10th Place - Voted Out 9-1 - 4th Juror
By Matty
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HOLY SHIT I FUCKING WON.. that was such an intense challenge, and the fact that the final two was me and devens made it even crazier. now not only am i safe, i can make this move without having to worry about it being me getting chopped. right now it looks like me, chris, lauren, randy and eric have a solid five and we can take susie out tonight. is it a revenge vote? maybe a little, but this is also my best strategic move. split up the girls, take out someone who does not seem to work with me much, and fortify a new bond with four other people. hopefully devens can play his idol and things can go as planned, but this is stranded and ive seen crazier things happen than this whole plan blowing up in my face.


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By Danni Boatwright
Another day, another blindside! And would you believe me if I told you that they only get more intense from here? As we get further into the merge, its time to start thinking about your long term plans and making those plans a reality. let's hash them out here:

1-Do you think you're in a good position to make the end? If you made it there do you think you could argue your case for a win?

2-At this time, who do you think you could beat in a vote? who do you think could beat you?

3-What is your opinion on goats in the game? do you plan on herding them to the end? or do you want to knock them out to make as much room for yourself in the endgame as possible?

Danni Boatwright

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By Matty
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Danni Boatwright wrote: Mon Feb 24, 2020 9:55:26 pm Another day, another blindside! And would you believe me if I told you that they only get more intense from here? As we get further into the merge, its time to start thinking about your long term plans and making those plans a reality. let's hash them out here:

1-Do you think you're in a good position to make the end? If you made it there do you think you could argue your case for a win?

honestly... no. i think my threat level has only gone up and the people here would be stupid to let me get to the end. i need to calm down and let other people make the mess bc this position is a little precarious.

2-At this time, who do you think you could beat in a vote? who do you think could beat you?

I think i could beat almost anyone really... reem, chris, possibly michelle lauren or randy, and if the jury is bitter charlie or gillian all have a chance. devens, ron, eric have no chance in hell in my opinion. I do think i can beat a lot of these people, but i dont know how well im being perceived or whether my image will get worse in these last few weeks.

3-What is your opinion on goats in the game? do you plan on herding them to the end? or do you want to knock them out to make as much room for yourself in the endgame as possible?
devens, ron and eric are the goats and are coincidentally the only names i've heard today. i dont think im a player that has to sit against goats in the end, if anything they have the potential to take my spot.. so i think i need to send them home. then i'll still have some meat shields and will be able to play the middle, which charlie is doing perfectly might i add...


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By Matty
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my main mission after the big mess that was the susie vote was to do some damage control. i laid it all out to the girls. you guys had said my name, and told me nothing about it. you made the first step in betraying me, i was loyal to you all until then. some had more trouble forgiving me than others, michelle for example, but i think she's coming around. I really want to get through this round without pissing anyone off even more. right now its between eric and ron, and im perfectly fine with that. i have never gotten good vibes from either of them. the way i see it: reem, michelle, gillian, ron, charlie will vote for eric. chris, randy, devens, eric, lauren will vote ron. that leaves me right in the middle lmao. i dont know where some votes lie for certain, lauren and charlie could go either way and ill talk to them about that but other than that i feel like im in a pretty powerful position. i know the target on my back is pretty big, but it looks like i'll be able to make it through tonight without a vote against me.


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By Matty
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ok i finally got told i was doing this wrong the whole time so let me starting doing it the right way... anyways the vote tonight should be pretty straight forward, but its not. im caught between two sides and they both need my vote. i want to side with the girls because i want to regain their trust, but i also dont want ron to stay over eric. other than that, damage control has gone pretty well. gillian has been really annoying and emotional lately, its hard to play with her but as long as she still loves me i know i have another vote to keep myself safe. i still dk whats gonna happen tonight but i dont think its gonna be pretty lmao.. hopefully i can come out of this without any blood but at this point i dont see that happening.


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