Immunity Challenge #15 - Hide and Ghost Seek

Overview: You will be given 10 riddles, of which the answer to each will be the name of a fallen comrade (or castaway previously voted out this season).

The catch? You must answer in the form of an image. Hidden throughout previous challenge threads are 14 of the eliminated contestants. Obviously, there are more fallen comrades than there are riddles, so some will be dummies and will not be the answer to any riddle. They will be hidden in random posts (posts made by anyone) in this Challenge Forum (meaning any of the previous threads made in the challenge forums). I am including an example of what the images will look like at the end of this post.

The first person to post in their confessionals me the completed list of 10 answers with the correct images wins Immunity and cannot be voted out at the next council.

I have shut off the Challenge forum, and give you a specific time of when you can see them again, that is when the challenge will begin.


Jeff Probst

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  • Posts: 760
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1. Unfortunately when the game began they didn't show, and became the first one to go
2. In a shocking twist with a rushed purge, they were first out of the brand new merge.
3. The least popular player at the merge, misplayed an idol on a panicky urge.
4. At their last tribal Council they went out with a fury. He soon found himself seated on jury
5. This person became the jury host, when they were sent home by an extra vote
6. Blindsided straight out of the game, the sole boot of Taraku was their claim to fame
7. Voted by tribemates most likely to win, recently their game took a tailspin
8. Oldest by age but youngest by heart, taken out as a threat when they played the part
9. On a different time zone but not around the least, they were taken out for being the biggest competition beast.
10. Voted out five to four, now known for angry emojis galore

Jeff Probst

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  • Posts: 760
  • Awards: Posts Custom Custom