5th Place - Voted Out 3-2 - 9th Juror
FINAL 8!!! We're entering the final week of the game and the finish line is in sight! Hopefully you'll recharge this weekend and come in hot for the home stretch.

1-A lot of secrets were let out of the bag during the challenge tonight. Were you surprised by any of the answers you got? Feeling nervous about how you're being perceived?

2-That jury bench is starting to fill up. Who up there do you think would vote for you? Who wouldn't?

3-Can you see your path to the end? DO you have any deals to get yourself there? If not, what is your plan?

Danni Boatwright

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By Chris
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Danni Boatwright wrote: Thu Feb 27, 2020 10:20:31 pm FINAL 8!!! We're entering the final week of the game and the finish line is in sight! Hopefully you'll recharge this weekend and come in hot for the home stretch.
I am very proud of myself for making it to the final leg of this game. I've been playing ORGs for SO long and I have not played anything quite like this before, lmao. Apologies for the lack of confessionals, but I have still been playing just as hard as ever.

This past week of merge was insane and so much has happened. Since the fall of Aurora I've found an amazing ally in Lauren who I've been making moves with side by side this entire game. Ever since she DM'd the day after Matty flipped on the Ron vote and basically caught me up to everything, I've known she's been 100 with me. Even tonight, when Ron told me he was putting Reem's name down and to get Eric, Randy and Lauren to do it -

My first question is how did he know that Lauren is with me and second why did he flip on Reem? I have been targeting Reem hardcore this ENTIRE merge and I can't believe I finish the week off with her out. She was a great person to speak to and I nearly fell into her spell, but I drew that line in the sand the very first vote.

Since Matty's been gone everything has been SO MUCH calmer. Even tonight, I didn't feel nervous at all? I kind of thought that Eric would go, but that fact that Ron told me he wasn't telling Charlie made me believe this was all going to work. I love Eric so much and he is the BEST shield I have ever played with. I do like him a lot so and it's absolutely no secret that we're a duo (and for some reason no one seems threatened by it? lol), but him being targeted every single merge round and being saved every single merge round has been amazing. He rubs so many people the wrong way, but he's loyal as fuck and he doesn't annoy me. Him and I voted the same since the start of the game so keeping him here has been absolutely essential. I need Eric with me at FTC.

Linking up Lauren has been my best strategic move in this entire game. I think she's the perfect gamebot/personality match up that I am. After we voted Reem together that first round and Aurora left I realized she still wanted to work with the boys. I pretty much wound up enjoying her the most out of most people in this game. I think she's a phenomenal plater and the Majority Rules proved that. I have no agenda with getting Lauren out anytime soon. I have an end game deal with her and at the moment I do plan on honoring it. I think I'd want a Final 4 of myself, Lauren, Eric and Randy if I had to make it happen right this second.

Those are my top two allies. After I've repaired things with Ron and was able to flip things on Matty I think I'm back in the Charlie/Ron club. It's hard to tell if people trust me, but hearing that I got it in MR is kind of comforting? Everyone likes to be with someone that they trust right? :) Gillian and Michelle are the only people I don't have anything with and I'd want to get them out next. It's getting a little tricky because I'm just working on getting the people I like to the end, but I have the weekend to figure things out. I've chosen Lauren to make the decision on the next move we do. She copped a lot of heat apparently and I don't think she would've voted with me this long if she wasn't with me to the end. The girls have been so shitty to her in this game so I don't blame her.
Danni Boatwright wrote: Thu Feb 27, 2020 10:20:31 pm1-A lot of secrets were let out of the bag during the challenge tonight. Were you surprised by any of the answers you got? Feeling nervous about how you're being perceived?
Most strategic and most trustworthy was shocking, but I low key kind of loved it. I was also super flattered about the entire cast saying that they thought I was going to win the game. Majority Rules is an interesting challenge because it gives you minor insight into your competitors views. I guess a lot of people feel good when they talk to me and I also feel like people must talk a LOT of game with me. Thankfully this challenge happened before a weekend so people should forget. :3
Danni Boatwright wrote: Thu Feb 27, 2020 10:20:31 pm2-That jury bench is starting to fill up. Who up there do you think would vote for you? Who wouldn't?
Aurora - If I explained myself and Lauren wasn't there, sure.
Susie - I think I could get her's if it was all boys perhaps?
Devens - I think I have a decent shot at his because he did want to work with me towards the end of this.
Matty - I want to make it to the end just so I can try at his jury question. I have so many words for him.
Reem - Ya' know, I could see her voting for me as a fuck you to Lauren lmaooo.

