5th Place - Voted Out 3-2 - 9th Juror
By Danni Boatwright
Another day another dollar! Only 13 more people stand between you and that sweet prize money. Hopefully you're ready to race the end of this marathon like your life depends on it.

1-Another man out the door. How does Ace's departure impact your game?
2-Break down the trust you have with each member of this tribe. Where do you think your strongest loyalties lie?
3-What alliances are you a part of? do you think these will hold long term? or are they just a mechanism to make the next phase of the game?
4-Merge must be on the horizon at this point. Have you and your allies discussed your plans?


5- What happened tonight? Who do you think flipped from your split vote plan and why?

Danni Boatwright

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By Chris
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Danni Boatwright wrote: Wed Feb 19, 2020 9:22:29 pm Another day another dollar! Only 13 more people stand between you and that sweet prize money. Hopefully you're ready to race the end of this marathon like your life depends on it.

1-Another man out the door. How does Ace's departure impact your game?
It impacts my game immensely. He was my pretty much my top ally in this game and I was aiming to wanting to go all the way to the end with him. The tribe will get a lot more boring because, now, Aurora is the only one left in this game who can hold an interesting conversation, lmao.

He was great to talk game with and most importantly I trusted him implicitly. Losing a player like that this early has me readjusting my entire thought process. Like a fight or flight reaction and I almost just want to fly until I can get to merge.
Danni Boatwright wrote: Wed Feb 19, 2020 9:22:29 pm2-Break down the trust you have with each member of this tribe. Where do you think your strongest loyalties lie?
Eric - He's the dude I speak with the most, even if they aren't very lively and fun. We've voted the same way this entire game and have been in tandem with one another since the start. He asked me if I flipped tonight and that really pissed me off, but I just pleaded my case and let him know what was up. Devens clearly flipped, writing's on the wall. The fact he even had to ask really makes me angry.

Randy - Literally here because of being in an alliance together and he's voted every way he said he would. He's alright, kind of fun, but I still think he has my back?

Aurora - She reached out to me after the vote just now and basically had her 'I told you so' moment. My critical error was believing that Ace had Devens, because I've always been sus of him. It is what it is and no use crying over it not going my way. It was a really good tribal. The fact that she still reached out to me, while being in a power hungry state, shows me that maybe she does want to get something going. Taking out Ace eliminated someone who I had an unwavering loyalty to and I feel kind of lost right now. I need to sleep on how I feel jumping ship entirely and running with Aurora. I like her, I really do and we seriously have gotten off on the wrong foot, but I do believe my social standing with her is what kept my name off the table. She basically told me it was between me and Ace, so just dealing with that.

Susie - Meh.

Devens - He'll be my target if we go to Tribal Council. I think I could get Eric and Randy to vote him out and I don't see the girls going to rocks. I also can see the girls taking out Devens as a win/win no matter what. That being said, Eric and Randy have given me annoying vibes of accusing me of flipping and the fact Aurora still wants to be with me is something I can't stop thinking about.
Danni Boatwright wrote: Wed Feb 19, 2020 9:22:29 pm3-What alliances are you a part of? do you think these will hold long term? or are they just a mechanism to make the next phase of the game?
I'm not in any alliance anymore, lol. I spent my entire molding this cult of men to have it just blow up in my face with my closest ally being the sacrifice. I still have my alliance with Eric, but the dude has rubbed so many people the wrong way. I also have this weird relationship going with Aurora. I don't know how to feel about it. Do I trust that she wants to work with me? She was angry I was ~friendly~ towards her and didn't want an alliance, but I never said I didn't. I just kept her benched because I didn't know if anything like this would happen. I think she's great and I definitely don't mind with riding with her long term. I just don't like or trust Susie.
Danni Boatwright wrote: Wed Feb 19, 2020 9:22:29 pm4-Merge must be on the horizon at this point. Have you and your allies discussed your plans?
Yeah, and it was boys strong. With Ace gone the only male left in the game I truly care about is Charlie so you might be seeing an end to this chapter. :teary: :yikes: This vote opened up my eyes and I need to be more fluid with my game if I plan on getting anywhere. I'm weighing the options of fully committing to Aurora or not, I just don't want her selling me up the river to everyone and I'm toast if we lose. I emphasized my loyalty to her in her cocky speech to me after tribal
Danni Boatwright wrote: Wed Feb 19, 2020 9:22:29 pm5- What happened tonight? Who do you think flipped from your split vote plan and why?
Eric and Randy were gonna vote Aurora and then Ace, myself and Devens were voting for Susie. Two votes for Aurora showed up so Eric and Randy check out and Ace can't vote for himself. That leaves myself and Devens and clearly I know I didn't vote out Ace. Devens is the snake that I will expose. I'm very annoyed that Eric even asked me!!! Like what the fuck, I get it he's paranoid ALWAYS, but damn dude trust me.

The reason why I'm contemplating flipping with Aurora is just because she knows how to game. If I don't commit to Aurora my other plan was just to force a tie and vote Devens hoping the girls wouldn't go to rocks for him. That, requires a lot of trust in Randy and Eric who, apparently, don't have that much trust in me.


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By Chris
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I made my decision.

Just sent Aurora like 5 offline DMs for her to wake up to and hopefully she'll wanna reciprocate. If not, that's fine I'll just vote Devens and :crossed: my way out the game.

I miss Ace. :(


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By Chris
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Counting my final hours in this game as it gets closer and closer to the challenge time. <3 I can't see us winning immunity again because Ace is gone and he was definitely the challenge beast. I can feel it in my bones that I'll be going to Tribal Council tonight and I'm 99% sure that it'll be me in the hot seat.

I don't see Randy going out this out and I definitely don't see any of the girls leaving. I've made my decision to work with them and I'm not going to go back on that. I also don't see Devens leaving because he saved the girls last round and he'll be sticking with them. It will most likely come down between Eric and myself and I'm fully prepared for that. I've been trying to build my relationship with the ladies and get on their good side in comparison so they can spare me when they decide to play God tonight.

Susie and Aurora both DMd today and let me know they "appreciate how nice I am and it hasn't gone unnoticed at all." Survivor is so much fun because how two girls, in one move, overtook the tribe is so impressive and it's honestly the reason why I love this game. I told them both that taking out Ace was a brilliant move (from an outsider's perspective) and that I'm not angry at all. I let them know that I fully expect to be targeted if we lose and I'm just trying to be a vulnerable, trustworthy, down-and-out player ready to be scooped up and abused.

Like I said, I am not confident at all about going to Tribal Council if we lose and I'm under the impression that I'll most likely be voted out. My plan is to just show how loyal and trustworthy I am and hopefully they'll want to work with me. I told them both I will not be voting them out if we lose and I'll be throwing a vote at Devens. I hope Eric and Randy follow suit, but I can't imagine any of them sticking with me through this vote. Signs point to it being an Eric or Chris vote if my gut's right.

I like Aurora a lot and I hope she latches on to what I've said to her today. If she does intend to stick with me then she'll have an ally for the rest of the game. After the Ace move and the aftermath of it all I am so over this boys thing. I still would cross the ocean for Charlie, but the rest can get fucked.

Hoping that Susie and Aurora reached out to me with intentions of sparing me. I feel if they were just taking me out next they wouldn't put in any effort whatsoever. It may seem like I'm giving up in my DMs with people, but that's so far from the truth. I'm trying to balance my next move here and now that I feel completely alone it's just hard to maneuver a certain direction.

Gonna give it my all for this challenge, but if we lose I think this could be the final stop me. I'll keep schmoozing Aurora and Susie and hopefully they'll keep me around. If not, it's been a blast :yas:


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