5th Place - Voted Out 3-2 - 9th Juror
By Ziggy Lichman
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A close vote, an idol play, and a girl out the door!

1. Were you shocked by the way the vote went? Or was it just another day in the office
2. What did you make of the answers at today's challenge? Do you think any of sins given to you tribe mates were inaccurate?
3. As the numbers get smaller, the merge becomes focused on people's minds. Do you believe the merge dynamics will be defined by the original men vs women tribes, the swap tribes, or something else entirely?
4. Who do you think is the person you can trust the most on this tribe? Is that person also who you trust the most in the entire game? Do you see yourself in the end with this person?

Ziggy Lichman

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By Chris
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Ziggy Lichman wrote: Mon Feb 17, 2020 9:56:24 pm A close vote, an idol play, and a girl out the door!
Ziggy Lichman wrote: Mon Feb 17, 2020 9:56:24 pm1. Were you shocked by the way the vote went? Or was it just another day in the office
I obviously knew that the girls were going to try something and it goes to prove they're just as tight with each other as the boys are. I know it seems annoying, but it's my best play right now and I have great relationships with all of the men left in the game.

When Susie played her idol it all made sense why Aurora begged us to vote her out and why the women were demanding us to tell them the vote. Like, it's obvious that they're all pretty shady, but they made it pretty obvious. To be fair, we were 1 minute away from doing a Susie vote, but BOY am I glad that Devens and Eric said 'ugh' when I told them Ace wanted Susie.

Ace wound up caving for his boys in favor of a Crystal vote and we dodged an idol! I just knew voting out Crystal, as tough as it was, was definitely the least obvious move. I need to be more forceful with what I want, that was such a close call. Everyone adored her and no one would've thought we would've killed her tonight. Honestly, I'm fine with Crystal leaving because she was a good social player and that's kinda what I'm tryna do over here.
Ziggy Lichman wrote: Mon Feb 17, 2020 9:56:24 pm2. What did you make of the answers at today's challenge? Do you think any of sins given to you tribe mates were inaccurate?
Nah, I'm trying not to think too much about it. We were just tryna win the immunity and hopefully just tried to assigned to the most obvious. I'm a pretty jealous person sooooo
Ziggy Lichman wrote: Mon Feb 17, 2020 9:56:24 pm3. As the numbers get smaller, the merge becomes focused on people's minds. Do you believe the merge dynamics will be defined by the original men vs women tribes, the swap tribes, or something else entirely?
Everyone's got the merge on their mind because it draws near!!! I'm thinking a 13 person merge, but who knows. I do and hope that the merge is defined by the original tribe set-up that was formed. I'm fine with sorting out the stragglers, but it's not like I have any intentions of working with Aurora or Susie down the line. Gillian is a huge target in the game to me right now and that just leaves Lauren, Reem and Michelle.

If Charlie and I are lucky enough to link back up at merge and compare notes then I'll take what he has to say and trust it. If there's someone he trusts in his guts and wants to work with then I'm inclined to believe him. If he comes running back to me and tells me how they're nothing but witches then that's a different story.

After tonight's vote it really solidified my alliance with the men and tossed out any sort of doubt I had with them moving forward. Eric got saved by us, Ace is definitely the best person on the tribe to me and Devens voted with us. Randy even tossed a vote a Susie and didn't seem too annoyed at us leaving him in the dark. I just had a bad feeling about, maybe I'm just nuts.
Ziggy Lichman wrote: Mon Feb 17, 2020 9:56:24 pm4. Who do you think is the person you can trust the most on this tribe? Is that person also who you trust the most in the entire game? Do you see yourself in the end with this person?
The people I trust the most on my tribe is Eric and Ace. I want to go to the end with them both if it's possible. I'm all about loyalty and never betraying my allies so that's kind of my plan at the moment. I want to pull Charlie back in if we both make it to merge because I do believe that Day 1s are thicker than blood. I hope he just hasn't forgotten about me. :sob:

Anyways, tonight was insane. I liked Crystal and all, but honestly peace girl. I'm thrilled that all my men stayed.



