5th Place - Voted Out 3-2 - 9th Juror
By Danni Boatwright
:fire: Congrats on making the merge AND surviving your first tribal council on Matua! :fire:

Making the merge is a big deal in stranded. This is where you'll cement yourself as an all time great, or an all time goat. The choice is yours :) Enjoy your weekend and getting to know the rest of your cast that made this milestone with you! We'll be checking in periodically to ask you more questions as we think of them

1-Now that you're reunited with tribe mates who swapped onto the other tribe, what is your plan? Are you more loyal to OG tribal alliances, or have you made better connections post swap?

2-What kind of game are you looking to play here at merge? the social butterfly? the cool headed strategist? challenge beast? what do you think best suits your personality to make the end?

3- Merge councils are known for their unpredictability, huge moves and dramas, do you anticipate having to confront fellow tribe mates if your neck is on the line?

4-Are you having fun?

Danni Boatwright

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By Chris
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Danni Boatwright wrote: Thu Feb 20, 2020 10:18:14 pm :fire: Congrats on making the merge AND surviving your first tribal council on Matua! :fire:

Making the merge is a big deal in stranded. This is where you'll cement yourself as an all time great, or an all time goat. The choice is yours :) Enjoy your weekend and getting to know the rest of your cast that made this milestone with you! We'll be checking in periodically to ask you more questions as we think of them
I’m stunned and shocked! After Ace went home I tuck my dick in between my legs and became the world’s biggest soy boy. Just tried to make sure that the women knew I was loyal, done with the men and all completely by my lonesome. Susie and Aurora have both told me I would’ve survived if we went to Tribal Council, so let’s just take their words for it.

Aurora and Susie immediately went straight to Reem, Lauren, Michelle and Gillian to take out Marcus. I’m not worried about that and I was never close with Marcus, but it does beg the question how close they really are. Aurora and Susie have both been keeping up with me, which is nice and surprising, but I’m just going to bide my time. I voted out Gillian with Eric to make myself seem less connected than I actually am and I hope that was a good move on my end. I have a lot of paths here on this merge tribe and I do feel I was given a new life.
Danni Boatwright wrote: Thu Feb 20, 2020 10:18:14 pm 1-Now that you're reunited with tribe mates who swapped onto the other tribe, what is your plan? Are you more loyal to OG tribal alliances, or have you made better connections post swap?

I don’t really know what I’m doing at the moment. I voted out Gillian last round with because I wanted to seem less connected than I appeared to be and I also don’t want to ruin my working relationship with Eric. I have Aurora who wants to work with me, I ran into Charlie’s arms the second we merged and Ron came at me FULL FORCE about working together. It’s honestly a lot to take in and I’m willing to go in any direction to make sure I make it to the end.

I made my deal with her and she is excited to work with me, as far as I know. I even told her “Do you think I should just vote Gilly that way people won’t think I’m with you or something?” and she liked the idea a lot. I’m well aware that Eric rubs people the wrong way, but I’m confident in my social game to be able to stick past Final 13. She told me to give her the weekend to try and pull me into an alliance and make sure that no one wants to target me. That’s totally fine with me. If Aurora is telling the truth then I’m all for it. She just told me to make the girls like me and so far I’ve been getting good results. I’m concerned because I know that her, Lauren and Michelle seem right, but then Ron and Matty tell me the girls don’t like Aurora because she’s bossy and a snake. This is a bit confusing to me, but I’m also not about to sell out Ron when he seems the most genuine out of everyone to me.

I love him and I made sure to ask him if our Final 2 was still on. I mean, who in their right mind would actively say no, but I needed him to know that I’m still down to rock this out with him until the end. He’s good with the girls and also still close with Ron and Matty. This is good for me because I do like them a lot and now it won’t be impossible or awkward for Charlie and I to continue to work together and try to get to the end together. I hope he gets more active after his holiday and we can do some major damage. I’m just thrilled to have wound up with him and I do believe he still values me just as much as I value him.

Talking to Ron last night sent chills all over me and get me HYPED for this game. He basically came at me with wanting to work with me and spilled all the Wardog tea. He was talking about the girls, wanting to work with me, calling Charlie a goat, saying he wants to make a move against the girls, he wants to take out Devens and, like, I think I’m in love? My FAVORITE part of this is that he called me out for me targeting him :x and I owned up to it immediately. To be honest, I’m so happy Ron called me out for that because I’d be spending the entire game worried that he found out from someone else. After coming clean about that it just became water under the bridge. I can’t see Ron saying all of this to me just to set me up for failure and to throw me under the bus. I’m literally “viewed” as being on the outs currently with because I chose to be in the minority on the last vote. He wouldn’t have to make up a complicated tale to bait & switch me to have me ousted. I confessed to him that ‘I do have Eric’ since we both came clean and were being 100 with each other. I basically told him he can vote him out if he wants, but fwiw I do have Eric 100% and he would work with us. My relationship with Ron is by far the most interesting thing right now and I can’t wait to strategize and talk more with him later.

