5th Place - Voted Out 3-2 - 9th Juror
By Danni Boatwright
Another night, another player out the door! The first man has left the game and things are heating up. It's only going to get harder from here :yikes:

1-Were you surprised by the outcome of tonight's vote? why or why not?
2-Matty has officially joined Taraku. How does this impact your plans?
3-Gun to your head, who do you want off your tribe next :gun: :gun:
4-Now that a weekend has passed on these tribes, have you noticed any changes? who is cozying up with who?

Danni Boatwright

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By Chris
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Danni Boatwright wrote: Sun Feb 16, 2020 9:49:22 pm Another night, another player out the door! The first man has left the game and things are heating up. It's only going to get harder from here :yikes:

1-Were you surprised by the outcome of tonight's vote? why or why not?
Yeah, I was pretty surprised considering that Wardog was one of the strongest people on the boys tribe before the swap. I mean, he clearly didn’t help with the challenge, but neither did the ugly people so I don’t know why they went after him instead. I heard that they were deciding between Marcus and Ron and that Wardog seemed fine with letting Marcus go so who knows. I’m actually annoyed with everything in this game and I don’t like where anything is going.

I hate the three women on our tribe and I think Randy is untrustworthy. Devens is a non-entity and the only people I’m working with are Ace and Eric. The only person I had a sincere connection with was Charlie and we’re not even on the same tribe anymore. I definitely think he’s the coolest person out of all the boys over there and he should be okay to survive, but they also all voted out Wardog over Marcus/Ron so I doubt those horrible women care all that much.

I can’t wait to consistently call Gillian a cheater. (:
Danni Boatwright wrote: Sun Feb 16, 2020 9:49:22 pm2-Matty has officially joined Taraku. How does this impact your plans?
Eh, Matty is also weird to me. He has a good relationship with the girls and he’s telling me to save people that doesn’t make sense to me. It was fine for what it’s worth, but I actually feel completely powerless and allyless in this game. I don’t really like or trust anyone in this game.
Danni Boatwright wrote: Sun Feb 16, 2020 9:49:22 pm3-Gun to your head, who do you want off your tribe next :gun: :gun:
Any of the girls. I don’t care either if I go home for blatantly targeting them. If we lose I’ll push for it to be one of those dumb girls because I don’t want them here anymore. They’re making things weird and all three of them make me uncomfortable to chat with. They’re not that interesting and talking to them makes me fall asleep. I’d purposefully lose the next three immunities if it ensured these bitches all left.
Danni Boatwright wrote: Sun Feb 16, 2020 9:49:22 pm4-Now that a weekend has passed on these tribes, have you noticed any changes? who is cozying up with who?
I don’t know the dynamics. We planned to target Susie and Aurora told Eric that plan so a boy clearly betrayed us or those girls are just that good at spooking us. I don’t know who’s with who, but the girls are all covering for each other and I know they’re all close. The only people I care about are Eric and Ace so other than that I have no preference. I hate a lot of people in this game, lmao.


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By Chris
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I keep thinking about how Susie and Aurora were being mysterious and weird last night and it's still making me uncomfortable lol I'm just gonna ask Aurora straight up what it was all about idc

*Aurora signs off*


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By Chris
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Aurora is the girl I'm choosing to work with and deal with between all of the ladies. Cue Danni creating a CNN headline for my decision of which girl to work with :eyeroll: :zipit: BUT, while Susie and Crystal are fine, I get the best vibe from Aurora.

Amazing player and really nice. She's very good people and talking to her is always a good time. We've had zero time to discuss game and I believe she is a super passive player in comparison. Majoring in the UTR game, I can pretty much see straight through. She can talks circles around everyone on here, except for maybe me, but I don't view her as much of a threat as the other two. I think her and Susie are a lot closer than they're letting off and I still hold firm if we lose I want Susie or Crystal gone.

She's a hardcore player and she's playing well. She, perhaps, unintentionally made me fear the wrath of God with how weird she was being and Aurora playing right into it. I still feel uneasy when I speak to Susie because I get hella gamebot vibes from her and someone who clearly knows what they're doing. I understand that's she's trying to make her mark, but sometimes you can come on too strong. She's definitely #3 to me when it comes to the girls and I didn't like her chat that she'll "take care of me" come merge. I want her gone, but I don't know if it'll be possible.

She's the best of a bad bunch. I can't really stand any of them, but Aurora is the most fun to speak with and makes me the least uncomfortable. She told Eric she knew Susie was gonna be a vote and that he's on the bottom of the tribe. He went to asked her who told her that and she refused to say anything. See what I mean? Like all the girls are annoying and stupid so by saying Aurora is my fav isn't by a lot. She just will talk game with me and most of conversations don't result in me wanting to pull out my eyes.

Eric told me Aurora made it seem that two people told her the rumor about him being on the bottom and that Susie was the vote, which makes me believe Randy and Ace could be it. I do trust Ace and I want to trust Ace, but I don't want him to dupe me. I know that him and Randy have been working together since the first round, but it'll be annoying if they left Eric and I out to dry.

Shrug, just going to work on my social game and hope we win the challenge again. If Gillian doesn't go home, if they lose, then there's some fuckery going on.


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By Loveita
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If you tried to guess the current dynamics on the other tribe, what would they be? What connections do you think are forming? Do you think they have fewer annoying and stupid girls?


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By Chris
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Loveita wrote: Mon Feb 17, 2020 11:38:20 am If you tried to guess the current dynamics on the other tribe, what would they be? What connections do you think are forming? Do you think they have fewer annoying and stupid girls?
According to Matty from last round and these three stooges, I think that Michelle/Lauren/Aurora may have a working relationship. They were all left out in the Jacquie so my signs points to that. That being said, I guess the rest of the girls must be somewhat aligned together. Since Gillian lied to Aurora's face, I guess, I'm assuming she promised her she'd vote out Reem, but then didn't.

I think the girls have a complicated dynamic because of going to tribal, but normally people who continuously go to tribal are somewhat tighter, so I honestly have no idea. The girls are doing a really good job at not giving up anything and I guess I just don't care enough about them to try and pry.

They're definitely tighter than they're letting us know which is why I want them to constantly target them . They don't seem like a broken up and fractured group and that scares me.


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