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By Jeff Probst
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Do you plan on playing the game 100% loyal to the men and if so does that put you at a disadvantage to people who are willing to play with the women?

Jeff Probst

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By Chris
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Jeff Probst wrote: Mon Feb 17, 2020 11:55:22 pm Do you plan on playing the game 100% loyal to the men and if so does that put you at a disadvantage to people who are willing to play with the women?
I like to keep myself adaptable and open to opportunities, but I'm also insanely loyal to people (probs my downfall) once I begin to work with them. I feel good about the boys on my current tribe, but I do have meh-ness towards the like of Randy, Matty, Marcus and Ron. I'd have zero issues with voting any of those guys off come merge.

There's six women left and nine men. It's dumb that's it being defined by fake gender avatars, BUT that's how it was divvied up. I almost always stay loyal to my original tribe mates and I'm sure if I was playing as a woman it'd be the same. If any of the girls were charming and fun to talk to then perhaps I could be manipulated to do what they like, but Crystal was the only charmer outta our three and she's dead.

I'm sure it does put me at a disadvantage if I go around waving my meninist flag, but that's not how I'm going to play. I have the people I'm closest to and want to work with and I just plan on becoming a symbiotic creature with them and let them know I'd do anything for them. If there are dudes that are anticipating and opportunity to flip then hopefully I'll be able to sniff 'em out.

It'd be sweet if any of them came to me to flip with the girls.


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By Chris
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Jeff Probst wrote: Tue Feb 18, 2020 11:17:16 am Why are you so sure the women are played by men?
Because it's an online game :dunno: lol

If they are real women though, that'd be really cool and blow my mind.


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By Danni Boatwright
Chris wrote: Tue Feb 18, 2020 8:42:42 am It's dumb that's it being defined by fake gender avatars, BUT that's how it was divvied up
Yeah so dumb to divide tribes by something arbitrary and see its influence on the game, Jeff. Silly hosts. Not like the kuril islands have a history of two opposing groups fighting over disputed territory or anything :yikes:
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By Chris
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I'm, like, beyond obsessed with Eric and Ace after last night. :strong:

I just want to keep this majority guylliance up for as long as I can, at least until merge. If we lost I'm 99% sure that Susie would go because all the dudes want her out. I'm still talking to her because I know she feels down and out and I can't just ice someone out like that. Like, I don't blame Susie at all last round and the girls for trying to do whatever they could to survive. We were obviously together and they spent a couple of days tryna find some sort of crack.

I want to keep grooming Aurora and get her on my side. I'm sure she's still with Lauren/Michelle, but maybe Charlie is working those broads on his end and perhaps we can come together and have options. I still wouldn't trade in my boys for anything, but it's good to have a cushion. I'm just going to hone in on Aurora and just trying as best as I can to get her to love me. With Susie being a dead man walking there's little to no point in trying to set something up with. As sad as it is to see her down and out vs her normal Susie-self, that's someone who I can't foresee working with me long term. Plus, I'm a big proponent of only working with people that actually enjoy and I do enjoy my conversations with Aurora.

I really want to win tonight because I want to see how the vote goes for the other tribe. The only person on that tribe that would devastate me leaving would be Charlie. Like, if Ron, Marcus and Matty all survived I wouldn't care, but if those three made it and I lost Charlie/Wardog along the way? That'd be a big fat fail. If they lost, four people would have just to vote Granny Gilly and she'd be TOAST, but I don't know if that group of boys is as tight as we are over here. :(

Game Plan:
  • Win Immunity
  • Secure votes against Susie if we lose
  • Reinforce 'boys strong' until the end
  • Get Aurora to trust me


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By Chris
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My conversation with Aurora went fine and she was essentially telling me that she wants to work with me. She declared herself as a threat and wants to work with all the big threats. She told me that someone told her "Chris is so likable that it's scary" but then wouldn't elaborate on that comment. She told me she thinks I'll need her at the merge because everyone is going to going after people like me.

