12th Place - Voted Out 6-(3)-1-1 - 2nd Juror
By Susie
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Chris says he thinks I’m fine in the vote tonight, and he’d would tell me if not. Hogwash. I can’t trust him. I offered him safety after the merge if he keeps me until then; don’t think he went for it.

Getting Eric to talk strategy is like pulling teeth. He is lying to me too. I offered him safety with the women after the merge if he keeps me until then, don’t think he went for it. He later told Randy I was the vote tonight because I was strategizing, so that was helpful to know. I was hoping someone would let that slip to Randy. Eric also told Aurora what I said about keeping him safe if they vote her out. Of course, my plan is not to have Aurora voted out, but she’s a bit on the paranoid side still with me, so it didn’t help matters.

I had a nice chat with Randy yesterday. Today, he told me “the guys” told him I was the pick for a blindside, not consulted with him, told him. He didn't like that. I told Randy that if there are at least some votes for a guy tonight, maybe Chris – his idea, then Matty will know he can be trusted and Randy will know that I will look out for him, along with the women and Matty; I think he went for it.

Matty is still pushing Aurora to Chris, who seems to have Devens and Ace under control, so they’re either not telling him it’s me or Matty is lying to me. I’d like him to pass a last minute message through to Taraku women, but I don’t 100% trust him yet. I really, really wish he'd get online tonight before the comp.

I talked with Devens the first night quite a bit, not about anything of significance. Nothing yesterday.

Ace wasn’t online at all yesterday. I did talk with him on the first night. Just chit chat today. If I’m being considered as “playing too hard,” I need to take a step back with the strategizing. Randy and Crystal said they’d work on him for a vote, we’ll see. I can’t trust Ace yet either.

Much as I hate doing it, outing that I have the idol to the women right before the vote is the best idea I have for ensuring at least three votes for Chris, but I’d rather have four. I’m trying to avoid a split-the-women vote where we lose one of the other women and I’m back in the same predicament tomorrow, minus the idol. If Randy stays with us, the guys at most would have three votes against me and one against C or A.

At least I’ll wait until we know if we’ve won or lost tonight to roll out the full plan. If it turns out that the target was someone else this whole time and C, A and R are all lying about it being me for some reason, I’ll be screwed either way tomorrow.

I’m telling A, C and Randy that Matty will tell the women on Taraku to count the votes for Chris (or whomever we vote out) to see who is loyal to the women plus Randy plus Matty team. Hope it works! Hope I'm not missing something major!!


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