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Congrats on final 9! we're rapidly approaching the end of this game, so if you aren't already playing hard it's time to start!

1-Can you give us a rundown of what the hell happened today?

2-If you had to pick your SPECIAL friends for your SPECIAL hangout, who would you pick at this point? are these the same friends you want in the F3 with you?

3-With the numbers dwindling it will be harder and harder to get a group together to make a move, and it's possible that you may need to work with people who you dislike to make these moves happen. is there anyone in this game that you would refuse to work with?


Danni Boatwright

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I'm going to answer this first question in its own post, because I don't have a lot of time before taking my son to Pre-K.

1- Yesterday was amazing. To start with, I woke up to news that GILLIAN had found an idol, and Matty was running around the night before making more alliances. Side note--it's so great that I can go to bed at a reasonable hour and wake up to a nightly report from Reem. Once people started logging on for the day, I started chatting about the vote the night before, dropping hints that there was someone who had been puppet master since merge, and had had a hand in every single vote. Randy picked up what I was putting down, and mentioned Matty's name, and so the floodgates opened. Lauren also was fed up with Matty. I took that and ran with it, dropping hints to Ron and Chris (I avoid talking to Eric as much as possible on principle). The most beautiful part of the day was of course the chat creation, which I talked a bit about in my confessionals yesterday. I never would have guessed just how amazingly they would work; with Reem's help, both Randy and Matty were convinced that the other person had done it, and their animosity deepened. I made sure that I was the person to tell Randy about the chats, and leaned in to the Matty bashing. Meanwhile, I talked to Chris and after seeing a long-winded apology from him about not believing what I said about Matty, decided to start sharing some receipts. By the end of that conversation Chris was so far gone into Matty rage-land that I knew there was no way he'd vote for anyone else. I then proceeded to share the same receipts with Randy. And tribal, TRIBAL was a sight to behold. The boys attacked Matty, repeating the things I had told them during our private chats but never mentioning my name once. They really came down hard on him, smashing their jury management with him to smithereens, and all I had to do was sit back and watch. The chats were even brought up, both Randy and Matty positive that the other had created them. And then there it was, a unanimous vote. Perfection.


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2- I would pick Reem and Gillian, for entertainment value. I really like Lauren, but can't trust her. I think Reem might be able to beat me in FTC, so ideally she will get cut beforehand without my help. But I don't want her to get cut too soon, because then I become the next biggest target out of the women, and I will be losing my main source of reliable information.

3- I would work with anybody. I do think it's very risky to keep letting the Eric/Chris duo skate by tribal after tribal, though, and I'm sure they're saying the same about me, Gillian and Reem.


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