10th Place - Voted Out 9-1 - 4th Juror
By Danni Boatwright
:fire: Congrats on making the merge AND surviving your first tribal council on Matua! :fire:

Making the merge is a big deal in stranded. This is where you'll cement yourself as an all time great, or an all time goat. The choice is yours :) Enjoy your weekend and getting to know the rest of your cast that made this milestone with you! We'll be checking in periodically to ask you more questions as we think of them

1-Now that you're reunited with tribe mates who swapped onto the other tribe, what is your plan? Are you more loyal to OG tribal alliances, or have you made better connections post swap?

2-What kind of game are you looking to play here at merge? the social butterfly? the cool headed strategist? challenge beast? what do you think best suits your personality to make the end?

3- Merge councils are known for their unpredictability, huge moves and dramas, do you anticipate having to confront fellow tribe mates if your neck is on the line?

4-Are you having fun?

Danni Boatwright

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By Matty
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1: i need to get a feel for both sides. im really starting to question my loyalties and who i think i can work with moving forward. two hours ago i wouldve said reem gillian lauren and michelle to the end but now my mind is racing with new possibilites.

2: my options are very open. i want to be social butterfly, but also the one no one sees coming. like a poisonous butterfly. it looks cute but it'll kill you if you get too close.

3: absolutely, and im ready and excited for it. hopefully my social game is good enough to the point where my name wont come up, but im sure plenty of things wont go my way the next few weeks.

4: yes a lot!!!
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By Matty
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so after we come together as one tribe, i get to talking to the old atlasova members and get the scoop on what's been happening. all of a sudden, randy comes to me about being in a chat with every single female.. considering i've been working with the females, to not be included is worrisome. I try to talk to Reem, and mention theres a new big alliance thats been formed, and she gives some bullshit answer like "omg really i havent even been paying attention to that" like cmon now. When I asked Randy what they were saying about me, they said they liked me but that they were wary of me... really? after how much i've helped them? i can gladly give them something to be way about if they want. I was added to the group, but if my suspicions are correct they only added me because they were worried I was catching on. This is really eye-opening.. I think I can definitely trust Randy, but I'm really not sure about anyone else at the moment.. I need to do some rethinking. right now there is 7 guys left and 6 girls. I know the girls are willing to stick with each other.. but can I say the same for the men? when it gets down to smaller numbers am I going to be one of the ones picked off? Its a lot to consider and I'm going to be looking at all my options.


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By Matty
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as the days go by.. it gets more and more obvious how big a threat both reem and chris are becoming. chris was my number one on taraku 1.0, reem on taraku 2.0.. but now im really thinking, who else had them as their number 1? i've known for quite a bit that reem isn't completely in my corner, and charlie has really helped solidify those feelings. there are less women in the game, but they are still a bigger threat than the men could ever be. ron, eric and devens are the walking dead, no one wants to work with them and their chance of winning is as close to 0 as it could get. chris is a massive social threat that i can't afford to let go far, which leaves me with only randy and charlie. then you see the women and you have 5 fucking power players.. alongside gilly. i think susie is underestimated, sis found an idol and has made it to this point in the game despite consistently being on the bottom. my best play to get to the end and win is to get closer to the people who are quieter, like lauren. the only problem is that it seems like the girls are a tight unit. if we dont start chipping at them and creating cracks, it could be game over before we even know it. eric is the target right now, but what do i gain by him leaving? we'll see how the rest of the night goes.


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By Matty
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a few hours till immunity.. randy comes up to me and says my names coming up as the target by the girls.. for being the most connected. the thing is, it really does make sense. do i think its the right move for them right now? no, but i can see them doing it. now i have about three hours to either switch this all around or win immunity. this is really a do or die day for me. im either going to flop or come out on top. ill try to work as much magic as possible, but things dont look great.


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By Matty
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the more im hearing the worse i feel. im slipping into a state of total paranoia, trying to figure out the best move to keep me safe without betraying randys trust. im going as hard as possible for immunity, and if that doesnt work i will die trying to keep myself in the game. this is show up or shut up.


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By Matty
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so in an effort to get the target off my back, i decide to tell aurora that reem alongside susie and gill are working towards getting her out. aurora, being the smart person she is was clearly skeptical... but it didnt stop her from spreading the paranoia... the moment reem messaged me about what i told aurora, i couldve sworn my game was done. but after trying to do a bit of damage control , i think i have a shot at making it though the night. the thing is... every person i talk to fucking insists that eric is the vote. either this cast has the best liars ever, or randy was trying to get me to blow up my position. and if thats the case, i feel a lot worse than i did a couple hours ago. right now my mind is only on immunity, as soon as i win im blowing the game the fuck up. everyone going down, lemme just confirm my safety first.


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By Matty
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SO FINALLY SOMEONE DECIDES TO BE HONEST WITH ME... lauren is straight up and tells me my name was going around, however a new plan is coming into action. thats all i fucking wanted to hear. im so sick of people lying to my face, lauren has proven to be one of the only people i can actually trust. god it feels good to have your fate in your hands and not crumble


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By Matty
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so i caused a fuckton of drama and apparently the vote is between reem and aurora.. talking to reem, it seems like she wasnt reaaly apart of the plan to send me home and im honestly starting to feel a bit bad lmao. i am a lot less close with aurora, and i think shes a bigger threat to my game. at the same time, shes just as big a threat to herself like look how quick her position was blown up. i think the vote could go either way tonight, and im not even sure where im swinging. as long as im safe, it will work itself out.


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