Lock #3 Password
Overview: In order to solve the password for Lock #3, you must take the 3 words that you have just unscrambled, and find them in this word search. The password will be the coordinates of each word.
To get the coordinates, you must find the first letter of each word. The first number of the coordinate will be the number of columns ACROSS the first letter appears. The second number of the coordinates will be the number of rows DOWN. The final part of the coordinates will be the direction in which the word is traveling.
Find all three words, and put their coordinates back to back with no spaces or capital letters to get the password for Lock #2.
In this example the correct coordinates would be 117nw
Because the word is in the 11th column over, the 7th row down and is going North West or NW.
Your Password will look like this: 314n212s129ne