7th Place - Voted Out 4-2-1 - 7th Juror
By Danni Boatwright
:fire: :crown: :fire: :crown: :fire: :crown:

LAUREN! You were honestly such a joy to watch this season. You embraced the snark and humor of Stranded so fast and fought your way to final 7!! not bad for someone new to gaming :smile:

Where do you think you went wrong? Is there anything you'd change if you came back and played again? Is that something you'd be interested in doing?

Thanks for a great season!!! icon_clap2 icon_clap2 icon_clap2 icon_clap2
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Danni Boatwright

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By Lauren
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Aww thanks! This was so much fun, you guys do an amazing job putting this on!

For where I went wrong I'd say it would probably have been the trusting people on the Eric vote. I went with what I was told but I should have maybe dug a little deeper and thrown Randy a little more under the bus for what he did. I do really think I was decided on this morning and there wasn't much I could do to change that other than win immunity. I maybe would have been able to pull it out if it had been anyone other than Randy lol. Reem's targets at tribal also were not the biggest help but that's the draw to putting people on the jury.

If I were to come back and play again (and yes I would love to lol) I'd probably start the game using the same strategy but switch things up when I hit the merge. I went a little too far out from my cover and voted against the majority just one too many times and made myself a big target. I do think that with more jury members coming in they were getting a better understanding of my game so I don't think I would have been totally screwed had I managed to make final tribal against anyone other than Michelle, But I'd have to try and slide a little more under the radar while putting my foot down a little more on who I did or did not want voted off. People were fine keeping me around until it became clear that I wasn't going to just blindly follow and was starting to set up my own moves. I think a large part of what got me voted out was pissing of Gillian, if she hadn't gotten fed up with me not going with her she wouldn't have pushed so hard and I do really think the others could have been swayed towards someone else. So I'd have to keep an eye on that too. I wasn't hated like certain members but I wasn't someone everyone could trust which bit me in the butt.

This was a great season and tons of fun. I'm excited to watch everything play out from the jury!
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