7th Place - Voted Out 4-2-1 - 7th Juror
By Danni Boatwright
Final 10 baby! You've successfully outlasted half of the cast and are well on your way to the end!

1-another split vote! Who do you think voted with you? who voted against you? anyone surprise you with their decision?

2-The votes have seemed chaotic from an outsider's perspective. Are there clear lines on who is working with who? or are the lines constantly shifitng?

3-Did you learn anything about your standing in the tribe during tonight's challenge?

4-who is your biggest competition in the game?

Any other thoughts? comments? insults? please share them with us :)


Danni Boatwright

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By Lauren
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I was really confused about the split but Matty royally fucked up last night and now I am very enlightened. Matty was the vote that flipped to Devens. Cool. He lied to me and literally told me and everyone else to vote for Ron but whatever. So we're just talking and he sends me this messaging admiting to flipping and saying he still trusts me more than anyone and wants to work with me towards the end and I was vomiting inside my mouth it was so cringy and stupid. He literally at one point goes "And I choose you", like this isn't a romance novel, chill the fuck out. Anyways, this idiot got too cocky and sent basically the same thing to Reem and I at the same time probably thinking that this vote had us completely not trusting each other so we wouldn't be communicating. Which also lines up with why he was trying to pit alliances of us against each other. But anyway that was stupid and he just ensured the people he though were in his back pocket just won't ever trust him. I also told Chris everything because I wanted to make sure that wasn't an option for Matty either.

So right now, everything's shifting. I've promised the girls I'm back with them because of what Matty pulled but what Reem wants to do is vote out Randy, Chris and Eric and THEN go for Matty so he'll have "nowhere to go". But that's like the dumbest move I could make. I've voted with these guys the past 3 votes and honestly I feel my relationships with them are better than mine with the women. So 1. I'm not about to burn them all, that's a good way to ensure I get not votes if I make it to the end and 2. I don't know if they think I'm stupid enough to think that as soon as the rest of my alliance and Matty are gone they won't just give me the boot. If all of those guys are on the jury there's no way they chance me making it to the end.

As of right now, I'm playing along with the plan so no one gets suspicious of me. Reem and I agreed to lead Matty on and I'm working on getting Chris to do the same so hopefully that's taken care of. I can't save all the guys though if I want the girls to think I'm with them so someone has to be a sacrifice. At this point, as far as I know Chris is the only one who hasn't lied to me yet so I really don't want to cut him. I also think since he's more social he's my best bet to get people to flip on the girls once Matty's gone. So it's between Randy and Eric this vote and I can't save them both so Randy might have to go since he's been plotting a side alliance. The plan is to vote with them this vote, make it seem like I flipped on the rest of the guys, and then for next vote put my foot down and say I want Matty gone before I vote out the people I'm closer with because I don't trust him at all. I'm thinking that should work because they want my vote in taking out the rest of the guys, and in the event that they don't want to go for it, Charlie wants Gillian out. If possible I want to save that for after Matty's gone but if I need to that's the route I'll go instead of voting out my allies.

Right now my biggest competition is Reem and Matty. Matty because he's a snake and Reem because she's smart. Her plan to get me to turn on the guys is a really good move as it makes me vulnerable (especially since they've shot down my name before) and puts a dent in my relationships should she want to take me further. I just don't like being someone's puppet so I'm going to do what I have to do to survive and ensure that she doesn't make it far enough where cutting me is a viable option for her.


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By Lauren
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Also previous to this I really didn't want to go with Chris to the end but now I'm thinking if I have any chance in hell of making it there I have to go with him. Or at least get really freaking close and then see if people would flip but that could very easily backfire on me.


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