Now, while all this does scare me, I do find it hard to believe. I relayed our entire conversation to Eric which I think drove him more crazy. He really wants us to throw the challenges and pick off the girls. Morally, I hate throwing competitions and I never enjoy doing it, but if all the boys want that to happen then who am I to not give them what they want. :oop: Eric wants to merge without Aurora and Susie just so they can't relay any sort of tribe dynamics or info about us to the others, which is smart thinking.

I asked Aurora straight up if there were any girls who would work with us if we made it to merge and she promised me there's two girls she knows she can work with. Going with the narrative, that leads me to believe those two girls would be Lauren and Michelle. Both are super threats in my eyes so I don't know if I'd like to go that path. If there was a way to eliminate Lauren/Michelle and keep Aurora all to myself then great, but there's no way that could happen.

I want to win because I want Gilly GONE and Aurora told me she thinks she's a total goner no matter what. If we won and Gillian left then all would be right in the world and the girls would continue to fall like dominoes.

I neeeeed Ace on because he's my favorite person in the world to talk game with and he's level-headed which is perfect. I love Eric to pieces, but this being his first game, I just get more fire from Ace. I know I gotta work on my relationship with Devens, but he is so impossible to catch. I think our move last night bonded us a bit, but I need him entranced.


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By Chris
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Aurora is not a very good player :( and I want good for her so much. She has so much potential, but damn she can't take a hint and she just gets pissed for no reason. I get that she's out of options but everyone has TOLD HER Susie is leaving. Unless she's like super tight with her, which she told me she isn't, I don't get why she's being such a bitch. Sorry I like to talk and get to know people and you just see it as building alliances and and voting blocs.

Honestly, maybe she should leave instead of Susie lmaooo break up that skinny legend alliance.


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By Chris
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Alright, listen, I'm all for obnoxious toxic masculinity, but I think Eric's going a bit overboard. Like, I know he's paranoid as fuck after almost getting voted out AND being the sole reason we're going to Tribal Council this round, but dude needs to chill. Gosh, is this what I sound like when I talk to people?! He's like demanding votes and dictating and it's FINE WHATEVER I GET IT but God it's annoying.

No Aurora vote at all because I'm not taking on testosterone-filled Eric and his obsession with getting out worthless Susie. Girl's down in the dumps with zero fire in her eyes while Aurora has confirmed she can work with two others on the other tribe. She's crazy and basically told me off because I didn't want to flip her. I feel better because I don't think! there's any idols going around so that's a sigh of relief. Susie will most likely be leaving the next round and unfortunately I think Eric wants to throw, again, and take out Aurora.

I hate throwing and I 100% didn't want to do NOR did I know this was a plan (check my chat history!!!) so it's irritating he wants to throw the next immunity challenge too. Bright side about that is we can cook up Granny Gilly at merge since she'll be a duck with a huge target since she's been on blast.

I did 2/4 out of my list above. I don't know if this boys cult is working too well because sometimes when they throw it at me I think I'm being tricked and manipulated, lol. Like, do you really want this just as bad?


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By Chris
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Plus side is if we keep losing then Charlie and I will for sure wind up on merge together lol

I'll be so devastated if he found new friends and betrays me :teary: :rofl:


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By Loveita
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Hello! Lurker here with a couple of mid episode questions for you!

1. What was your reaction when you read the challenge rules? Did you have a plan going into it? What did you hope would happen?
2. How did you feel about the outcome of the challenge? What do you think of your tribemates’ decisions?
3. You’ve got tribal in less than 24 hours. Is it scramble time? What’s your dream plan? What are your chances of pulling it off?

As always, feel free to share any thoughts you have as they spontaneously fill your head!


