7th Place - Voted Out 4-2-1 - 7th Juror
By Sarah Jones
Congrats on making it through your first tribal council as a merged tribe! You’ve made it to the jury, take a moment to celebrate! icon_mml

1. Tonight was a wild tribal council, walk us through the decision for you and the events that took place before and during TC.
2. We’re at the point where anyone leaving will be on the jury, is there anyone here that you wish wouldn’t be on the jury? Why?
3. As we’re going forward, how do you intend to stay in this game through the next couple votes? Are you worried about your place in this game or do you feel secure?
4.Have fun with this last one. What do you wish you could say to your least favorite player left in this game?

Good luck!

Sarah Jones

By Lauren
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So it sucks that I kinda blew my cover for nothing but this actually wasn't as horrible as I was expecting? One of the guys who supposedly voted Aurora didn't so people are mad about that and everyone's been apologetic to me? Even though I was the one kinda organizing everything. But what happened before tribal was I knew something was fishy because Reem and Susie were being so wishy-washy and not really settling on someone. So no one was shocked when I was working with the guys. I was never going to be included in the vote anyways. And especially after I started working so hard to put something together it wouldn't make sense for anyone to tell me which is why Michelle got the heads up over me. No matter what I did tonight I wasn't going to end up with the numbers. The women are saying it wasn't always Aurora but they weren't talking with me at all anyways so I highly suspect it was always her. On the bright side that works in my favor because it's not like I could have flipped elsewhere. And I'm a little proud of myself for noticing something was up with Michelle even though I didn't figure out till it was too late.

One person I don't want on the jury would be Devens. I literally haven't spoken to him so no way in hell would he vote for me. The next couple votes are going to be shaky. Good thing is I have a group of guys who trust me because I was the one woman fully with them. I also got them placed solidly on the bottom but we don't have to focus on that part. I feel better knowing there was nothing I could have done to really prevent things anyways. It didn't matter who I tried to target even if I were to try and stick with the women. So I just gotta pick up the pieces and get my footing back and maybe win immunity or something just in case you know, people are mad at me still.

And RON is on my hit-list. I should have seen it coming and I didn't and I'm pissed because we saved him on old Taraku and this is how he repaid me. AND he's the only one who didn't bother to not even apologize, but to not even say anything to me after the vote. So I'm mad at him.
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By Lauren
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I've been doing thinking and I'm not liking how things are looking right now. As of right now, Chris is the only one trying to work with me this morning. Ron is not answering me which is kind of what I expected but I think Michelle's done working with me too. At the very least, she's not giving me any information. She's still acting in that weird way that she did last night though where she talks for like two seconds and then stops replying even though I hear from other people that she's talking strategy with them. So I don't believe her when she says she's still with me and I'm not feeding her any more information. At least pretend to actually work with me if you want me to go with you.

Other than that I got all the pleasantries from everyone last night which is fine, but Matty's pushing the "I want to work with you and Chris" even though he was the major reason why the plan fell apart yesterday. Like I don't trust him either now so I really don't want to work with him. I guess I'm just waiting to see how everyone falls cause I really don't see the group that all voted Aurora wanting to stay together for very long. As of right now, I'm split from the women though and the men have my next vote. I get why the women didn't include me on the last vote but it's pretty clear that I'm on the bottom with them so I don't really see the point in joining them to take out people who are actually willing to at least pretend to work with me.
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By Lauren
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My new technique is getting everyone to tell me what they want to do and just kinda passively agree to it. Half the people talking to me right now I don't trust in the slightest. Matty has a tendency to lie and he's telling me about hearing things from Chris and Eric about wanting to vote Susie but neither of them have mentioned any of that to me and I've been talking to them pretty much all day. It's pretty similar to what he was throwing last night with the telling people lies to turn them against each other so I'm taking it with a grain of salt. Likewise I'm no longer telling people who I hear was being brought up because apparently people can't be trusted to keep a secret. Unless Eric brings up voting Susie with me I'm not mentioning it to him. He's still on "just tell me who you want and I'll get the boys onboard". Like bro...they don't wanna work with you. He's a solid vote against anyone from the Aurora alliance but he just can't keep his mouth shut which is going to ruin things if we're actually trying to flush Devens' idol.


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By Lauren
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I thought long and hard about what I should say for this next confessional because I'm probably losing an ally and there's nothing I can do about it but try to play dumb and pull off whatever hail mary we're trying by voting Susie. But then I decided that it was better to just use a meme because a picture is worth a thousand words. So this is my state of mind:



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