By Jeff Probst
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C'mon in guys!

Charlie, Gillian, and Michelle, this is your final chance to address the answers your opponents gave and any further questions the jury might have.

In a sense, this is a guided free for all.

Jury, this is your final chance to address any answers given to you by the final three and to collect any last-minute information that will help in your decision.

This will last for 90 minutes.

Please do not make a joke of this or use it to post memes, spam emojis, or derail conversations.

Good luck!
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By Reem
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I'm going to start this off, because this is my only premeditated response.

I wanted to say thank you for all your answers. I personally don't have follow up questions, as my vote has been made already and I don't expect that to change. I am merely 1 vote out of 10 however, and each and every jury member here has their own values outside of my own.

Some value loyalty, some value big moves, some value sleaziness...I like to think I'm a mixture of all 3. It's been mentioned before that I am a slytherin. I value ambition, cleverness, resourcefullness, and cunning.

I cannot vote for people that I was able to easily manipulate, period. I much prefer those who have done it to me. For that reason I cannot vote for you, Gillian, or you Charlie. Gillian, I told you to latch onto Michelle (I don't believe I said Charlie in this) because I knew she would take advantage of it and always have you for a vote. I told her as such, and I was right. You allowed me to still contribute to the trajectory of the game long after I was gone. Couple this with the fact you were going to play your idol on me is not a move for you, rather it was a move for me. Your attacking of jury members in your answers also was unnecessary.

You were my goat, and I groomed you from day 2. I wish I could apologize, but it's the game. I am human though and do feel bad, but that's me as a person, not me in the game. Your lack of self awareness in all of this has been...troubling to say the least. Also, a side note, you may want to stop talking about the Jac vote. I had been working to get her out that next vote about 2 days prior to the challenge, well before you told me you wanted her gone. Your vote was just right timing, and allowed me to use her behavior towards you to gain loyalty from other people and not me being seen as a sleazeball. It was also premerge. However, I'm proud that you did realize you shouldn't have trusted me, albeit a little late. I was always going to sit in the F3 with you though for what it's worth, because I knew I'd win.

Charlie, I also said in my confessionals you were another goat for me. This was proven when you admitted that the only non strategic move you had was not voting me out. I never saw you as a threat, and I think the excuses you've given are asinine. Sleeper games are trash for me. I hope you too realize you shouldn't have trusted me either. My ideal F3 when I was booted included you too for the same reasons I was going to bring Gillian. I never would have brought Michelle.

Michelle, on the other hand, I couldn't manipulate. She played me, not maliciously by any means, but she used me the way she should have to be where she is now. She actively made the move not to play her idol on me, because she KNEW she was being targeted for being associated with me. In fact the day her name was brought up I was told by the person targeting her that it was to "weaken me." The fact is though I was viewed as the threat when she and I made EVERY SINGLE MOVE TOGETHER from new taraku on. I knew she was a threat, and she's still there. Her gear analogy was SPOT ON, but she was able to skid by without being the threat she is. By the time that was caught on she already had her numbers with Gillian and Charlie.

She's the only one who deserves this win for me, and I think it's absolutely ridiculous that I was the one who was given the credit for all the moves on Ponderosa. I can't tell you all the ass kissing I was given in this hellhole. When I told them Michelle was right there with me everyone was shocked. That's HER game. She has hit EVERY SINGLE PEG FOR WINNING for me. Sleaziness, loyalty, big moves, socially, strategically, even in the challenges...just everything. She won the challenge she needed to. Gillian and Charlie never really needed to win any. Sorry, not sorry.

I also feel it necessary to say that my name was brought up entirely too much by Gillian and Charlie. Michelle is the only one who should have any emphasis on me, given our running of the game from the swap on.

I much prefer someone who has been playing the whole damn game, rather than the latter portion. This is a no brainer for me. With that said, again, I am merely 1 vote. I recommend trying to sway the other jurors, as my mind is made up. I may pipe in here and there tonight, but that's about it. I wish you all luck, but I'm going to continue rooting for Michelle. SO PROUD OF YOU BY THE WAY! #FuckAllYall
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By Michelle
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Hi everyone! I guess this is one tribal that I will actually have to talk in. Again, I'm so honored to be here. Does anyone have any questions for me regarding the answers I gave to your questions yesterday?