^ This was all done based around a Me/Lauren/Eric/Randy Final2/3
Danni Boatwright wrote: Thu Feb 27, 2020 10:20:31 pm3-Can you see your path to the end? DO you have any deals to get yourself there? If not, what is your plan?
I can sort of see the light to the end. With only eight people left you got to start looking at your options. I have Gillian and Michelle who are the last people in the game I don't have deals with. Ron and Charlie are another faction I have going and then there's my fuck cluster alliance that involves Randy, Lauren, Eric and myself.

I think going to Final Tribal Council with Ron and Charlie is probably my smartest, but I don't want to do Lauren dirty, lmao. If she's going to fuck me, then so be it, but I do trust her so much and I still credit to working with her has been my best strategic move. It's allowed me to have more leverage and eyes in other directions. It's also allowed to find me someone who is really badass at this game and I'm totally looking forward to chilling with after.

Randy wants to go to the end with me and I think a F3 of me/Randy/Eric would be great, too. I want to form a Final Four of those three and Lauren, but I don't know if I can make it work. To be fair, the plan was for Michelle to go home and I was actually all for it. Her connection Lauren annoys me a lot. I hate that they DON'T vote together, but yet they still get mad at one another, idgi. I'm probably just getting played by them.

But that's the thing, Lauren came to me with Ron tryna Michelle, but I confirmed it with immediately. I can't believe that they tried to vote out my boy Eric YET again. I'm not the one saying that I'm the one who keeps him alive, buuuuuuut


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Lurker Here,

Here to provide some final questions for my winner pick, as we head into the FINAL WEEK,

As a three-time final week alumnus, I know that this is where dreams are made and hopes are crushed, and I don’t just mean the ones where I’m naked and have to give a presentation while simultaneously falling to my death. The decisions you make in this next week are either going to be in your winning montage or haunt you so much that you are forced to play time and time again in a perpetual state of Samsara finally waiting for your chance to clinch that W.

So, consider me to be the Dickensian Jacob Marley to your Ebenezer Scrounge as I ask you a question about the past, the present and the future of your time in this game to hopefully push you to the next level to get that bag.


Former Nate Winner Pick, Jean-Paul Sartre once said “everything starts with a plan - and then you end up with shit all over your Ford Fiesta”. In terms of your plan, if everything were to go your way – what is the boot list for the rest of the season? Who do you take with you to the Final 3? How do you plan on making this happen?


While there’s still a lot of game to play, nobody can win Stranded off the final week alone. Previous Nate Winner Picks have run marathons on one leg, have competed on the International Underground Hungry Hungry Hippos Circuit and walked on water. As a Nate Official Winner Pick, do you think you’ve done enough to earn that notable distinction? If Final Tribal Council was tomorrow, what would be your pitch? If you get to the Final 3, do you think you can win it?


In the film Kung Fu Panda, the main character creates a social networking app from his college dorm, but dies before he can tell his story. Here is your chance to tell your story. If/when you win this season, what would be the first words that they play during your winner montage and/or in memoriam segment?


