- Sun Feb 16, 2020 11:40:28 am
My lovely tribemates have decided upon a hair-brained scheme that involves throwing the challenge and then voting with Marcus to get Wardog out. All the logic behind it makes sense with Wardog being super connected and it being more likely that we can work with Matty and Marcus. Also the added benefit of stopping the other tribe from pagonging the girls while keeping Matty away from the rest of his alliance. I'm just not sure about the whole throwing the challenge aspect of it. I was totally down with their plan assuming we lost and were going to tribal but throwing it puts a bad taste in my mouth just because so many things could go wrong. I also don't think it's a good idea to tell Marcus about the plan just yet, he'll probably just think we're trying to get him to turn and go run and tell the rest of the guys. I was doing number crunching though and we literally don't even need Marcus' vote. If even just Ron is voting towards Marcus then we'd be casting the most votes anyways. The worst that can happen is all the guys vote together and it's a tie in which case they flip because they're too eager to play and they're not going to rocks.
My task for today is to try and talk some sense into my lovely lady friends. Throwing the challenge to get someone out is one thing, throwing the challenge and then telling a guy what our plan is and that we're not actually working with the other one's we told we were going to work with? Disaster in the making. The only reason I support the trying to get Marcus to vote with us is because it if he doesn't vote with the men, Reem won't flip. I just don't think it's a good idea to send him receipts of our messages with the other guys than could easily just be relayed back to him. It's like these people over here are trying to play 4D chess in a checkers tournament, it's not that complicated stop over-thinking it. Unless I'm wrong about the girls working together and Reem really is going to flip with Gillian, in which case I'll eat my words. But as it is I feel like we really don't need to be playing that hard yet. All it's going to do is put a target on our backs for if we make a merge and I'm just really not in the mood for that.