I love Eric <3 Even if most of the cast thinks he’s an abrasive jerk. I find him sweet and somewhat naive so it makes working with him kind of easy. I think he’s easy to read and, bar the Ace vote accusation, we’ve always been together. I voted with him on the Gilly vote because I didn’t want to lose him as an ally and I thought putting myself in a minority would less my threat level. I’m going to try all I can to save Eric, but I also won’t be dragged down with him if it’s impossible. I’d like to go to the end with him because I think I’d beat him, but I think he’d be a really hard ally to protect, lol. He’s a pretty meat shield, though. Just like Ace.

These four are the ones I feel closest too at the moment. I’m having great conversations with Lauren so I’m going to be working that angle as much as I can. Going to make sure I keep up appearances with Susie and I gotta work on Reem/Michelle more. Funny enough, Devens reached out and asked me not to hate him forever, lol. Clearly I agreed, but he’s gone next round if there’s a way to pull it off.
Danni Boatwright wrote: Thu Feb 20, 2020 10:18:14 pm 2-What kind of game are you looking to play here at merge? the social butterfly? the cool headed strategist? challenge beast? what do you think best suits your personality to make the end?
I mean, I only know how to play one type of game in Survivor and that’s the social game. Challenges are a bore and I’m too thick to ever be a strategist, hahaha. My goal is to just be the likable guy on the outs of the game. I even feel, compared to Eric, that it’s a unique situation to be in. Honestly, it could go one of two ways. They could target me because I am so likable (according to several folks in this game) and there’s an opportunity or my social abilities will be able to help me mold myself into a better position. After Ace left the boys alliance is a thing of the past and I’m just trying to work with whoever had the best road for myself.

I’m going to keep my relationship with Aurora as tight as possible, but I’m definitely going to be moving forward with Ron. It’s just so hard for me to believe that the girls aren’t this uber tight group and, while the boy’s alliance is dead, I dunno if theirs is. Reem and Eric are getting along which is amazing for me because Eric needs more friends and people to hang out with  So I really hope he can do something with her. Ron mentioned blindsiding Michelle if an opportunity presented itself and Devens DM’d me to let me know now to hate him forever.

So far I have a pretty good funnel of information being delivered to me from several people. I still have my F2 with Charlie that I’m 100% loyal to and I do believe that Matty is still on my side. I couldn’t even describe the dynamics of this tribe because I feel so out of the loop in it. It seems like a lot of people want to work with me, but they’re waiting to really make something concrete?
Danni Boatwright wrote: Thu Feb 20, 2020 10:18:14 pm3- Merge councils are known for their unpredictability, huge moves and dramas, do you anticipate having to confront fellow tribe mates if your neck is on the line?
I have zero problem with confronting someone about voting me lol especially if I knew I was 100% dead anyways. I mean, I didn’t shy away from posting publicly and calling out Devens after the Ace vote so I know I wouldn’t shy away from calling out some other loser. I just hope enough people have my back that I’ll know if I’m being targeted.
Danni Boatwright wrote: Thu Feb 20, 2020 10:18:14 pm4-Are you having fun?

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By Chris
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Danni Boatwright wrote: Sun Feb 23, 2020 11:54:14 am
Chris wrote: Sun Feb 23, 2020 12:26:58 am I don't even know what to confess because I feel like my allegiances have changed a billion times in two days.
you could just confess your sins. I'm an ordained minister so I could probably forgive them
You know I'm a puritan <3


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By Danni Boatwright
Chris wrote: Sun Feb 23, 2020 1:52:44 pm
Danni Boatwright wrote: Sun Feb 23, 2020 11:54:14 am
Chris wrote: Sun Feb 23, 2020 12:26:58 am I don't even know what to confess because I feel like my allegiances have changed a billion times in two days.
you could just confess your sins. I'm an ordained minister so I could probably forgive them
You know I'm a puritan <3
A puritan who spends all day smoking the devils lettuce! REPENT! REPENT! icon_chaos icon_chaos icon_chaos
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