8th Place - Voted Out 5-3 - 6th Juror
Shhhhhhhhh don't tell anyone that you're in this group. it's a SECRET icon_mml
Congrats on final 9! we're rapidly approaching the end of this game, so if you aren't already playing hard it's time to start!

1-Can you give us a rundown of what the hell happened today?

2-If you had to pick your SPECIAL friends for your SPECIAL hangout, who would you pick at this point? are these the same friends you want in the F3 with you?

3-With the numbers dwindling it will be harder and harder to get a group together to make a move, and it's possible that you may need to work with people who you dislike to make these moves happen. is there anyone in this game that you would refuse to work with?


Danni Boatwright

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SO basiclly Matty knew he is fucked and tried to get out of that situation by telling more lies but everybody knew it was lies so noone changed vote from Matty, simple as that.
It is Chris, it will always be Chris. We are togheter in this game since day 1, we voted the same every time and we tell everything to ourselfs. If there is one person i can 100% trust it is Chris. Do i want him in F3, i dont know. He is really likable and i dont know if i can beat him in the end. At least for now i dont know but i would like to go with him to F4 for 100%.

At this point i know i have 3 solid votes and that wont change. Now i need to get 2 more votes to survive tonights tribal. Well at this point you have to try to work with people you dont like because you need that votes. I think it is Reem, she is to much of a threat to keep her in the game or to work with her to get those numbers


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