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By Susie
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Michelle wrote: Sun Mar 08, 2020 8:03:23 pm Hi everyone! I guess this is one tribal that I will actually have to talk in. Again, I'm so honored to be here. Does anyone have any questions for me regarding the answers I gave to your questions yesterday?
Hi Michelle,

After reading our comments and reflecting upon the season, if you had to swap spots right now with someone on the jury to save a family member's life, who is the most deserving juror that should have a chance to win and why?
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By Michelle
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Matty wrote: Sun Mar 08, 2020 8:02:22 pm ok we've heard you say why your oppinents should win, but why should they NOT? thats something im intrested in hearing.
Susie actually did ask this, but I will gladly answer it again! I hope you don't mind if I copy the answer I gave her.
I partially answered this on Ron’s post, in regards to Gillian, and I will copy that answer here.

I don’t believe Gillian deserves to win, because people have been talking about taking her to the final 3 since before the swap even happened. She only started trying to assert herself in the game after Reem was voted out. Before then she would come onto the group chat, ask “Who should I vote for?” and then do as she was told. Finding an idol does not negate someone’s status as a goat, in my opinion. Furthermore, Gillian takes things in this game extremely personally, and isn’t willing to own up to her own lies and manipulations in the game. She has spent the last two days harassing and swearing at me over messenger, and I do not respect that from a potential game-winner.

As for Charlie, I believe he played the quintessential Scooby Doo game. I admit that the fact that he never received any votes cast against him is impressive, and the three wins he secured were a big mark in his favor. However, what is really more impressive? Being such a non-threat because of your lack of big moves that you never receive any votes, or being voted for because you are a threat, and surviving those tribals? Charlie spoke of a game full of master-level manipulation, and I don’t know about you, but I did not see that at all. He had a strong social game and didn’t rock the boat. He had to survive 3 fewer tribals than Gillian and I did, and was rarely even online at 2raku. I think he would be a solid winner, but not an exciting or impressive one.

I would be an exciting winner. I survived being on the wrong side of the vote and being labeled “Least Loyal” right before the swap. I survived being in the minority alliance come merge. I found an advantage minutes before a tribal and used that advantage to help vote out one of my closest allies and biggest threats in the game, changing its trajectory. I was creative in the tactics I used to help maneuver the votes, as with the creation of your private chats, and remained unexposed in my efforts. I made it to the final three after a tied vote against me, and didn’t even have to win more than one challenge along the way to do so. Whether I win or lose this season, I am proud of the game that I played, and am going to the end with my head held high, knowing that I worked hard every single day in order to get here.
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By Aurora
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Hey F3!

Congratulations again for making it to the end. I really appreciate your answers to my questions and unless anyone needs to correct something or rebut something, I'm satisfied with your answers.

Good luck! :heart:
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By Matty
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Michelle wrote: Sun Mar 08, 2020 8:09:43 pm
Matty wrote: Sun Mar 08, 2020 8:02:22 pm ok we've heard you say why your oppinents should win, but why should they NOT? thats something im intrested in hearing.
Susie actually did ask this, but I will gladly answer it again! I hope you don't mind if I copy the answer I gave her.
I partially answered this on Ron’s post, in regards to Gillian, and I will copy that answer here.
my bad i mustve missed it, but thank you for reposting!
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By Michelle
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Susie wrote: Sun Mar 08, 2020 8:08:01 pm
Michelle wrote: Sun Mar 08, 2020 8:03:23 pm Hi everyone! I guess this is one tribal that I will actually have to talk in. Again, I'm so honored to be here. Does anyone have any questions for me regarding the answers I gave to your questions yesterday?
Hi Michelle,

After reading our comments and reflecting upon the season, if you had to swap spots right now with someone on the jury to save a family member's life, who is the most deserving juror that should have a chance to win and why?
First of all, am I really the only one of the three here right now? Isn't that just classic. And I would swap with Reem. I love her to death and think that her social and strategic game play were amazing.
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By Matty
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looks like charlies here now so guess i spoke too soon, but what do you intend on putting the $100 towards if you do win it? goes for everyone


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By Reem
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Well, I wasn't GOING to pipe in much...but considering Michelle is the only one here I guess I'll ask something.

Tell us how you manipulated the trio, Lauren in particular considering she lasted the longest outside of you.
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By Susie
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Matty wrote: Sun Mar 08, 2020 8:13:18 pm this would be a little more interesting if more than 1/3 of the ftc members showed up
Charlie is logged in, it appears, and Gillian was here a bit ago, wonder what happened.
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By Gillian
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Reem why did u find it necessary to tell Michelle about my idol? When I specifically told u not to tell anyone and who else did u tell?? And why did u want me in f3 because I was just a goat to u? Or was that a lie? U were the only person I trusted after Susie left and u betrayed that trust. And I am super upset!

