9th Place - Voted Out 5-4 - 5th Juror
By Danni Boatwright
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I cannot stress enough how much our hosts and alumni stanned you this season. An all time great character, and you played hard from the moment the game started. If anyone wants proof that this game isn't rigged, your vote off is the smoking gun :gun:

Would you ever consider playing again? if so would you do anything differently?

Enjoy ponderosa! We're sure as hell going to enjoy getting to talk to you there :pop:

Danni Boatwright

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Danni Boatwright wrote: Thu Feb 27, 2020 11:05:04 pm icon_bow icon_bow icon_bow icon_bow icon_bow icon_bow icon_bow

I cannot stress enough how much our hosts and alumni stanned you this season. An all time great character, and you played hard from the moment the game started. If anyone wants proof that this game isn't rigged, your vote off is the smoking gun :gun:

Would you ever consider playing again? if so would you do anything differently?

Enjoy ponderosa! We're sure as hell going to enjoy getting to talk to you there :pop:
Aw man, that does my heart some good. Sorry to have let you all down, but man it was fun! I told all my friends and coworkers I just got booted, and even those who weren't as invested were a little devastated hahaha

I absolutely would play again. This was a blast and great distraction for me from my job. It's been EXTREMELY stressful in real life so being able to escape and just play with people was awesome. If I played again I probably wouldn't change much except maybe be a little more aggressive. I think had I actually take a more firm approach with Gillian, like "dude, I'm going home. You may need to play your idol if you want me around." I may have had the numbers and won the game. I should go with my gut a little more for sure.

Obviously there would be a ton of factors, but I wouldn't change my behavior much. I did well, but that damn target was big from the get go! hahaha

I'll see ya'll at ponderosa!
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I just got punched in the feels by Michelle's post in the campfire thread. Don't think I didn't catch that FAY there.

Damn, I've grown soft. I miss that bitch <3 #TeamMichelle #TeamFAY
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