5th Place - Voted Out 3-2 - 9th Juror
By Gary Hogeboom
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ooooooooweeeeeee you made it! Another week in the books :shock:

Why don't you go head and answer these here questions, partna :hattip:

1. The Jury has been very opinionated during tribals recently. Are you picking up on anything that is gonna influence your strategy immediately or in the future?

2. Are there people still in the game who you think would vote for you if they were on the jury? Do you plan to put them there?

3. What is motivating your targets from this point on? Is challenge strength a consideration? social strength? Something else? (Don't just say strategy, give us a blueprint)

4. Has anything changed with your ideal final tribal council opponents? Who do you want to sit with and why?

Gary Hogeboom

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By Chris
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Gary Hogeboom wrote: Sun Mar 01, 2020 9:58:27 pm ooooooooweeeeeee you made it! Another week in the books :shock:

Why don't you go head and answer these here questions, partna :hattip:
Top 7 out of 20! I’m stunned I even made it this far and the journey to this point has been so hard, but so much fun. I’m so bummed that I lost my best bud in the game, but I need to move forward. I knew my shield was going to run out of hit points sooner or later and I guess last night was the final straw.

Thankfully, Lauren still voted with me so I know that she still has my back 100%. Randy was the one who flipped and has been ghosting me ever since so I’m praying he isn’t trying to devise a strategy to take me out tonight. I’ve been talking to Ron and Lauren for most of the day trying to push a Gillian boot this round because she does have three locked votes at jury and she’s going to get dragged to the end. I know that Charlie was down for it so we would only need one more. This is under the impression that Lauren and me are with each other completely and she isn’t tryna pull one over on me.
Gary Hogeboom wrote: Sun Mar 01, 2020 9:58:27 pm1. The Jury has been very opinionated during tribals recently. Are you picking up on anything that is gonna influence your strategy immediately or in the future?
Oh for sure! From just the sheer reaction that Gillian is receiving from Matty, Reem and Susie kind of shows where their votes are going and who they’re hoping makes it to the end. The reaction of the jury is what’s kind of forming my campaign pitch for the day and hopefully getting it locked down.

It’s going to be a weird saying that Gillian has three votes locked up after I’ve been calling her a goat since Final 18. I’m just trying to work with Lauren and we both think going after Gillian this round is best for both of our games. I know that it will free up Michelle for her and it also takes out someone who will never work with me. Do I have confidence this plan will work? Absolutely not! But I’m not going to sit by idly while others shoot their shot at me. I’m more of a moving target~
Gary Hogeboom wrote: Sun Mar 01, 2020 9:58:27 pm2. Are there people still in the game who you think would vote for you if they were on the jury? Do you plan to put them there?
I think there are some people left in the game who could potentially vote for me if I make it to the end with the right amount of people. I could see Lauren voting for me if she wound up on jury as long as I didn’t betray her and quite possibly Ron and Charlie, if I’m up against people they don’t like or want to win. Problem with this is, I want to go to the end with my friends and allies so I’m not really thinking about putting people who like me on the jury. It’s only Final 7 and I have a bunch of rounds left to go.

There’s also still an idol in the game so I’m not about to fall into that trap. My whole game has been loyalty and I’m sticking to that M.O.
Gary Hogeboom wrote: Sun Mar 01, 2020 9:58:27 pm3. What is motivating your targets from this point on? Is challenge strength a consideration? social strength? Something else? (Don't just say strategy, give us a blueprint)
Right now, I want to take out the goats. I want to eliminate the people that others want to sit next to in the end. I’m proud of my game and I, personally, think I’ve played a pretty dominate and strategic one. I haven’t been a follower and I’ve always been on a ‘side’ trying to make sure our plan came together instead of just snowballing the vote with the majority. I’d like to eliminate social threats in Gillian, Charlie and Michelle because I think they’re my biggest threats, but I also think I could take them on. I want to keep people in the game like Randy, Ron and Lauren because I think they’re threats to win and I want to leave the big guys in to take the heat off of my back.

I’m confident in my story and I really want to tell it at Final Tribal Council. As long as it ain’t me whose getting voted out then I’m chilled. Especially now that I don’t have to worry about two people, life’s a little bit easier.

Gary Hogeboom wrote: Sun Mar 01, 2020 9:58:27 pm4. Has anything changed with your ideal final tribal council opponents? Who do you want to sit with and why?
Well, Eric’s going so now I need a backup ally. I’d love to go to the end with a combo of Ron/Lauren/Charlie and just battle it out, but I’m not sure how to pull off a move like that. When Charlie signs on tonight I’m going to pitch that alliance to him and tell him how I want that to be a Final 4 if he’s down. Hopefully this will work as he told me he likes me and Lauren a lot and I assume he’s with Ron hardcore.

I think that’s the best route from my point of view, but I want to double check with Lauren to make sure everything is good and we don’t get our stories mixed up. I know she’s told me she has a plan later about Randy/Ron.


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By Chris
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Well, after gaming with Lauren all day long I think we’ve settled on Randy or Gillian being the prime targets tonight. Gillian, because she’s a good sell and Randy because he was at the forefront of the fuckery last night. I think Gillian/Randy/Michelle are a trio that I plan on pitching to Charlie and Ron to break up. I’ve already started on Ron, but it doesn’t seem hopeful. He did mention that taking me out wouldn’t benefit him that much, but he also thinks Randy is a liar.

Talking to Randy, I’m trying to friendly with my guard down, but he isn’t giving me much. I think, since he’s been schmoozing up to Lauren, he’s going to come for me. Signs point to this and I’m just hoping that Ron doesn’t put the nail in my coffin.

My plan at the moment is to talk to Charlie. I need to win him over and get him to vote with me, but after the way we’ve played together all merge long I think it might be a long shot. I’m VERY blessed I have Lauren on my side who is pretty amazing at the game of Survivor in general, so hoping that helps us out. I need to let Ron and Charlie know that they need me for the Final 6 vote and they can’t let me go just yet.

I don’t know if I’ll be able to get them to vote out Gillian or Randy, but I think they’re also my only hope.


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By Chris
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Get ready for some bullet dodging. Hope i don't get hit!

Ron, Charlie and Lauren are telling me everything that I want to hear, but I'm a clown and it seems too good to be true.


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also i think Michelle's a snake and I hate that Lauren defended her and wouldn't vote her out. I was right and she fucking sniped her when she had her shot. sdkjsajdhsaksadh


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