Lauren I couldn't trust u because u never really tried with me. U were always lying to me. U just never wanted to give me a chance and if u see I was loyal to those who were loyal to me!!!

Chris ur comments were harsh and I literally cried and wanted to punch a little wall!! And as u said I'm not fake nor will I ever pretend to be!!

Matty I was always on ur side and yet u say I didn't make moves and all I did was try to take out Eric and u all get steam rolling over that

Ron I don't even know where u stand at this time but I thought our convos were funny. I made the comment I went from boo- to bae and then wife. That was all u not me. I just played along with u. I did enjoy u though.

Susie what was ur real f3 as rn I don't think I was in anyone's f3! I was always on team Susie!! And when u left I wanted to message u sooo bad and I couldn't and reem as well.

Eric I wanted u out very bad I saw u as a huge threat and u coupled with Chris was very bad and it was not charlie who said anything toe this was all what I saw and my own opinions. Reem wanted Chris over u but I did not see Chris as the bigger threat and I told her that!

I have played a pretty damn good game and I wasn't carried!!! I played a pretty clean game and mostly honest and very loyal!! And I feel like I deserve to win :heart:
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By Matty
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Gillian wrote: Sun Mar 08, 2020 8:16:23 pm Reem why did u find it necessary to tell Michelle about my idol? When I specifically told u not to tell anyone and who else did u tell?? And why did u want me in f3 because I was just a goat to u? Or was that a lie? U were the only person I trusted after Susie left and u betrayed that trust. And I am super upset!

Lauren I couldn't trust u because u never really tried with me. U were always lying to me. U just never wanted to give me a chance and if u see I was loyal to those who were loyal to me!!!

Chris ur comments were harsh and I literally cried and wanted to punch a little wall!! And as u said I'm not fake nor will I ever pretend to be!!

Matty I was always on ur side and yet u say I didn't make moves and all I did was try to take out Eric and u all get steam rolling over that

Ron I don't even know where u stand at this time but I thought our convos were funny. I made the comment I went from boo- to bae and then wife. That was all u not me. I just played along with u. I did enjoy u though.

Susie what was ur real f3 as rn I don't think I was in anyone's f3! I was always on team Susie!! And when u left I wanted to message u sooo bad and I couldn't and reem as well.

Eric I wanted u out very bad I saw u as a huge threat and u coupled with Chris was very bad and it was not charlie who said anything toe this was all what I saw and my own opinions. Reem wanted Chris over u but I did not see Chris as the bigger threat and I told her that!

I have played a pretty damn good game and I wasn't carried!!! I played a pretty clean game and mostly honest and very loyal!! And I feel like I deserve to win :heart:
gillian i like you a lot, but you're the one thats in the final three and in the position to plead your case. we aren't here to answer questions, we're here to ask you questions
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By Reem
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Gillian wrote: Sun Mar 08, 2020 8:16:23 pm Reem why did u find it necessary to tell Michelle about my idol? When I specifically told u not to tell anyone and who else did u tell?? And why did u want me in f3 because I was just a goat to u? Or was that a lie? U were the only person I trusted after Susie left and u betrayed that trust. And I am super upset!
Michelle was my number 1 ally when Susie was booted. She's the only one I told that you had the idol. I told her a lot of things, and I knew my time in the game was limited, and I KNEW she would be able to use the information of you with an idol to her benefit after I was gone. I wanted to sit in the F3 with you because I knew you would always vote with me and I would easily win against you.
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By Michelle
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Matty wrote: Sun Mar 08, 2020 8:15:10 pm looks like charlies here now so guess i spoke too soon, but what do you intend on putting the $100 towards if you do win it? goes for everyone
My husband and I are foster parents to a 4 year old, and are hoping to open our home again to another child, hopefully a baby. The money would go towards helping us buy a second vehicle, which we will need because babies who are born into the system often require many doctor's appointments and visitation meetings, and my husband needs our current car for his hour-long commute every day. Thank you for asking!
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By Ron
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Michelle wrote: Sun Mar 08, 2020 8:03:23 pm Hi everyone! I guess this is one tribal that I will actually have to talk in. Again, I'm so honored to be here. Does anyone have any questions for me regarding the answers I gave to your questions yesterday?

Hi Michelle! You actually didn't answer my "for everyone" question about what you learned in this game. How did Stranded affect your real life behavior / code of ethics?
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