15th place | 3-2-2 vote
By Ziggy Lichman
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A close vote, an idol play, and a girl out the door!

1. Were you shocked by the way the vote went? Or was it just another day in the office
2. What did you make of the answers at today's challenge? Do you think any of sins given to you tribe mates were inaccurate?
3. As the numbers get smaller, the merge becomes focused on people's minds. Do you believe the merge dynamics will be defined by the original men vs women tribes, the swap tribes, or something else entirely?
4. Who do you think is the person you can trust the most on this tribe? Is that person also who you trust the most in the entire game? Do you see yourself in the end with this person?

Ziggy Lichman

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By Ace
Going to tribal council brought me back to the first time I orchestrated a blindside my freshmen year. I haven't had my heart beating that fast in forever. It was all so fast. Too fast, but what can you do. Confirmation on who was going home was a last minute ordeal. I knew how the votes were going to be going in. Nonetheless, surreal. I haven't had this fun in Survivor in a while so thank you all for casting me <3

All the guys knew that one of the girls had an idol with Susie being the frontrunner. Aurora was already the scapegoat target if we were that scared of Susie. And we were. Crystal shouldn't of been the one to go last night, but we all knew better than to put our votes onto Susie. Even myself. I threw Crystal's name out there as who we should vote even if I have been super close with her over these past few days.

It was the right decision. She voted with the girls. I have no regret voting her out, however, on a personal level I wish I had the opportunity to play the game more with her. Should've been less reserved and wispy in her chat, but oh well. I'll miss you Crystal. Salamat kaibigan mo <3

Devens and Eric wanted Crystal over Susie, and I didn't really care what happened as long as I was on the right side of the votes. I can always throw Eric as the "mastermind" over voting Crystal, as it appears the girls already don't like him by putting votes onto him. Nonetheless, I'm not a target for a while - only to Aurora maybe.

Chris and I appear to be one of the few with experience in ORGs or playing Survivor previously. You'd imagine that would put each of us at odds against one another, yet it actually has to be the opposite. We know how the game is played - stay social, don't make moves before the merge. I appear more of a challenge threat whereas Chris is likely a social threat. If we don't work together, we're both doomed to the jury. I trust my entire game with him until F5 when it's each one for themselves. I can't bring him to the end due to his social prowess over me, but I'll have the most fun in this game working with him until then.

I'd bring Devens or Randy to the end most likely. One is a sloth who doesn't get on; Randy is just having a blast being around - he doesn't have the social capital to win this game. I hope to use the both of them in order to win this game. I just gotta reel in Randy after not telling him the vote due to distrust.
The challenge was pretty good idea imo, but it's inherently a crapshoot. The other tribe had to get to know each other more through dynamics so I had a feeling we'd lose this one. Calling me gluttonous was unexpected but appreciated - it shows Randy didn't want to throw me under the bus, It just also cost us immunity. 
The guys will be leading this tribe to another swap (no way you'll let us just reach merge haha). 
The direction of the season will be dictated by the other tribe, cause if another guy gets voted on the other side, it means a few guys switched to the girls side. That'd be pretty bad ngl. But they should vote out Grandma Gilly. I'd hate to see us bring her to the end.
Probably will vent more after work so see y'all soon.
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By Ace
Don't care about taking immunity or the results of the prisoner's dilemma. If I take it I put a target on my back for no damn reason; if we go to tribal whatever. It's a race though soo we'll see


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By Ace
Poor Eric - He's actually having a moral dilemma over this. Well we're going to tribal and I don't really care - I'd be impressed if these girls force a blindside. Smooth sails from here on out


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By Loveita
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Hello! Lurker here with a couple of mid episode questions for you!

1. What was your reaction when you read the challenge rules? Did you have a plan going into it? What did you hope would happen?
2. How did you feel about the outcome of the challenge? What do you think of your tribemates’ decisions?
3. You’ve got tribal in less than 24 hours. Is it scramble time? What’s your dream plan? What are your chances of pulling it off?

As always, feel free to share any thoughts you have as they spontaneously fill your head!


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By Ace
How we doing production~

Overhearing the challenge rules didn't make much of a difference to me. A prisoner's dilemma this early in the game shouted out "don't paint a target on your back." People were asking questions while I was muddling around the internet to find anything quality to respond to Jeff's start of the "challenge." No good copy pasta was to be found, but I did find something to post at least. Hope you appreciated!

I hoped the red tribe would be the first to take immunity - I am still very much interested in the dynamics over there. However, before the challenge, Eric proposed to the butterfly five the option to throw the next upcoming challenges until the merge. I was ambivalent to the option - whatever the majority wanted I would go with. The chat shut down right at 9:00 PM EST, and then that challenge was revealed.

Didn't expect it in Eric to go for immunity, but here we are. I think he feels truly guilty for his decision. That's cute. I think both the guys and girls were a little rattled; the guys not that surprised however - Eric proposed to throw, and he committed to his decision before we came to a group consensus.

If a girl survives up to the merge, it paints a target on Eric's back. Or I can propose that Eric is the mastermind of the boys' alliance. Whatever keeps Chris and I safe on a perch overlooking the madness of banshee Aurora. And I do want to work with these three.

Now, I am getting a little bored playing this game - it's too easy. Here's the dream scenario: Devens and Randy flipping onto the girls to get Chris or I out. If I am going out, it's with shady boys not sticking to butterfly five. Randy would be the first to flip. He was not in on the vote, and he may feel blindsided by Chris. He brushed off my upfront reflection on the vote - saying I'm with him until the end. Just to remind me these twenty-four hours will be rough.
Catty girls are all and dandy, but snakes ready to bite are not to be appreciated. I don't know how Devens feels yet - a work in progress.

I'll be reminding the girls to keep me in the know tomorrow. Let's see what they try to stir up. I don't see Devens flipping if Eric and him were determined to vote Crystal out over Susie. Randy might just be as bored as I and wants to do whatever.

There may be concern about my "pre-merge" game play, and utilizing the idol in the scenario above would change all that. It'd be a 50/50 shot, but a dream to make something big happen. So we'll see.

Would my threat level be through the roof? Probably - the girls think I'm a challenge beast. Playing the idol would terrify everyone. But I'd be making a statement, and that's a lot more fun right now.

The tribal after that may be rocks? Eric would vote my ass out in a heartbeat. But whatever.

Once again, screw you Gilly.
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By Ace
Yes, I know I went from "play from the shadows" into "let's make a fucking move if the opportunity is presented." But 1% chance that dream will occur.

Aurora is fun to play with - appreciate people who can chew others out. I might fight with her tomorrow just for the heck of it.
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By Ace
Danni Boatwright wrote: Tue Feb 18, 2020 10:02:06 pm
Ace wrote: Tue Feb 18, 2020 9:53:25 pm Now, I am getting a little bored playing this game - it's too easy.
Mr Bigshot Survivor Michigan Alum getting too big for us icon_king
I imagined I'd learn a little humility and humbleness after my disastrous first time playing. Nope :P
Makes the crash and burn more enjoyable (if that happens)


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By Ace
Things are going to go smoothly! Susie is going home and nothing more to that. It's how I want it to go; the girls already think I'm an asshole (which is true in some aspects). Gonna split the votes for safe measure and see where we go from there.

Susie attacked my character, while Aurora is just a mess; Susie has to go


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