By Joaquin Souberbielle
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Final 4 bitch!!! Congrats!

What do you make of the tie vote at the last tribal council?

Who do you want to see win final immunity, and who do you *not* want to see final immunity?

What are the other players' weaknesses, and how would you try to use those to your advantage at a final tribal?

Joaquin Souberbielle

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By Ron
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YAS BITCH. Before I get into this confessional, can I just pat myself on the back? I have had a target on my back since week 2 so the fact that I made it this far feels like a huge accomplishment. This game is intense and taking up SO much brain space.

The tie? I don't make anything of it, Charlie just waited until the last minute LOL. I don't the result would have changed. Gillian did not want to vote for Michelle.

Who do I want to win immunity least? Anyone whose name is not Ron.

If Michelle wins: I tell her and Charlie we should get rid of Gilly. Michelle/ Gilly split votes, and I think Charlie is loyal to me.
If Gilly wins: I tell her and Charlie we should get rid of Michelle. Gilly sees Michelle as a threat to win, and I think Charlie is loyal to me.
If Charlie wins: I tell Charlie we vote together no matter what. I think Charlie wants to sit next to Gilly, so we vote Gilly.

I think I have a solid shot to get to the F3, but Charlie needs to stick with me. The worst case scenario is if Michelle or Gilly win and they force a tie, which would cause chaos. I think this plan is going to come together very quickly and it all depends on who wins immunity.

Michelle's weakness is her status jury threat and impeccable gameplay, no one wants to sit next to her. Gilly's weakness is being bad at challenges, so I am hoping she keeps up that streak. Charlie's weakness is inflexibility, so I am playing to his Day 1 loyalty to me.

I feel in a great spot, but I have never needed immunity more than I do tonight.


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