the first round. I guess, maybe the swap scare, made him confide him in me? He's also telling me how Randy seems "antsy" to make a move and he's always having to cool him down.

HMMM. Maybe I'm reading too much into it or maybe Ace is riling me up, but it does seem weird. Randy is weird, but funny, but I never really trusted him to begin with. Only reason why he's brought into that alliance is because he's from the old tribe. I'd hope my game is good enough that if Randy got a wild hair up his ass I'd have enough relationships built to block me from his chaotic evil.

Just keep calm and carry on and don't disturb the status quo, 'tis all I ask.

Ace accidentally posted an idol try in the group chat and came to me be upfront and apologized. I told him I didn't even realized it, but good luck hope you find it. That's pretty much what prompted his Randy-tea, which I'm thankful for. Hoping that if Ace does find the idol he'd let me know and that'd really confirm just how close we are. Losing Charlie makes me feel like I had to reset my game and now i have to speed run to get back to where I was.


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I was finally able to speak with all the ladies and I do actually really enjoy my conversation with Crystal and Aurora. When it came to Susie, it just trailed off so I'm not going to be fussed about her. Crystal is good and we've talked about personal life and a bit about the prior tribes. Us boys are tryna get information out of them as much as possible so it feels good that they're reporting back to me with what they've cracked. I've done the same and I really like it.

We're concerned with them having an idol so, and I hope we do, probably will have to blindside them on the vote if we lose. I don't want to do it, but I ain't about to be an upstanding gentlemen just so they can kill me. I'm not gonna be the Jay to their Kim. Ace and Eric are still me top two dudes over here and we all agree that the only way the girls will have the votes is if TWO guys flip and/or they have an idol. They both seem to think they're going to throw each other under the bus if we lose and boy do I hope that's true.

I think I'm vibin' with Crystal the most, but Aurora is a close second. Alias games are so hard, especially when people ask me certain questions.


I can't resist the urge to chat about it or deny my love of it! Aurora even was telling me how much she loves Disney World and how Disney obsessed she is, lmaooo. Aurora, if you're reading this post-game and you need a hook up in Florida ever, I got you.

I also feel like the girls have been talking up the other boys more than myself. Perhaps paranoid OR maybe they do have an idol and plan on taking me out with it! Ugh, the cons of having paranoia combined with chronic NPD is just, smdh.

Anyways, slow day, but it's been fine. Eric wants to try to use Matty as a messenger boy and give him some information that Crystal told me. I guess Reem/Michelle aren't fans of each other? I don't know if Crystal is blowing smoke up my ass, but worth a try.


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Jane wrote: Fri Feb 14, 2020 6:35:46 pm Call me Jennifer Lopez cuz I want your Anaconda up my Amazon
:shifty: :hot:


real talk, Anaconda is my fav JLO movie methinks


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I'm enjoying these breaks! It's nice to have some down time right before we pick up the speed on this. I miss Charlie a lot and I hope he's doing fine over there. If they lose the immunity challenge, I'd think they'd all just vote out Ron for an easy, non-messy vote. Honestly, us winning and them trading out Ron for Matty would be ideal.

Are the girls as shitty and shady as the boys? If they lose immunity are they going to take out a Marcus or a Ron or will they target Charlie/Wardog knowing they were ranked semi-high. If we win the immunity and Charlie gets voted out then I have zero problem with tanking the rest of the competitions to get rid of these three on our's.

I was informing Matty about the girl's potential dynamics that I received from Crystal. He countered back with "you didn't hear this from me, but Aurora/Lauren/Michelle were a core alliance back on the girls." This is interesting and does make me wonder what the best vote would be if we did lose.

I think, so long as all five of the boys are on the same page, Crystal would be the safest one of the girls. She's made the most people happy and the general consensus is that everyone seems to like her a lot. I know that Ace, Eric and Matty all had great things to say about her so that's something to know. I wish I knew how loyal Crystal was because I'd have NO problem bringing her in and working with her. I either like to take out social threats or work with them and I'd rather have her with me if she was on the outs of the chicks.