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By Chris
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Nate wrote: Fri Feb 28, 2020 12:20:57 pm

Former Nate Winner Pick, Jean-Paul Sartre once said “everything starts with a plan - and then you end up with shit all over your Ford Fiesta”. In terms of your plan, if everything were to go your way – what is the boot list for the rest of the season? Who do you take with you to the Final 3? How do you plan on making this happen?
I’ve been mulling this over since last night. I know that the people I trust the most in this game is Eric and Lauren. I’m still wondering if I can defeat Lauren in a FTC, but I’m not sure yet. I’m confident in my own game of not just going with what the majority wanted or giving up when things looked horrible. Bringing Eric with me to the end is an absolute must for me to tell my story as well. I need Eric there as a symbol of the game that I played. I also think that Eric is a (love you so much dude) FTC goat. I feel like a lot of people find him rude and don’t like him and credit him staying to his allies fighting for his life every round. I mean, whenever Eric’s name is the decoy boot I’ve always tried to hustle it in a different direction.

I want Lauren there with me in the end because I think we’re both massive targets. After both being named most likely to win the game, I think we need each other for the rest of the game. My pitch to her is going to be that we’re perfect to use as shields for one another and we need to take out people like Gillian and Charlie who will just occupy a space at the end to lose. I don’t know how tight she with Michelle, but I think she’s closer to me. Michelle went off about how Ron openly went after her and Lauren lied to her last round so she isn’t feeling the greatest.

Ideal boot list:

8. Michelle
7. Ron
6. Randy
5. Charlie
4. Gillian
3. Eric
2. Lauren
1. Chris

I think that Michelle, Ron and Randy are the movers and shakers, outside of myself and Lauren, left in the game. I really don’t know how to go about taking those three out, but I’m just going to wing it. I need to decide when to have my pow wow with Lauren about our end game and see how we can make it work. So far I’ve been good with just staying with the people I’m loyal to and making others believe I’m with them until the end. The people who give me the same trust and loyalty I’ll deliver back 10x over.

Nate wrote: Fri Feb 28, 2020 12:20:57 pm

While there’s still a lot of game to play, nobody can win Stranded off the final week alone. Previous Nate Winner Picks have run marathons on one leg, have competed on the International Underground Hungry Hungry Hippos Circuit and walked on water. As a Nate Official Winner Pick, do you think you’ve done enough to earn that notable distinction? If Final Tribal Council was tomorrow, what would be your pitch? If you get to the Final 3, do you think you can win it?
I don’t have the untrustworthy stigma or the unlikable narrative following me like Ron and Eric do. I also feel like I’ve kept up with, regardless of my allegiances, to everybody on that jury. Like, I think if I was in the FTC with the right people that I could potentially pull off Susie or Reem’s vote. I think I’ve played a good game, maybe not spectacular, but I’m proud of it. It’s been somewhat rocky and I’ve had to hustle a lot, but I think I can proudly say that I’ve been making my own decisions, not just going with the majority and if I’m not for a plan then I have no problem trying to campaign for something different.

I’ve been completely loyal to my group of allies and I think my social game has been pretty good. I was voted most strategic as well so I guess that’s something going unnoticed. After Reem went home Charlie told me “you slayed your rival, congrats!” In all honesty, having Reem’s Team here was the perfect strategy for me to have a constant target and there’d be no way I could turn on any of my allies prematurely.

Nobody cares about pre-merge, but I worked my butt off in those swapped rounds. I think I’ve done a pretty good job at the merge and no one has cast a vote against me yet. I also think the alliance of myself and Lauren, being as close as it is, is a total plus because it proves that while I was loyal to my boys I still had zero problems adapting and getting out of my comfort zone. Working side by side with Lauren has been my greatest strategic move all game and I plan on keeping it going. It’s also not lost on me that Chris/Lauren make such a cute alliance. :3

Nate wrote: Fri Feb 28, 2020 12:20:57 pm

In the film Kung Fu Panda, the main character creates a social networking app from his college dorm, but dies before he can tell his story. Here is your chance to tell your story. If/when you win this season, what would be the first words that they play during your winner montage and/or in memoriam segment?
He went to become the very best that no one ever was
To make the final week was his real test, to win the game is his goal


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