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By Chris
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Loveita wrote: Tue Feb 18, 2020 9:34:42 pm Hello! Lurker here with a couple of mid episode questions for you!
Loveita wrote: Tue Feb 18, 2020 9:34:42 pm 1. What was your reaction when you read the challenge rules? Did you have a plan going into it? What did you hope would happen?
The minute I read the challenge I just thought to myself “well, Eric can send us to tribal now, loool.” Legit, wasn’t surprised at all to see him snatch the necklace. He wants to tank the immunity challenges and get rid of the girls so the minute I read the challenge I knew were going. Talk about delivering it to him on a silver platter, though lmao.
Loveita wrote: Tue Feb 18, 2020 9:34:42 pm 2. How did you feel about the outcome of the challenge? What do you think of your tribemates’ decisions?
Like I said, I’m not surprised at all we’re going to tribal after seeing what type of challenge it was. Eric wanted to go and this was the easiest way he could make it happen. I’m pretty sure Randy and Devens were extremely annoyed with Eric’s decision and weren’t happen. Obviously Aurora and Susie were probbably not thrilled about it either. I went with the masses and told them I was shocked and annoyed, but I don’t care. I told Eric not to worry too much about it and it’s fine, we can just take out the girls no big deal. Urged him to follow up with all the men and just be 100% transparent with them and his decision. Ace doesn’t seem too pissed about it, but Ace is also like the best dude in this game and I love him to death. I feel like I’m tight with Eric, as we’ve had a relationship longer, but boy do I love gaming and just talking with Ace. He makes me feel safe and I feel he has my back 100%.
Loveita wrote: Tue Feb 18, 2020 9:34:42 pm 3. You’ve got tribal in less than 24 hours. Is it scramble time? What’s your dream plan? What are your chances of pulling it off?
I mean, with the lack of idols (at least I think??) I don’t think we’re going to be as stressed and crazy as were last round. Susie should be the vote and, while I’d rather Aurora because I think she’s nuts, I’m not going to rock the boat. Either girl leaving is good for me so I don’t care.

Should I be paranoid? I actually feel pretty OK? Maybe this will be the moment I get blindsided because I actually feel comfortable with my place and the dudes who have my back. I know that Aurora was tryna tell me that people like Ron, Marcus and Randy will take me out and won’t let me get to the end and I was just thinking ‘those aren’t the people I want to be in the end with, though lol.’ Made sure to deliver that accusation and response to Ace so I can constantly fortify my working relationships with the men. I’d love to be in a Final 4 of myself, Ace, Eric and Charlie.
Loveita wrote: Tue Feb 18, 2020 9:34:42 pm As always, feel free to share any thoughts you have as they spontaneously fill your head!


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By Chris
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I'll definitely be talking to Susie and Aurora all day long today just to keep them preoccupied and/or to test the waters to see if something is bubbling up. Just gonna be talkative, approachable and hopeful while doing constant check-ins with the dudes.


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By Chris
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Sarah Jones wrote: Wed Feb 19, 2020 5:16:14 pm 1. Tribal Council is in a few hours! How are you feeling things are going to go?
I always get pre-Tribal jitters, but I think I feel alright? I'm always going to assume that I'm getting blindsided and I don't think I've ever entered a TC confidently. The fact that Aurora is still begging me to tell her who it is and Susie hasn't campaigned at all kind of makes me think they found another idol.

I'm hoping? that if we fail on this vote and they play a successful idol that I'm not the #1 target on their hit list :yikes:
Sarah Jones wrote: Wed Feb 19, 2020 5:16:14 pm2. How do you WANT things to go?
lol Smoothly. I thought it was going to be Susie all day, but paranoia is setting in and Eric now is contemplating and throwing around the idea of splitting the votes. Randy asked me what the plan because "the guys haven't talked to him ALL day" and I haven't seen Ace or Devens on, lol. If they wanna split, I'm totally fine with that I just want to come out of this Tribal Council unscathed.
Sarah Jones wrote: Wed Feb 19, 2020 5:16:14 pm3. Who do you intend to vote for and why?
Any of the girls because I'm bOyS sTrOnG and I'm loyal to the people who I give my allegiance too. Hoping that same feeling is reciprocated from their end :dunno: I hate being at Tribal Council and I could kill Eric for doing this to us, lmao. I think all the guys want to remain strong with each other and if that's the case then a split vote should be no problem. Eeek, I need to talk with more people.


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