17th place | 6-1-1 vote
By Danni Boatwright
Another wild night of Stranded! Another player out the door, new tribes, and 3 full days to get to know each other before your next move. As we head into the weekend, here are a few questions for you to think about:

1-Who are you most excited to see on your tribe? Who are you least excited to see?
2-Were you surprised by Michelle and Ace's tribe choices?
3-Whats your plan to survive on this tribe?

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By Wardog
1-Who are you most excited to see on your tribe? Who are you least excited to see?

My boy Charlie! So happy to see him. Real happy actually. Marcus? Ron? Fucking who? Nah I'm kidding I like Ron. Just love his strat of coming in balls to the wall and then logging off for 24 hours at a time.

2-Were you surprised by Michelle and Ace's tribe choices?

Nah, I think Ace made the right decision for HIS game. Might have "screwed" us over on paper but who knows. I don't think I will be screwed, in fact, I'm really excited to see these girl here, and the 4-4 gives me a good excuse to ""flip"" on a tribe that has never done anything for me.

3-Whats your plan to survive on this tribe?

I'm already working on it haha. There is no plan, I'm just gonna make sure the girls know where I stand, and like, hell, I ain't drawing rocks for nobody. Okay maybe if they targeted Charlie. But otherwise? Nahhh. APPARENTLY Lauren and Michelle tried to vote Reem and Gillian out last night. Please, I ain't buying it. They're all thicker than water. Lauren and Reem being online at the same time? Please, I ain't BLIND. I can read between the lines. Who else you talkin to? Jesus? They're close, and really I don't care. I'm gonna make sure they don't know how close I am to those two. Michelle created these tribes if she's smart she'd create a tribe like this one that she would LIKELY be sent to and she would have people willing to go to rocks for her. Actually, she did kind of set these up sub-optimally.... Hm. Strange. Whatever. I got this, I'm the fucking Wardgo. This tribe will be eating out of my hand by the end of the first cycle. Does that mean I'll be on top? Maybe not. But they'll be eating out of my hand and that's allll I need baby.
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By Wardog
I'm trying to figure Gillian out. Someone like her surviving several votes is such an anomoly, I have to figure out her game. What has she done to make it this far? Can I use it? Should I?
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By Wardog
Ron always goes all

OK??? DOING WHAT??? There's nothing to DO. Bro, god. Gimmie actual strategy.

Don't steal MY strategy of empty assurances all the time always.
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By Wardog
Why is this season Bad Taste in Music: Survivor

Bleh. I gotta stop using music as a way I bond to people. I won't find anyone who likes french ye ye singers.

Im gonna keep giving these short little blurbs if I stay bored
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By Wardog
Everyone of the girls saying they like Ron is CONCERNING> That coupled with Ron wanting to target Reem is sending off warning sirens in my head. The guys playing hard, only I get to play hard and charm the girls. That's MY strategy.


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By Jane
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Hey can I lube up your skull and sit on it daddy. Mama Jane is ready to find the man of her dreams.



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By Jane
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Wardog wrote: Fri Feb 14, 2020 3:55:51 pm Everyone of the girls saying they like Ron is CONCERNING> That coupled with Ron wanting to target Reem is sending off warning sirens in my head. The guys playing hard, only I get to play hard and charm the girls. That's MY strategy.
Yes hard please hard


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By Wardog
Jane wrote: Fri Feb 14, 2020 6:32:27 pm
Wardog wrote: Fri Feb 14, 2020 3:55:51 pm Everyone of the girls saying they like Ron is CONCERNING> That coupled with Ron wanting to target Reem is sending off warning sirens in my head. The guys playing hard, only I get to play hard and charm the girls. That's MY strategy.
Yes hard please hard
...... Are you okay?


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By Danni Boatwright
Wardog wrote: Fri Feb 14, 2020 8:15:00 pm
Jane wrote: Fri Feb 14, 2020 6:32:27 pm
Wardog wrote: Fri Feb 14, 2020 3:55:51 pm Everyone of the girls saying they like Ron is CONCERNING> That coupled with Ron wanting to target Reem is sending off warning sirens in my head. The guys playing hard, only I get to play hard and charm the girls. That's MY strategy.
Yes hard please hard
...... Are you okay?
Jane is just excited for some fresh meat. she can't see you if you don't move though, so if you're worried just stand still!

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By Wardog
Danni Boatwright wrote: Fri Feb 14, 2020 8:35:56 pm
Wardog wrote: Fri Feb 14, 2020 8:15:00 pm
Jane wrote: Fri Feb 14, 2020 6:32:27 pm

Yes hard please hard
...... Are you okay?
Jane is just excited for some fresh meat. she can't see you if you don't move though, so if you're worried just stand still!
Oh I'm never worried. I may be gay but I'm a charmer. I can be fresh meat. And I never stand still, I'm always makin moves baby


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By Wardog
I love the game of survivor. I feel good about this tribe and my position in it. I think I bonded fantastically with the Reem Gillian duo and I still hopefully got Charlie in my corner and here's to hoping I got Ron on side too, whatever that is worth. That really bodes well not only for survivability but my ability to set myself up moving forward.

I like the guy but he's playing my game, but sloppier. And I'm not sure I appreciate it.


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By Wardog
Sigh. Reem didn't take the bait and decide going to Ron is best for her. Blast. My last hope is Marcus comes on for the challenge and kicks some ass. Replacing Ron with Matty all but ensures my survival in this tribe, although voting Ron out WOULD sort of set a worrying precedent of chatty players go home, but the difference between ROn and I is our amount of subtleness. I'm not subtle. But he makes me look like a ninja. Ron is also a useful shield I think, I think he will come under fire faster than me. I am simply afraid of his dislike of Reem and Gillian, who I would much rather work with than the other two girls on this tribe. I dunno. I like Matty too so if we have to lose it should be tonight so he can join this tribe.

Also this idol was definitely already found. Really annoying.


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By Wardog

In my haste to try and prod about different options and attempting to see where everyone's head is at and make sure I wasn't being played I accidentally pushed Reem into voting Ron now. Whoops. This could backfire for me, horribly. Really, really horribly.

I didn't REALLY want this, I just wanted to make sure it was possible. And, well, it is. A little TOO possible, actually. Ugh. I didn't want Ron gone, he's my shield! And Charlie says this shield has spikes on both ends. Now I need to rely on M A R C U S over Ron. Lord, I've made a huge mistake. A huge huge possibly game losing mistake. I won't lose yet. But like, if we win this challenge and Ron hears about this he will hate me. And he will hear about this. If we lose I don't want to vote him out. But now he hates me.

I opened Pandora's box and I can't shut it now.

I fucked up. Lord. This was a bad decision, poorly played by Wardog. I don't know. i need to figure out a way to fix this. Ron get online???

Maybe my subconcious is making a good move. Maybe ron hates me. But I don't think so.


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By Wardog
Ron never did anything wrong. My distaste for the guy is entirely misplaced. I just, Ugh. I'm such an idiot. He is the kind of person you can't trust but he DID put a lot of trust in me I think? And I'm just totally betraying that? It doesn't feel right.

I fucked up by putting the last notch onto the burner and boiling the anit-ron sentiment over. UGH


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