I have a feeling the minute I start telling the boys about Matty's tea then that's going to put Aurora in the hot seat and give us a reason to target one of the three girls. I actually enjoyed Aurora the most out of the three of them, but you can't save everyone. My loyalties are to the boys right now and that's not going to change. I don't want to lose any immunities, it'd be sweet to make merge without ever having to go to a single one. I do still believe our tribe is the stronger one, but it's good to get a plan in motion in the event we do lose the challenge.


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Getting more and more information out of Matty and he basically told me that, allegedly, Michelle/Lauren/Aurora tried to take out Reem with Jacquie, but everyone else voted Jacquie instead. This goes with the narrative of the first night of everyone saying that Aurora voted in the minority, but it was such a messy vote that it's fine.

I'm starting to believe this little rumor about those three girls being super tight with one another and if we potentially lose an immunity challenge we'd probably just take out Aurora. I mean, if they were in the minority on their last tribe it doesn't seem wise to execute them, but they clearly show they have strategic chops to make a move.

If that's the case then I'd rather keep Susie and Crystal who seem totally harmless as of now. This could also just be fake news!!!


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I actually almost went to DM him and realized he's no longer here. :sob: :broken:

I hope he's safe, but from what Matty is telling me it sounds like he should be fine for the first round, bar an idol of course. Matty has been being used and abused this round and I'm insanely jealous of his position right now to be able to talk to with everyone. I don't think he's mixing stories and I do believe he's with me and telling me the truth. I've told Eric all that I've known about the girl's potential vote, alliance dynamics I'm assuming and how Ron is targeting Marcus.

We all knew that Ron was going to flip at a swap because he was voted on the bottom every round. That's what losers do who feel unwanted. Instead of actually trying to bond with us I bet he's just ranting in his confessional about how we were dicks and he felt unwanted. If he tried more he would've been fine, I think lol.

I'm also getting the jitters of my position in the game. Gosh how everything can change. I don't know if I'm just thinking far too highly of myself, but I do think if they used an idol they'd take me out with it. I'm trying really hard to make the girls like me enough that they'd spare me if that were to happen, but I've NEVER seen an idol used in a game to take out a Randy or a Devens.

I hope that's not the case and I just hope that the girl's idol was found already and it's on the other tribe. Matty wants us to take out Aurora and side with Crystal and Susie. I think I actually do like Aurora the most in this situation, but I also don't really care who goes home as long as it's one of those three. I don't plan on losing this challenge, but if we do I think Aurora would go? I'd urge the boys to push for a blindside because of idol paranoia so I don't know how they'd feel about that, but either way, yikes. I don't even want to see Tribal, let me just float until merge.

Wardog is allegedly on board with voting out Marcus. I think that's so fucking stupid of him to do. If Ron is turning on the men ALREADY what makes him think he wouldn't do it to him? I know Marcus is barely active, but neither is Ron and I'd rather keep the angel of the devil. I think they're just scared and don't want to ruffle feathers, but Matty is telling me that the girls feel that Ron is sketchy so whatever. I guess we'll see what happens if they lose.


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The game is back on! Today has been going fine and I've only been chatting up with Susie and Eric. We need a plan in the event we lose immunity, even though I think it'd bad luck to plan a boot before results. This game, with only have an hour to decide anything, makes me feel like I need to do my homework.

Susie has given me her pitch in the event that we lose which was that a guy is most definitely leaving on the other tribe and if we merge with a ton of girls she'll put in a good word for me. iiiiiii don't like that plan at all. Why would leave my life in this game up to someone else. I thought that maybe Aurora/Michelle/Lauren were the "core" alliance, but if they were in the minority and Aurora has been last twice then clearly she wasn't really in the loop back on the girls.

I basically transmitted everything I spoke with Susie to Eric so we're all on the same page. I actually pushed him in the direction that if we lose we should probably take out Susie because taking out Aurora doesn't make sense still. She finally asked me if she was safe and I told her that everyone seems to really like her and we all feel the most disconnected to Aurora. I'm not tipping these chicks off to anything. Especially since Susie asked me to tell her if it's her 👀

I like Aurora the most out of the three girls so if we lost and Susie left tonight I wouldn't be too upset. She flat out told me she was in the majority alliance with the girls, she's social and everyone likes her and she's the only one of the three with any game. I know that it would piss off Matty, but that's how I'm feeling right now.

I guess my plan right now is just to say it's Aurora, but the boys vote Susie? I hope we just win and we don't have to worry about any of this.


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