By Sarah Jones
Another girl bites the dust and we're one round closer to the merge. Congratulations and good luck!

1. Crystal went home on Taraku, were you shocked? Or was it just another day in the office?
2. What did you make of the answers at today's challenge? Do you think any of the sins given to your tribe mates were inaccurate?
3. As the numbers get smaller, the merge becomes focused on people's minds. Do you believe the merge dynamics will be defined by the original men vs women tribes, the swap tribes, or something else entirely?
4. Who do you think is the person you can trust the most on this tribe? Is that person also who you trust the most in the entire game? Do you see yourself in the end with this person?

Sarah Jones

By Michelle
Posts Custom
I was surprised when Crystal went home. It just didn't add up with the information we were given by Matty. I never worked with Crystal and think she could have targeted me come the merge, so I'm not that sad about it to be honest. This also means that Reem's closest ally on the other side is now gone, cementing our alliance even more. The real test will be who goes home next from their tribe. If it's a girl, we have more to worry about.

I thought Ron did a fairly good job of assigning sins to each person, though Anger definitely should've gone to me lol. If he could see into my confessionals, he'd know that. But he's not wrong about pride...I do think I'm better than the boys on our tribe. Guilty as charged.

I think that the men vs women tribes will come into play, but it won't be as clear-cut as that. Suddenly big threats will become targets and weaker players like Gillian will just slip on by to the end, probably using her saggy, wrinkled boobs and huge temper as some sort of personal floatation devices. I think the remaining girls will end up working together again just because the boys are impossible to work with because they're NEVER FUCKING ONLINE.

I trust Lauren and Reem the most, and am trying to keep them both close because I think they could be playing on opposite sides come merge, and I need those options. I would love to go to the end with either of them, though Reem is definitely my top alliance at this point.


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